VEMS Community Forum

VEMS => Configuration => Topic started by: fphil on August 31, 2014, 10:33:29 PM

Title: IAC should reverts back to the reference position
Post by: fphil on August 31, 2014, 10:33:29 PM
The help of the item "IAC Follows TPS When Not Idle" explains what happens when this option is disable:
"When the TPS is above the idle threshold, normally the IAC reverts back to the reference position selected from the IAC Reference Curve, PWM"

So when not idling, I understand one should have IACDutyCycle= IACRefPos which value is given by the Idle Refrence curve. However this is not the case as shown by the vemslog.
What/who is wrong?

Title: Re: IAC should reverts back to the reference position
Post by: VEMS on September 01, 2014, 09:04:02 AM
Hello Philippe,

In reality its a bit more complicated what happens on leaving IDLE mode and it depend on several factors, when using PWM type solenoid like yours, when not in IDLE mode position will stay static until "Iac close delay" has passed then idle solenoid will be closed slowly, see:

Reference position will be reapplied on IDLE mode re-enty.

Best regards, Dave
Title: Re: IAC should reverts back to the reference position
Post by: fphil on September 01, 2014, 02:06:40 PM
Hello Dave

Thanks for the explanation. 
Indeed, the IAC does not reverts back to the reference position selected from the IAC Reference Curve, PWM, but keeps the value got when leaving the idle mode until the close delay is reached.
This is alright. Just to clear up my mind ;)

