I use a Galaxy Note3 with the VemsDisplay 3.4 to log via Bluetooth and the phones GPS reciever and it works great.
But how do I (in VemsTune) link GPS map position to the Multigraph time position ?
I tried using the "time" function in "custom expression" but it expires to -1, after 5 minutes and 57 sec no matter which logfile I use.
When I play the logfile the Multigraph does not move or if I select a position in the Multigraph the GPS map position does not change.
Is it possible to syncronize those two?
I could use the "time" expression to manually find the same spot in Multigraph and GPS map, but the "time" only works up to 5 minutes and 57 sec.
How do I find the same spot in MultiGraph and on the GPS map ?
Attached logfile: http://www.vems.hu/files/perboddum/PDAlogging/v3.3_u008223-2014.07.18-10.28.28.zip (ftp://www.vems.hu/files/perboddum/PDAlogging/v3.3_u008223-2014.07.18-10.28.28.zip)
By the way the new VemsDisplay 3.4 with graph editor works really great (samsung galaxy note3).
Hello Per,
If you press the play button in the menu bar, everything will play synchronized; The other way around is currently not possible (adjusting GPS log from Multigraph) however functioning like this would make a lot of sense to me, we'll look into it and update VemsTune accordingly.
Best regards, Dave
Hi Dave
I cannot get the play button to start the Multigraph. All other gauges + MAP does play, but not the Multigraph.
Also the "time" expression displays -1 after playing 3-5 minutes into the logfile. I gould use the "time" expression for finding position on the Multigraph.
Should I make an error report?
Hi Per,
The Play button will not play Multigraph currently that is correct, we are looking into making this more intuitive.
Best regards, Dave