I have a fuel temperature sensor on the new fuel rail of the TVR. It would be nice to use it to account for the effects of fuel heating when there's not much fuel in the tank to dissipate the heat from the engine.
The anytrim inputs seem easy enough to access and add in to the fuel calculation, but is there a way to set up an exponential profile (it's a resistive sensor that changes resistance with temperature in a non-linear way) as in the coolant and MAT sensors? I can see scale and offsets are available, but they aren't all that helpful once the temperature variation exceeds a few degrees.
Hello David,
In Inputs->Analog input calibration menu, on the analog channel the sensor is connected to, choose curve, then custom. Fill the custom temperature sensor curve with your sensors calibration and the temperature display side should be sorted.
Anytrim inputs work from raw adc voltage only, not calibrated values (for analog channels); But since you already have the curve it should be very easy to translate.
Best regards, Dave
Thanks. I think I can see how that works.
I'm impressed by the development that's got in to the main release of software/firmware in the last 18 months or so.