I'm bench testing setup and there is a problem.
I set VE control strategy to TPS , treshold to 100kPa and Ign/Lambda tables to kPa.
Lambda and Ignition tables works fine, it goes from 0-100 by TPS and when MAP increases above 100kPa it goes higher to max value on Y axis as it should. VE table is different ,highest value on Y axis is 100 and if i try to put anything higher there for example 110 ,error message pops up ''Value 110 is greather than maximum 100!!!''
Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? It's quite long time I've been working with VEMS :)
I'm using 1.2.23 firmware and Newest Nightly VT (from feb this year I think)
The VE table is purely TPS/RPM lookup. The whole point is to compensate for pressure in a separate table "RPM/MAP MAP corr".
Ok.I did some further testing and there are some issues.I put a short video on YT
http://youtu.be/Q-L5dC38PAk (http://youtu.be/Q-L5dC38PAk)
1. RPM/MAP MAP corr doesn't seem to work, PW remains the same no matter what values I put in the cells
2. Cursor (blue dot) doesn't go all the way down to 0% on VE map
It is a bit strange for me that VE map has plenty resolution and it's used only for TPS.On the other hand RPM/MAP MAPcorr has a bit too little columns ,so it could be not enough in some cases.Is there any particular reason why both TPS and MAP aren't on one 16x16 VE table?
Hello Ryniobl,
I viewed your Youtube video and managed to review that a bit, putting 0 in map corr table is not supported, base value should be 100% e.g. PW = Pre_MAPCOR_PreMapMult_PW * Current_MAPCOR * MAP. When Current_MAPCOR = 100 % -> * 1.00 -> no correction. When you put 0 in the upper right corner of the table, map correction is disabled.
Your TPS dot (blue dot) value in VE table not going to 0 is most likely caused by idle control alpha-n feedback, see starting / idle -> idle control general -> alpha-n IAC compensation. To disable enter 0% (for more info see its help page: http://vems.hu/vt/help/v3/v3_idle_settings.html).
If after these changes you still suspect a problem, please provide a datalog (make a sharing report), that way i can review both configuration and realtime variables; After review i will get back to you.
Best regards, Dave
Thanks!Now it works as expected :)
One last question.Is it possible to change firmware parameters that are grayed out, for example 12x12 VE map instead 16x12? I remember there were 2 different .hex files for this but now I can't see anything like that so maybe It's obsolete?
Hello Ryniobl,
The greyed out parameters are read from firmware itself, these are not configurable. But it is possible to use only part of a 16x14 map to make an initial smaller map (e.g. 12x12) configuration. Upscaling can be done automatically with the table remap function; Choose your new bin sites and VemsTune will recalculate.
Best regards, Dave