Hi I read about the new 1.2.20 but I can not understand the position about:
requires uhex bootloader (all boards and ECU purchased since 2011-03 has uhex bootloader) Verify in VemsTune File / "Firmware info": Marked by the 'u' as in "v3.3_u009583"
older devices upgradable after locking certain internal "fuse" bit with an [AVR-ISP] device (or a cheap 5-wire DSUB25 parallel printer port stk200 or similar ISP cable with avrdude).
For what part do we need this? For RS232->USB do we need this?
Hello Bill,
This is only applicable if you have a petty old board, the new 1.2.20 firmware (and all firmwares up) are restricted to uhex bootloader only (which is applied standard in boards since 2011-03), firmware release will from now on only be released in uhex format.
But this requires users of older boards to upgrade their bootloader if applicable (and they want to run the latest firmware). Checking of bootloader version in your board is easy: In VemsTune -> File -> Firmware info -> SerialNumber; If this starts with "v3.3_u" you have uhex bootloader (good) if it stats with "v3.3_n" you have non-hex bootloader (requires upgrade).
Best regards, Dave
As a matter of fact, the new release is 652K instead of 856K. What happens? Big cuts of dead code?
Hello Philippe,
The actual firmware code file (uhex) got a bit bigger mainly due to many speed improvements, but after size offset from removal of hex file from distribution, total package size is less.
Best regards, Dave
I tried uploading 1.2.20 to one of my ECU's on the bench.
Everything looked well until i applied a 60-2 triggersignal from soundcard, Vemstune disconnects and the Ecu gets stuck.
Sometimes it gets stuck with an injector FET activated, sometimes the same channel is stuck in High-Z mode, Injector-PWM is activated.
The board starts as it should when rebooted.
Went back to 1.2.17 and everything works as it should again.
Using latest Nightly VemsTune with ini-update and firmware from the firmware-web-tool.
The board has uhex bootloader
Are VEMS shop going to sell the firmware upgrade cable for old boards.... i have a 3.1 board
Thanks Mads
I am glad someone asked this question, as have been wondering about this......
My ecu is n_001401, but how do you obtain a copy of the new bootloader?
I have a self made ISP cable and can unlock the required "bits" but cannot find the bootloader to upload to the ecu.
Boot loader upgrade can be complex process unless you are familiarly with processors and electronics.
I will recommend sending the box to Hungary for update.
If you like to do the work by you self then buy a USB boot loader. I have used the USB loader several times and it´s much easier then mess around with command prompt.
I have V3.3_n001441 :-(
The USB ISP cable is here: http://shop.vems.hu/catalog/cable-p-165.html
But as was mentioned previously by Peter, it's much preferred to send the ECU to HU to get upgraded unless you have experience programming microcontrollers. Send them an email at
[email protected] to get a return authorization.
Or if you're in the US,
[email protected].
Purpose of fuse bit changing was not afterwards ability to change bootloader using serial communication?
I'm also intrested in new bootloader for v3.3_n002183 on PCB is mark v3.5 ...
don't know whether I would be happy to return my ecu all the way to hungry...im not saying it would get lost or damaged.....but
Is there no one in the UK that could do this?
what's the worse case scenario that could happen during boot loader update if you were to do it yourself?
I have better than average PC skills, with computers & dos programming....so could handle it I am sure....
Quote from: lost on January 09, 2014, 05:20:58 PM
I'm also intrested in new bootloader for v3.3_n002183 on PCB is mark v3.5 ...
I can upgrade you in Croatia.
so I am still at a loss on how to actual obtain the boot loader in the first place!!!
QuoteIf you like to do the work by you self then buy a USB boot loader
can this be done via the vems shop???....or another route?
Only problem I have is that I am not the original purchaser....as the unit was bought second hand.....so can I still do this?
Quote from: Seight-v8 on January 16, 2014, 08:02:31 PM
so I am still at a loss on how to actual obtain the boot loader in the first place!!!
Send an email to
[email protected] if you're in Europe. Ask for a uhex bootloader, and provide your ECU s/n.
sure, i emailed them over a week ago, and still no reply.....
Like the last email I sent over the GPS....never had a reply....
This is fast becoming my biggest problem with the whole vems thing.....lack of information & help...
frustrating when all I want to do is move on....and get things working
anyone managed to upgrade the bootloader yet????
I am still waiting from a HQ reply to my emails.......3 weeks and waiting.
I think they should simply offer it further for the older hex also. Is it that much more work? Are there any benefits for uhex?
ok, so I've done it, I have now upgraded my bootloader to the uhex one.
thanks to marcell for sending me some information & help.
So this is what I did.
Downgraded firmware to 1.1.94 (bootloader upgrade) version using firmware wizard, then using isp cable set the lock fuse to allow bootloader upgrade using avrdude....
then used bootloader upgrade wizard from firmware menu, which did the rest, then loaded firmware v1.2.21 to ecu....
wow don't know what I was worried about.....lol....not the easiest thing I've ever done with my car....but few glad its over.
good luck to anyone else that attempts it, but looking forward to driving my car again during the summer
thanks for everyones input.
Can you forward the information to me? I have made a ISP cable to set the lock fuse.
Hello Arvid,
The automated bootloader upgrade procedure only works when you have been given authorization on the bootloader upgrade server. Always contact
[email protected] (make sure to mention ecu serial number) first.
Best regards, Dave
yes this must be what marcel did for me, when I emailed....
He did also explain, there is work to be done with the bootloader upgrade for people using vems.
Befoe starting bootloader upgrade procedure from vems (1.1.94) is it enough to just lock one "3c" fuse using:
avrdude -v -c bsd -p m128 -U lock:w:0x3c:m
Or there are other fuses?
There are more fuses yes, but the 3C one is the only one you need to unlock to upgrade the bootloader.
The others are not required to upgrade the bootloader.
I have locked 3c fuse, downgraded to bootloader upgrade firmware, and it look like there is problem with server, or have no permission to get the bootloader.
I have v3.3_n002183 Vems board.
Can anyone from vems HQ to fix the problem?
(http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/640x480q90/855/ml5d.jpg) (https://imageshack.com/i/nrml5dj)
Lost: hope your problem is solved by now.
On my side, I gave a look to the update process for the bench ecu. If I had Internet where the bench is I could try to udate the bootoader from the server, however I dont know how to lock the 3C fuse ;p) (paraphrasing "si j'avais des oeufs je ferais une omelette au jambon, mais je n'ai pas de jambon")
If someone can tell the bootloader update procedure with and without the server download, step by step, in a technical way, this could be probably helpful for a bunch of people.
You need to use something like usbasp programer with 10 to 6 pin converter, with disabled jumper to vcc voltage pin, connect it to ISPI pins on vems board, power up vems from ec36 (dont foget to use 2 ground wires connected together, one is sensor ground, other is common groud), install drivers for usbasp, install avrdude, and then id CMD prompt just enter "avrdude -v -c usbasp -p m128 -U lock:w:0x3c:m" and it will lock fuse 3c. now you can power down everything and update vems to 1.1.94 bootloader update firmware, and then use, bootloader upgrade tool from vemstune, and then you will probably get stuck same as me, as no one responds to emails etc :) I have sent emails before with questions how to upgrade, and nothing.
note: if you use stk200 cable or something else then you just replace "-c usbasp" to "-c stk200"
Does anyone have email adress of someone in vems who worked on this and have access to bootloader upgrade server.
Or who works on vemstune?
Hello Lost,
Have you been authorized for bootloader upgrade ? Quoting an earlier snippet from same thread:
Quote from: VEMS on February 24, 2014, 11:36:55 AM
The automated bootloader upgrade procedure only works when you have been given authorization on the bootloader upgrade server. Always contact [email protected] (make sure to mention ecu serial number) first.
Best regards, Dave
Quote from: lost on April 03, 2014, 03:04:37 PM
You need to use something like usbasp programer with 10 to 6 pin converter, with disabled jumper to vcc voltage pin, connect it to ISPI pins on vems board, power up vems from ec36 (dont foget to use 2 ground wires connected together, one is sensor ground, other is common groud)..;
Thanks lost for your explanation.
I was not aware that the avrdude was the gnu system programmer for the AVR chips and that the .tar.gz package is given with the VemsTune.exe download (fw menu). From there everything clears up. Just need to read the avr documentation, etc...
Quote from: VEMS on April 05, 2014, 03:50:17 PM
Hello Lost,
Have you been authorized for bootloader upgrade ? Quoting an earlier snippet from same thread:
Quote from: VEMS on February 24, 2014, 11:36:55 AM
The automated bootloader upgrade procedure only works when you have been given authorization on the bootloader upgrade server. Always contact [email protected] (make sure to mention ecu serial number) first.
Best regards, Dave
I send another email to
[email protected] and put just four digit serial number in subject and first line of email, and asked for bootloader access, and Marcell replyed that its granted.
As i allready locked fuse 3c before, i just connected vems via serial cable, in vemstune selected bootloader upgrade, next... next, and its upgraded to universal bootloader now.
Did you used just the rs232 connection to VEMS. Anyone wants to show how to lock this fuse??
first use just serial cable and get firmware for bootlader upgrade (in vemstun), then try firmware upgrade, if it tells you that you need to lock fuse, then you need something like "usbasp" with 10 to 6 pin adapter.
Read the whole thread.
I did but got lost in the acronyms and technical details