Guys, any plans to release a version of vemsdisplay with a descriptor editor like for normal VT? I am converting the car to eliminate the cluster and I have all the info inputs to the ecu but no way to show it nicely like oil pressure, fuel level. I'm limited to ADC calc gauges.
Also, could you add a feature to the gauges to change color, flash, illuminate a section of the gauge face, to act as a warning light for that gauge (oil pressure too low, low fuel etc)
Bueller? Bueller?
Does anyone know of a development wiki showing upcoming features for the android app?
I am also eager to know about it :)
New VemsDisplay version has just been released (3.2), for details see:
Most noticeable changes, ADC cal inputs are now correctly scaled also in VemsDisplay, using the same dataset as on VemsTune; ADC Cal channel names as selected in VemsTune is still pending but will follow soon.
More details on setting up ADC cal:
Best regards, Dave
Finally fired it up for the first time with the tablet dash! Working great, just waiting on an update to be able to change the analog gauge descriptors
Hello BigD,
New VemsDisplay released with some features that might interest you, more info:
Best regards, Dave
Hello, sorry for diging into this post. Does anyone know how to change the name for the ADC CALC gauge individually in VemsDisplay?
When i change in Gauge Description, it changes all gauges adc255 type... I wanted to name individually the ADC CAL gauges as for Fuel Pressure, Oil Pressure, Potentiometer, etc
Thanks in advance!