VEMS Community Forum

VEMS => Configuration => Topic started by: Mads Lund on July 20, 2013, 07:37:56 PM

Title: config parameter missing in VT, generating validate error
Post by: Mads Lund on July 20, 2013, 07:37:56 PM
Hi, just finished installing and configuring my VEMS

but one unsolvable problem exist:
in VemsTune do I miss the "2/4 stroke" parameter in the engine setup dialog. The config file is set to "2 stroke" and when I validate the config, do I recieve an error "don't use 2 stroke mode"

Is there a way of editing the config file in a text editor to change that parameter, or any other work around ?

I did ofcause upgrade both firmware and vemstune (config 1.2.11   VT 1.5.3)

Br Mads