I'm not getting an rpm signal with genboard 3.6 on a URS4. Works fine with a 55 pin motronic unit though. I made a harnass connector between the car's 55 pin motronic and the genboard 3.6 using the following pinout:
1 EC18-11 Stepper-D Power output stage for ignition, cylinder #1
2 EC18-05 Stepper-C Power output stage for ignition, cylinder #2
3 EC36-18 INJ-F Fuel pump relay control
4 EC36-06 INJ-G Audi Idle air control, needs Schottky flyback
8 EC36-13 Sec. Trigger Hall effect sensor (signal wire from G40 pin #2)
10 EC36-5 GND5 Ground #1 (0V) - Inlet manifold
11 EC18-01 Knock Sensor 1 (AAN: cylinder: 1,3)
12 EC36-28 Sensor 5V +5V for HALL, altitude sensor, coding plug connector
14 EC36-21 GND5 0V Reference Signal (AAN: sensor)
16 EC36-07 INJ-A Fuel injector #5 control (switched 0V)
17 EC36-08 INJ-C Fuel injector #2 control (switched 0V)
19 EC36-32 GND5 Ground #3 (0V) (Solder on the bottom side)
20 EC18-10 Stepper-B Power output stage for ignition, cylinder #4
21 EC18-04 Stepper-A Power output stage for ignition, cylinder #5
22 EC36-15 p259-5 CEL check engine light
23 EC36-11 Ignch4 Power output stage for ignition, cylinder #3
24 EC36-32 GND5 Ground #4 (0V)
27 EC36-25 VBATT +12V Ignition ON (Terminal 15)
29 EC18-02 Knock Sensor 2 (AAN: cylinder: 4,5)
30 EC36-26 GND 0V Reference Signal (AAN: sensor)
31 EC36-31 1k * 10uF Fuel consumption signal for trip computer (J128)
32 EC36-15 1k * 10uF Boost pressure signal for trip computer (Not used on S2)
33 EC36-17 INJ-H Wastegate frequency valve control (switched 0V)
34 EC36-09 INJ-E Fuel injector #3 control (switched 0V)
35 EC36-19 INJ-B Fuel injector #4 control (switched 0V)
36 EC36-20 INJ-D Fuel injector #1 control (switched 0V)
37 EC36-23 Flyback +12V battery feed, via Fuse S28
40 EC36-04 P259-ch0 Tachometer signal (to Instruments & Autocheck)
44 EC36-02 MAT Intake air temperature sensor, 429 Ohm pullup
45 EC36-14 CLT Coolant temperature sensor
47 EC18-12 LM1815sectrig Crankshaft position sensor 62 BTDC cyl1
48 EC18-17 GND Reference point for engine speed and crankshaft position sensors
49 EC36-27 Prim. Trigger Engine speed sensor 135 cranktooth
50 EC18-08 speed in Wheel speed input, 4k7 4k7 and 5v1 Zener protection diode.
53 EC36-01 TPS Throttle valve position (F60/G69 Pin #3)
Any idea where to test for a problem?
first remove spark plugs, disconnect coils and injectors, then crank, try to record trigger log, what firmware what configuration do you have? :) look when you are cranking do the indicator running on lights up? try to disable sec trigger and crank it then.
running 1.1.81
I recorded log and config files here: http://vems.hu/vemstune/bugreports/reports.php?cmd=view&key=MDAnpV
did you made trigger log? and better upgrade firmware and vemstune
Is recording the triggerlog the same procedure as normal logging?
No, recording trigger logs is done with a tool in the tools menu.