I updated my Vemstune to the newest July 2012 version and now the firmware update works fine. I updated to 1.1.81 and loaded (I think) the saved config from the other unit. What worries me though is that I get a error message that says I must press the config validate button because there are errors, but I don't find the config validate button...
I attach a log of me trying to start - I see I dont get and rpm signal. I rechecked the wiring from the vems to the 55 pin connector and it seems fine. Maybe I am using the wrong pinout - that I will also attach.
Any thoughts?
oops... how do I post an excel file and a log file?
When connected to an ECU, or offline with a config/vemslog opened up, you find the "Validate config" buttonto the right of the "LOG" button under the menu bar.
My tip to you, try the latest 1.2.x instead. It works just fine and is easier for troubleshooting. Make sure to use the latest "nightly" VemsTune, see www.vems.hu/vt
To share vemslog and triggerlog files, use the Help menu in VemsTune and the built-in "Error reporting" which requires an internet connection. It creates an online page for your query, the link you are given to this is meant for sharing with the forum and whoever you want.
1.2.2 I think. There is special tweaks for Audi triggering.
Or 1.1.95 (not 96).
AAN EC18/36 note Function / Assignment
1 EC18-11 Stepper-D Power output stage for ignition, cylinder #1
2 EC18-05 Stepper-C Power output stage for ignition, cylinder #2
3 EC36-18 INJ-F Fuel pump relay control
4 EC36-06 INJ-G Audi Idle air control, needs Schottky flyback
8 EC36-13 Sec. Trigger Hall effect sensor (signal wire from G40 pin #2)
10 EC36-5 GND5 Ground #1 (0V) - Inlet manifold
11 EC18-01 Knock Sensor 1 (AAN: cylinder: 1,3)
12 EC36-28 Sensor 5V +5V for HALL, altitude sensor, coding plug connector
14 EC36-21 GND5 0V Reference Signal (AAN: sensor)
16 EC36-07 INJ-A Fuel injector #5 control (switched 0V)
17 EC36-08 INJ-C Fuel injector #2 control (switched 0V)
19 EC36-32 GND5 Ground #3 (0V) (Solder on the bottom side)
20 EC18-10 Stepper-B Power output stage for ignition, cylinder #4
21 EC18-04 Stepper-A Power output stage for ignition, cylinder #5
22 EC36-15 p259-5 CEL check engine light
23 EC36-11 Ignch4 Power output stage for ignition, cylinder #3
24 EC36-32 GND5 Ground #4 (0V)
27 EC36-25 VBATT +12V Ignition ON (Terminal 15)
29 EC18-02 Knock Sensor 2 (AAN: cylinder: 4,5)
30 EC36-26 GND 0V Reference Signal (AAN: sensor)
31 EC36-31 1k * 10uF Fuel consumption signal for trip computer (J128)
32 EC36-15 1k * 10uF Boost pressure signal for trip computer (Not used on S2)
33 EC36-17 INJ-H Wastegate frequency valve control (switched 0V)
34 EC36-09 INJ-E Fuel injector #3 control (switched 0V)
35 EC36-19 INJ-B Fuel injector #4 control (switched 0V)
36 EC36-20 INJ-D Fuel injector #1 control (switched 0V)
37 EC36-23 Flyback +12V battery feed, via Fuse S28
40 EC36-04 P259-ch0 Tachometer signal (to Instruments & Autocheck)
44 EC36-02 MAT Intake air temperature sensor, 429 Ohm pullup
45 EC36-14 CLT Coolant temperature sensor
47 EC18-12 LM1815sectrig Crankshaft position sensor 62 BTDC cyl1
48 EC18-17 GND Reference point for engine speed and crankshaft position sensors
49 EC36-27 Prim. Trigger Engine speed sensor 135 cranktooth
50 EC18-08 speed in Wheel speed input, 4k7 4k7 and 5v1 Zener protection diode.
53 EC36-01 TPS Throttle valve position (F60/G69 Pin #3)
SSC5 hossz EC18/36 Funkció
1 445mm nernst
2 470mm Supply 12V
3 445mm Heater -
4 445mm Pump -
5 440mm Pump +
SSC6 hossz EC18/36 Funkció
1 EC36-16 p259 ch1
2 mcp3208 ch6
3 mcp3208 ch7
4 EC36-34 IGN ch2
5 EC36-36 IGN ch3
I used the error reporting tool (hopefully correctly). Here is the url (I hthink)