so ive not used my car for over a year now, due to other up for sale.....
And now i have some spare time again, been looking at my car & vems again.
But i now have questions as looks like things have changed.
1. Looks like i cant take any logs on my sd card without have "stuffed byte format" disabled, and now i cant get any GPS readings to save during the sdcard logging.
2. What is bootloader upgrade mean/do, is it important, as its says i need to upgrade, but i cant as its not locked.
3. oh good second lambda......but where is all the information????? about how it works and how to wire it....
I do love my vems, but i find it difficult struggling with the lack of information.
thanks for any help
I am looking at the 2nd lambda too. It's only been around a couple of weeks, so no surprise there's no info yet.
I believe there are some oddities with 1.1.99 regarding logging. Not sure what they are because I jumped straight to 1.2.0 (from 1.1.96) so I could have the better lambda smoothing algorithm.
i'll give 1.2.0 a go then, see if anything changes, ive got all the gear for a second lambda just never fitted it when i built the engine.
I know my engine/setup is still lumpy at idle, but i've been working on this while i have plenty of spare time, its better, but the lambda readings are still varying about 0.05, and the map readings 3-5kpa, maybe a small air leak somewhere.