VEMS Community Forum

VEMS => Software => Topic started by: Lizard on July 09, 2011, 10:10:01 PM

Title: Trouble with VEMS V3.0
Post by: Lizard on July 09, 2011, 10:10:01 PM
This is a VEMS V3

The car it is on is a 1990 928GT.
It was installed on the car and the car was running flawlessly.
The car was then parked for awhile, but was started every week or two.
It was then taken out for a drive and wasnt acting right. As well the car suddenly developed a hot start problem.

Using 1.0.73
I hooked up the computer and saw that the ignition table MAP points had changed. I adjusted them back to what they should have and then all of a sudden the AFR went haywire. I had to add 60 points to most of the upper RPMs just to make the car drivable. Then to top that off some of the mid ranges were stupid rich even with almost zeros in them. So obviously something had corrupted.

Then I decided to just say sod it and update the firmware to a later version.
I turned the ign on, and using VEMSTUNE I tried to update to 1.1.94.
The moment that I hit the update button the system dropped and said that it could couldnt communicate. I tried to do the emergency revival and same thing.
I then realised that it could not communicate with the brain at all.

I then used the method found here (,209.0.html) with jumping the RX/TX line, and turning the ign on. I can then get communication with the brain.
It will not complete the firmware update still. When I try, it does the same as before, goes to erasing, then says that it has been cancelled. When I click ok, it then tells me that Boot Mode Detected. Stay reason: Bad Marker (old) Device V3. It then gives me the option to stay or leave. If I click stay I can remain communicating. If I click leave, it goes to leaving boot mode, then says that it cannot leave boot mode, and the moment I click OK I loose communication again until I jumper the Rx/Tx lines again.

Do we have any suggestions for this?
I am really needing to get this car running again!

Title: Re: Trouble with VEMS V3.0
Post by: Lizard on July 10, 2011, 04:54:56 PM
Just wanted to update this.

We hooked up the base station to the laptop. Then we had a direct serial connection.
As well we set it to PS2 version (even though it doesnt have the PS2 cable). The firmware updated successfully and we are back in business.