Hi, I am using 1.1.81 (4cyl Opel C20LET, COPs, full seq - see my project page), everything is running ok, without any errors, but wiki says there is some boost control PID overflow problem ? (I am running on wastegate spring only now). How serious is this problem ?
Anyway, I had tried 1.1.88 release, engine was idling well, but there were a lot of trigger errors (bad position etc.) Therefore I am back on 1.1.81. Today I am looking on wiki, and there is new 1.1.94 rls and is higly recommended to move to this version from 1.1.88. Is better (due boost control PID) to go to this FW ?; other side: should I expect the same trigger errors like by 1.1.88 ?
were the trigger errors primary or secondary?
I was seeing false reports for a while on my secondary but thought it was possibly VT not the firmware. Regardless, i'm running 1.1.94 with no problems. there are some new settings for trigger error (don't remember when they appeared) were you can set a window. So maybe monitor your secondary trigger and get the window setup. I still see quick error pop up on mine during cranking but it goes away
It was secondary pos. error, I think. But I know position of my 2nd trigger well, see here http://www.vemssupport.com/forum/index.php/topic,1415.0.html. So secondary isn't challenging with primary missing teeth. As I've said, 1.1.81 is working good, car is almost tuned (on low boost). But now I need the boost control is working safely....
im running 1.1.88 without any boost PID overflow issues, but im keen in upgrading to a newest version to take advantage on better use of knock control. is that working ok on 1.1.94?