Is it worth upgrading on the latest vemstune version even though the firmware version is still the same?
i have been looking at the new features of the firmwares and they dont seem to apply in any of the areas that id like addressed (other than the knock control which i havent followed and dont know at which stage it is). As i am interested in seeing the speed sensor control being nice and accurate on the audi,which is not in 1.1.88 still, i am staying on the same firmware. So is there a need to upgrade the vemstune in that case? or should i only upgrade once i go to a newer firmware?
what version on you running now? it would be nice if they put out change notes so you could see what the fixes are - but i typically go for the latest version anyways. not sure when they added it but the new versions alert you when new files (ini files) are available as well as new versions of VT
also - what type of issues do you see on the speed sensor? what are you using for an input?
reason i ask is i'm fighting some too at the moment.
upgrade.. i have wheel speed on both my cars on 1.1.92. it works fine. what are you trying to get it to do? or is it not accurate?
and im going to go to .93 and test knock next
On the Audi it wasn't good. Always jumping around and I want it for gear depended boost. I have now upgraded from the February vemstune and looking for correct valeis from anyone having an Audi s2 or rs2
I think problem is reed-contact: it produces dirty signal at closing.
Take a look on Marcells page . He have some finding how to filter this signal hardware-wise.
it is not clear to me, but is this something that needs the cable mentioned in the page with the capasitor installed? is this a hardware or a software issue then?
He use this I think:
But seems idea is to create low-pass filter. It is hardware solution consisting from 2/3 parts. Probably 2 of them is already onboard and you have to try just add capacitor.
so the capasitor is in the cable? where does that cable connect to? the laptop?
You don't need that cable if your unit has speed sensor input. You need to modify your existing signal input circuit.
Cable is designed for units with historical keyboard input to add speed sensor functionality.
indeed my ECU has the input sensor. What modification do i have to do? is that on a cable of the engine? or the ECU that i have to do?
as you have noticed, im not that good with electronics/electrics!
I have just reported an error message i got from vemstune (16/6/2011). I installed it on my laptop with windows 7 and it cannot open my config.
gives an error message:
Error message: SQLITE_CANTOPEN[14]: unable to open database file
Database: C:\Program Files (x86)\VemsTune\config\
Caught time: 1970-01-01 01:57:57
this is a config that was saved today by me on my other laptop which connects to the ECU and has windows XP.
anyone knows what is going wrong?
Reinstall in case this problem comes up.
Don't let VemsTune update itself after being installed, say no when asked.
There are quality control issues, as you know.
uninstalled, and reinstalled and did the same.
i denied any updates to be loaded, and i get the same error.
post updates, again the same error.
so ill wait for next vemstune version for the windows 7 to work properly
I've been running Vemstune on Windows 7 for months with no issues...
maybe right click and try "run as administrator"?
hey, that cured it!!!!
Took delivery of an Easysync / FTDI converter. Installed the latest driver from the FTDI website, Set the baud to 19200 for now and hooked up the V3. Worked an absolute treat, not one issue. hot plug and unplug, no problem. hot unplug V3 and hot plug Vems Round, no problem. Power on Power off, all good ;D ECU is not in the car yet though :D
I think that most of this reliability is down to the increasing robustness of Vemstune. I just didn't want to take any chances on the issues with the Prolific converters, even though there are little probems these days.
So, to the software developers at Vems HQ, here is a big pat on the back!, Keep up the good work, this a truely awsome package that now only needs the edges smoothing off (knock, duel WB02 or external WBO2 input)
I now have some new things to play with (iButton, I've had the chips since 2007 and not been able to do anything with it) while I'm waiting on the Knock ;D