I know there is a version of VemsTune for Linux. Has anybody thought about making a version of VemsTune for Android ?
that would be cool a display app for your phone..
Vems Hq has acquired an ipad Android and will make some test but it´s a new language so don´t expect any released in the near future.
Use Vt it´s a cool software and getting better every day ;)
The linux version is usable? A bit old isn't it?
Usable just like in win. I'm using it with ubuntu.
I want to try the ubuntu version also.
where can it be found? It has the latest features?
Here it is
Today, i'm find someting like this:
If Anyone tested it ?
Have anyone found out how to connect this to VEMS ECU or PC with running VemsTune ?
I think you need blue tooth.
when you say bluetooth, do you mean that you need to have the vems ECU with bluetooth dongle?
how do you connect that?
With something like this?
What baudrate is supported in the VEMS app? Looks like standard setting in these cheap BT/serial devices is 9600. The Android app looks nice! Would be nice if theres a possibility to edit maps also in the future!
aim protocol use 19200
This looks nice :)
I downloaded the program to my 7" ZTE Light and I really like the idea. So I've looked around for some cheap RS232-BT adapter and I found one at Dealextreme (http://www.dealextreme.com/p/wireless-bluetooth-rs232-ttl-transceiver-module-80711). It's originally set at 9600 but can via AT commands (terminal) be set to other speeds including 19200.
I'll by one and give it a try..
Would be nice if vems aim give more channel, for example ego correction, lambda target etc.
With the AiM protocol you have the data that AiM specify which was designed for their LCD Dashboards. Do don't think that there was much provision for more data to be carried as the protocol dictates a time sliced set of events with specific data entries available for each time slice, and each time slice was pretty full.
What about another version:
Serial2Bluetooth ?
How can wireless be used with VEMS ?
I was thinking that maybe it would be possible with RS232->USB and after that USB->Bluetooth.
Can someone confirm if that would work and also if it is fater than the LCD display most of us use. It would make sense only if it is faster.
Android is a Linux version? Cant VT-Linux be compiled to run under android?
So a tablet can be used running VT kinda cool i think ;D
I tried to test this using a serial port replicator program like this:
- Vems -> PC Serial Port -> Replicator software IP:Port <- Wifi <- Android Phone
I managed to Get a 'Connected to IP:Port' message, but then a 'No AiM Detected' message always appears.
I was enabling aim by setting to enable in Vemstune Display Settings, then selecting yes when asked to enable AiM when closing Vemstune. Maybe I should enable AiM another way?
Next step is to log data through the port replicator and see. Could be a handy way to test with no extra hardware, though I have some bluetooth to serial adapters coming!
Did anyone get this working?
Well using a bluetooth dongle on my work laptop and bray terminal I managed to connect via SPP and send some data which VemsDisplay worked with, so I am going to get a LM048 RS232 to bluetooth adaptor and give it a go.
I reckon I can also use it with my tuning laptop as it has bluetooth built in instead of having a long serial lead running from the ECU to the driving seat (engine in the back of a camper!)
Why not use this cheapo BT-RS232 which sell from 10-20 USD with shipping?
I see they need 3.3V supply and as far as i get it can be integrated in VEMS so VEMS is accessable via Bluetooth from Android or PC.
Or i got something wrong :)
Good idea, I have bought one of these cheap ones as it is from a UK seller http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=260892777517
The only problem is that you have to change the baud rate using a serial lead, you can't do it via bluetooth.
Something like the Roving Networks RN42 would be better as it can be configured over bluetooth and then reset. However with a socket module it is about £30
How does it work on 9600 ?
I ran the USB bluetooth dongle SPP connection at 19200 using terminal and sending the single data line of $01$A3$05$05$AE to the Android phone
Quote from: paul_f on November 24, 2011, 07:18:58 AM
Good idea, I have bought one of these cheap ones as it is from a UK seller http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=260892777517
The only problem is that you have to change the baud rate using a serial lead, you can't do it via bluetooth.
Don't you have to use a serial converter CI like MAX232 to use this type of module with genboard ?
Quote from: jeanno on November 26, 2011, 10:52:50 AM
Quote from: paul_f on November 24, 2011, 07:18:58 AM
Good idea, I have bought one of these cheap ones as it is from a UK seller http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=260892777517
The only problem is that you have to change the baud rate using a serial lead, you can't do it via bluetooth.
Don't you have to use a serial converter CI like MAX232 to use this type of module with genboard ?
Thanks for pointing that I'd otherwise I would have had a broken device by this time tomorrow!
I'll have to make a max232 circuit up at lunch tomorrow, hopefully we still have them in the electronics lab at work!
Had I bought a device that could be configured via bluetooth I could have fitted inside the VEMS directly onto the ISP connector.
Once I have tried with this one externally I will then buy one of the RN42 ones as these seem to be used quite a lot by the Arduino community and they can be configured over bluetooth so there is a small possibility I could use it for Vemstune as well
Got it working this evening ;D
Upgraded my Vems to 1.1.95 from 1.1.74 at the same time.
Initally I got nothing, but when using the serial port on the PC with terminal VEMS was sending AIM data.
When the USB serial was connected to the bluetooth module I could also communicate.
Then swapped the TX and RX cables to the MAX232 interface and it worked. Not tried it with the engine running yet but the pedal seemed to track smoothly.
If you are looking for an android bluetooth serial terminal then the only one that I found to work was one called SENA Bterm - it works pretty well
I have an HP touchpad that i've loaded Android onto. It would be great if I could connect this to the VEMS in my car. I'm going to look into getting the bluetooth adapter you recommended and start working on this.
If you have a laptop with bluetooth built in you can test to see if it will work without buying the adaptor.
Send $01$A3$05$05$AE at 19200,8,n,1
This will make the RPM gauge say something
My laptop only has WIFI not bluetooth. Its too old but is still a good tuning laptop.
Have you tried it with the engine running yet?
Not yet, I am just putting the max232 and the bluetooth module in a little project box. I am going to use the LCD DB9 to supply VCC and Gnd for the max232 and bluetooth module and then other db9 to the serial cable.
You can get cheap laptop bluetooth USB dongles for a few pounds that would work to test it if you wanted
I have tested the latest version ( 10/24 ) with galaxy tab and htc desire hd and it seems very promising.
(We started to build an own app for displaying aim, but this official app makes no sense for further developing our own)
There is no issue page on wiki for it, but I have some hints:
I use the app with bt-rs232 adapter, and when adapter lost power, app not reconnect to it, just when I go to the menu and back.
Would be nice a method to change views without swice the touch screen, a minimal api which can switch with some command, or some aim channel hack (for example error code) when vems ecu send a switch command similar to lcd page switch
Anyway there is chance to vems send aim on the second serial port where gps connect? ( of course gps not usable in this situation because of baud rate mismatch)
Quote from: paul_f on November 29, 2011, 10:28:01 PM
Got it working this evening ;D
Upgraded my Vems to 1.1.95 from 1.1.74 at the same time.
Initally I got nothing, but when using the serial port on the PC with terminal VEMS was sending AIM data.
When the USB serial was connected to the bluetooth module I could also communicate.
Then swapped the TX and RX cables to the MAX232 interface and it worked. Not tried it with the engine running yet but the pedal seemed to track smoothly.
If you are looking for an android bluetooth serial terminal then the only one that I found to work was one called SENA Bterm - it works pretty well
Nice work, picked up a pair of BT/RS232 devices on ebay now to try it out myself.
Looks like Android is now supported
The new version fail to start with android 4.0
Same here, 4.04, failed to start.
Same here, ics wont start it
Would this be enough for the connection?
new version:
start, but no menu on ics :/
Quote from: billman on June 28, 2012, 10:06:42 AM
Would this be enough for the connection?
Can I connect this to the RS232->USB cable?
I have done with this:
http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=m570.l2736&_nkw=Arduino+DB9+RS232+Wireless+Bluetooth+Module+Slave+Serial+4Pin+DB9+Male-Female (http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=m570.l2736&_nkw=Arduino+DB9+RS232+Wireless+Bluetooth+Module+Slave+Serial+4Pin+DB9+Male-Female)
This stoles the signal?
I searched for the one the use in the video about the Android set-up and could not find something useful.
Quote from: billman on July 02, 2012, 12:28:39 PM
Quote from: billman on June 28, 2012, 10:06:42 AM
Would this be enough for the connection?
Can I connect this to the RS232->USB cable?
This is to add Bluetooth ability to your laptop.
Quote from: billman on July 02, 2012, 01:48:12 PM
This stoles the signal?
I searched for the one the use in the video about the Android set-up and could not find something useful.
No, it is not pass through, just connect one side to vems.
Quote from: z0tya on July 02, 2012, 12:38:19 PM
I have done with this:
http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=m570.l2736&_nkw=Arduino+DB9+RS232+Wireless+Bluetooth+Module+Slave+Serial+4Pin+DB9+Male-Female (http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=m570.l2736&_nkw=Arduino+DB9+RS232+Wireless+Bluetooth+Module+Slave+Serial+4Pin+DB9+Male-Female)
I have seen similar cheap boards, but what powers this as the Vems serial port is TX/RX/GND.
Quote from: Sprocket on July 04, 2012, 12:17:08 AM
Quote from: z0tya on July 02, 2012, 12:38:19 PM
I have done with this:
http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=m570.l2736&_nkw=Arduino+DB9+RS232+Wireless+Bluetooth+Module+Slave+Serial+4Pin+DB9+Male-Female (http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=m570.l2736&_nkw=Arduino+DB9+RS232+Wireless+Bluetooth+Module+Slave+Serial+4Pin+DB9+Male-Female)
I have seen similar cheap boards, but what powers this as the Vems serial port is TX/RX/GND.
I am using this:
http://www.ebay.com/itm/Car-Cigarette-Powered-1000mA-USB-Adapter-charger-DC-12V-for-IPHONE-4S-IPHONE-3GS-/251096378357?pt=PDA_Accessories&hash=item3a7682abf5#ht_3007wt_952 (http://www.ebay.com/itm/Car-Cigarette-Powered-1000mA-USB-Adapter-charger-DC-12V-for-IPHONE-4S-IPHONE-3GS-/251096378357?pt=PDA_Accessories&hash=item3a7682abf5#ht_3007wt_952)
How is this connected can you post a picture for the charger thingy?
Quote from: billman on July 04, 2012, 07:43:39 AM
How is this connected can you post a picture for the charger thingy?
? You simply give 12V to one of the 4 pins?
Quote from: billman on July 04, 2012, 07:43:39 AM
How is this connected can you post a picture for the charger thingy?
the bluetooth tx/rx/gnd connected to vems with the 9pin serial dsub, and the cigarette usb charger give stabilized 5V to the adapter using the top pins (only 5v, gnd)
What cables can be used for an elegant solution?
Yo have to dissassemble the cigarette usb regulator and solder to wire to the 5v and the gnd pin of usb connector, and simply connect them to bluetooth +- pins:
I desolder the male dsub plug (the bt adapter not work asd pass-through) and put them together in a small box.
You need to configure the BT adapter to 19200 baud, and change BT name and password, with serial terminal program.
I bought this Arduino like yours. Can you please give the exact string to use on the terminal window in order to change baud rate ect?
*Googled a bit*
Change baud rate :
Sent : AT+BAUD1
receive : OK1200
Sent : AT+BAUD2
Receive : OK2400
Baud rate setting can be save even power down.
3. Change Bluetooth device name :
Sent : AT+NAMEdevicename
receive : OKname
(devicename is the name you want the device to be , and it will be searched with this name)
Name setting can be save even power down.
4. Change Pincode :
Sent : AT+PINxxxx
receive : OKsetpin
(xxxx is the pin code you set)
Pin code can be save even power down.
Yes these commands needed.
AT+PIN1234 or similar.
for some reason it does not respond.
*Did it- commands are case sensitive*
Question: Must I bridge the TxD and RxD toghether? I have read it somewhere.
Do you have menu on ICS with the new vemstune for android version?
I have not, only on 2.6.x
Sorry I don't understand the question.
Connected it to the Android program. Now need to test it on the car :-D
Did a quick try on the car and it seems to work pretty fast.
The 2.0 version not work with android 4.x ICS and exit with error.
Then vems guys have made some bugfix, but the new 2.1 has no settings button, when I run it on ICS android phone or tablet. On GB it is works fine.
I see. I tried it on a Sony Neo V phone.
Drove the car for 2 days with the Android Display and noticed that it changes several values in many tables from Injector outputs, to VE and Ignition Values, MAT/TPS correction ect.
Do you run firmware 1.2.x ? If not, do so.
No but MArcell also suggested the upgrade. I will do and report back. MAybe it changes the values when I disconnect the power source of the Bluetooth->RS232 module.
Quote from: billman on September 09, 2012, 09:31:37 PM
Drove the car for 2 days with the Android Display and noticed that it changes several values in many tables from Injector outputs, to VE and Ignition Values, MAT/TPS correction ect.
I had the same issue when connecting a round gauge to the ECU (firmware 1.1.95) using AIM.
There was random changing in my config. I stopped using AIM...
Maybe it comes from the disconnection of the power source of the gauge in my case too.
Quote from: mattias on September 10, 2012, 09:48:04 PM
Do you run firmware 1.2.x ? If not, do so.
Which one?
Under Development say for testing, highly experimental, Viper only , SubaruEj only , etc....
Afaik, any of them should work. I run 1.2.0, I guess most do.
would be nice for VEMS developers to let us know from the firmware upgrade page which is their next stable version.
i never upgrade on a version that says: TESTING as im not a tester/tuner/developer so i would appreciate this is mentioned after a good while of testing from the team!
Quote from: AVP on September 28, 2012, 07:33:05 AM
would be nice for VEMS developers to let us know from the firmware upgrade page which is their next stable version.
i never upgrade on a version that says: TESTING as im not a tester/tuner/developer so i would appreciate this is mentioned after a good while of testing from the team!
+1! And we can't be the only ones...
I am still on 1.1.96 and was about to pull the trigger on a bluetooth adapter when I read that bit about unintentional modifications to the map...This is not even close to being worth it to me if there is a potential for that to happen.
Does 1.2.0 fix this?
Is 1.2.0 good to go?
Just got a bluetooth adapter. Hooked it all up, but the VEMTune for android doesn't do anything. Doesn't seem like it is receiving data. It connects to the bluetooth adapter just fine (adapter status light changes to connected, and Vemstune pops up and says it is connected to the adapter).
The default serial port settings are identical to the settings I was running on my USB to Serial adapter, so I am not quite sure what is going wrong. I upgraded my firmware to 1.2.4, set the device to a V3 and the protocol to TriggerFrame (only option).
Any ideas?
Still having problems, but some more details.
If I connect my the bluetooth adapter to my computer using the same usb-serial adapter that I have been using to connect VEMS to my laptop, and open a bluetooth terminal on my android tablet, I can send messages back and forth just fine. I can also verify the settings are correct.
If I open vemsdisplay, I will get get this message on my laptop terminal:
CONNECT : 3085 A9 61ACA2
Mat ¿8~ ¿8~ ¿8~ ¿8~ ¿8~Mat ¿8~ ¿8~ ¿8~ ¿8~ ¿8~Mat ¿8~ ¿8~ ¿8~ ¿8~ ¿8~Mat ¿8~ ¿8~
¿8~ ¿8~ ¿8~Mat ¿8~ ¿8~ ¿8~ ¿8~ ¿8~Mat ¿8~ ¿8~ ¿8~ ¿8~ ¿8~Mat ¿8~ ¿8~ ¿8~ ¿8~ ¿8
~Mat ¿8~ ¿8~ ¿8~ ¿8~ ¿8~Mat ¿8~ ¿8~ ¿8~ ¿8~ ¿8~Mat ¿8~ ¿8~ ¿8~ ¿8~ ¿8~Mat ¿8~ ¿8
~ ¿8~ ¿8~ ¿8~Mat ¿8~ ¿8~ ¿8~ ¿8~ ¿8~Mat ¿8~ ¿8~ ¿8~ ¿8~ ¿8~Mat ¿8~ ¿8~ ¿8~ ¿8~ ¿
8~Mat ¿8~ ¿8~ ¿8~ ¿8~ ¿8~Mat ¿8~ ¿8~ ¿8~ ¿8~ ¿8~Mat ¿8~ ¿8~ ¿8~ ¿8~ ¿8~Mat ¿8~ ¿
8~ ¿8~ ¿8~ ¿8~Mat ¿8~ ¿8~ ¿8~ ¿8~ ¿8~Mat ¿8~ ¿8~ ¿8~ ¿8~
That sequence will repeat indefinitely until I disconnect.
I tried to type this command out, but it didn't result in anything: $01$A3$05$05$AE
Quote from: jeanno on September 11, 2012, 10:31:54 AM
Quote from: billman on September 09, 2012, 09:31:37 PM
Drove the car for 2 days with the Android Display and noticed that it changes several values in many tables from Injector outputs, to VE and Ignition Values, MAT/TPS correction ect.
I had the same issue when connecting a round gauge to the ECU (firmware 1.1.95) using AIM.
There was random changing in my config. I stopped using AIM...
Maybe it comes from the disconnection of the power source of the gauge in my case too.
This can ONLY happen if you don't use the VEMS adapter for round to serial port (supplied with the serial display gauge). We only connect gnd and tx (out of the ECU) in that adapter. Since there's no rx, there's no way values can change. If you use your own adapter, such as a purchased null modem adapter, we've seen issues.
Figured out my problem.
Make sure your DCE/DTE settings are correct. Basically, my VEMS ECU and Serial bluetooth adapter were trying to Transmit on the same pin and Receive on the same pin. So I couldn't communicate with it. I guess my USB serial adapter doesn't have that problem (its the opposite type of device), which is why I could talk to my tablet with my computer using that blue tooth adapter.
There was a switch on the side of my adapter for this, so I don't need to use a crossover cable. This is really nice because I can now hide the adapter in the same place I used to tuck my USB cable. Makes it easy to switch back and forth.
It will be great when we can get datalogging and even the ability to change settings this way. I am using a tablet (Asus TF700), not a phone, so moddifying settings/tables seems more than practical. I mean, the thing has a keyboard dock, so I could use it the same way I use my laptop now. Its just small and has MUCH better battery life AND can be charged off a basic 12v-USB car charger. Hopefully that will happen at some point... With Windows 8 tablets coming there may not be much motivation to support Android over Windows 8 and Windows RT. Maybe Android will get WINE with WindowsRT (both run on ARM). Still would require the devs to compile VEMSTune for RT.
Can some one give my some advise getting the Android app working?
I can't get a connection in the application. (see photo)
Some information on what i have tried/done
-Purchased this blue-tooth adapter https://www.conik.biz/webwinkel/:///Draadloze-communicatie/Bluetooth-to-RS232-adapter/
-Only connected the TX and ground (pin 3 and 5 RS232) to the blue-tooth)
-RS232 to Blue-tooth adapter powers from 12Volt cigarette lighter
-I have a good blue-tooth connection from tablet(NEXUS7) to blue-tooth adapter. (See photo)
-I Paired the blue-tooth connection in APP. (See photo)
-I have set the baud rate to 19200bps ( See photo RS232 config tool)
-Enabled the AIM in VEMS tune.
Do i miss something? :P
Tanks a lot!
New version 12/20 adds a bit of tablet support. It will kindly offer to resize all the stock gauges! Awesome! Has logging too!
Audi, my presumption with you is that you have the same problem as I did. Basically the gems ecu and the Bluetooth adapter are of the same type, they are meant to connect to something, not have something connect to it... if that makes sense. The tx wire from the Bluetooth will line up with the tx line from vems. The tx line from vems needs to line up with the rx line from the Bluetooth. If you have a DCE/DTE switch, just toggle it. If not you will have to swap wires around.
Hello all
I have same problem as AudiS2, im using same bluetooth module as Zotya.
I changed baud rate and name of module and i can find it using mobile phone with bluetooth. Android apllication cant connect (it says connecting all the time) and the led on bluetooth module keps flashing
Questions ?
Do i need to connect module to LCD port on VEMS, or to serial cable which i use for connecting the pc ??
In the android apllication settings do i select AIM or V3 ?
Our module doesnt have DCE/DTE switch so can you explain how to swap wires because i think that is a problem (pictures how i connected are same as Zotyas on page 4), i tried connecting RX from module to TX on Vems but its still the same
Thank you
I use V3/Triggerframe as it send way more info and is the future for this app :)
Have you chosen the right Bluetooth module in the VemsDisplay app?
thanks for answer
Yes i chose the right module (i cleared all other bluetooth conections and i renamed my module to vems so im sure that its the right one). I tried with several phones but still the same. Im pretty sure it has to do something with what Benzmac16v is telling but i cant figure it out. The led on bluetooth keps flashing then it stops for 5 seconds like it is connected but than again it starts flashing.
I must sort this because we already made carbon steering whell with integrated android phone (i am a member in one of the formula student teams )
I still cant get it working i swaped wires, tx line from vems connects to rx on bluetooth.
The vems tune app just says connecting al the time. The led on bluetooth stays solid for few second like its connected then again it starts flashing?
What version of android are you running? 4.2 has a lot of issues, including bluetooth. I have used 4.0 and 4.1 and been ok, I have not tried to run vemstune on 4.2 because I uninstalled it almost immediately as its really beta, but the support explicitly called out bluetooth as being buggy.
I would try to connect to your tablet to a laptop with a known good bluetooth chip. Should be easy. You can set up a virtual bluetooth com port in windows with one of those serial port communication apps (like teraterm or similar). Then load up a bluetooth terminal on your android phone. You should be able to connect them and send messages back and forth. This will confirm that the android tablet bluetooth is good.
Then, you can use a USB to Serial adapter to connect the serial to bluetooth adapter that you have to your computer. You should be able to run the same test as above, but using the serial to bluetooth adapter. This should work if the tx/rx lines are the wrong way around (not sure if it will work if they are the right way, I don't recall testing this with mine...) This should confirm that the android tablet can connect to your bluetooth adapter. If it can, then you know you have an issue with your VEMS wiring or settings on the adapter or maybe power to the adapter.
After that, ensure you are swapping the right pins on the com connector. Some places like to list pin numbers looking at the connector from the solder joints, others from the plug side... Make sure you are looking at it the right way.
If it still doesn't work, I would start reading up on com ports or try a different adapter.
Jim thanks for this answer i will try all that in next few days
Did you already try a older version of Android?
I have only worked with a Nexus 7 tab and Android 4.2.1
I hope to have a device with a older Android version next week so i can try!
The nexus7 originally shipped with 4.1, you may look into downgrading or even switching to a custom ROM that is still on 4.1, such as cyanogenmod 10.0. Just check out what installing a custom ROM does to your warranty, it voids my transformer's. However a downgrade to a stock ROM may be fine.
Quote from: Benzmac16v on February 02, 2013, 12:03:52 AM
The nexus7 originally shipped with 4.1, you may look into downgrading or even switching to a custom ROM that is still on 4.1, such as cyanogenmod 10.0. Just check out what installing a custom ROM does to your warranty, it voids my transformer's. However a downgrade to a stock ROM may be fine.
Hy Jim! Thanks for your explanation! I'm not that good on computers and android ::).
A friend of my has a phone with a older version android. I hope to do some testing tomorrow or Thursday.
If it works on a older version i will try to downgrade my Nexus 7.
I will let you all know!
One of our development tablets is a Nexus 7 with Android 4.2.1 and it works perfect.
We can't test every Bluetooth adapter (which is why we're manufacturing our own), but I've used the VEMS adapter, Brainboxes adapter and one other, which the name escapes me now.
Here's the link to the VEMS adapter.
Quote from: jrussell on February 02, 2013, 10:41:01 PM
One of our development tablets is a Nexus 7 with Android 4.2.1 and it works perfect.
We can't test every Bluetooth adapter (which is why we're manufacturing our own), but I've used the VEMS adapter, Brainboxes adapter and one other, which the name escapes me now.
Here's the link to the VEMS adapter.
I will order a bluetooth adapter on the VEMS shop than. But can i just plug it to the VEMS RS232 connector or do i need some kind of adapter?
I don't want any problems with changing configs or maps.
It plugs into the ECU serial port. The only other thing you need is a micro-usb power adapter. We actually had some 12V micro-USB adapters made for us that have a USB-A jack also (for the tablet or phone), but I don't see them in the web store. I'll ask the guys on Monday why they aren't there and add them.
I have ordered the blue tooth adapter yesterday!
Just a little worried about it changes several values in the map's when connecting it directly to the serial port as said here:,1740.msg20105.html#msg20105
But its oke to make my own adapter with only the ground and TX connected?
Quote from: AudiS2 on February 09, 2013, 06:12:47 PM
I have ordered the blue tooth adapter yesterday!
Just a little worried about it changes several values in the map's when connecting it directly to the serial port as said here:,1740.msg20105.html#msg20105
But its oke to make my own adapter with only the ground and TX connected?
That problem was with a completely different product and completely different communications protocol (than today's VemsDisplay). The AiM serial protocol was a bit problematic, but we now use our native communications on VemsDisplay. That's the only way we can get all the data we do. The AiM serial protocol was limited in data channels.
I haven't seen or heard of any problems at all. You'll want the rx connected eventually I assume since we plan to have some very limited functionality available to change the ECU.
i will also buy vems bluetooth adapter because i cant get this one to work....
Jrusell one question just to be sure, i have removed p259 chip from vems (because i had problems with rpm reading). I dont think it has anything to do with rs232, but just asking to be sure ?
Some results!
Received my VEMS bluetooth this week and tried it today. It all works nice!!!! Only there is one problem. It only works in AIM mode. When i set the APP on V3/TriggerFrame mode is does not get a connection. On AIM mode it works fine!
How can i solve this issue? Some settings in the VEMS?
Quote from: FESB Racing Team on February 13, 2013, 11:10:30 AM
Jrusell one question just to be sure, i have removed p259 chip from vems (because i had problems with rpm reading). I dont think it has anything to do with rs232, but just asking to be sure ?
Sorry, I thought I had replied to this earlier. The p259 won't affect rs232 at all. Does rs232 work with a computer using a serial cable?
Quote from: AudiS2 on February 16, 2013, 09:00:14 PM
Received my VEMS bluetooth this week and tried it today. It all works nice!!!! Only there is one problem. It only works in AIM mode. When i set the APP on V3/TriggerFrame mode is does not get a connection. On AIM mode it works fine!
How can i solve this issue? Some settings in the VEMS?
Turn AIM mode off in the ECU firmware? It's under the Display Settings option on the Outputs menu. Also reset the ECU (power off, power on) after that.
ok thx
yes rs232 works with computer.....
Quote from: AudiS2 on February 16, 2013, 09:00:14 PM
Received my VEMS bluetooth this week and tried it today. It all works nice!!!! Only there is one problem. It only works in AIM mode. When i set the APP on V3/TriggerFrame mode is does not get a connection. On AIM mode it works fine!
How can i solve this issue? Some settings in the VEMS?
Turn AIM mode off in the ECU firmware? It's under the Display Settings option on the Outputs menu. Also reset the ECU (power off, power on) after that.
Will try that when i'm at my car!! Thanks.
Jrusell , there are 3 options on the webshop for the Bluetooth - RS232 adapter, what Permanently connected option means? ???
Does anyone else has issues with the EGT on VEmsDisplay?
Quote from: VemsedE36 on February 19, 2013, 04:46:39 PM
Jrusell , there are 3 options on the webshop for the Bluetooth - RS232 adapter, what Permanently connected option means? ???
Permanently connected means you connect it to 12v and Gnd, and there's a vreg with microUSB out to power the dongle. There's also a USB socket so you can conveniently connect the tablet.
Once I get some of the adapters here Stateside, I'll take better pictures and update the descriptions. I just checked tracking and they were delivered today, so in a couple of days I'll have those updated to be more clear.
When I remove the USB-power source for the Bluetooth then it corrupts many tables on the config. I use 1.2.10 and triggerframe. Do I need to cut some rs232 pins off? Leave only Pin3 and pin5?
Quote from: billman on March 06, 2013, 07:00:58 PM
When I remove the USB-power source for the Bluetooth then it corrupts many tables on the config. I use 1.2.10 and triggerframe. Do I need to cut some rs232 pins off? Leave only Pin3 and pin5?
I have tried to recreate this with the Vems Bluetooth adapter without success and I have send an information request to the firmware team to see if the ECU still listen to the old style commands after it has started receiving triggerframe protocol commands. I would expect that it still does this now. With some bad luck this would allow table corruption if your Bluetooth adapter is sending junk data while the power is removed.
I have not been able to test exactly the same way you did as I power my Vems Bluetooth adapter with 5v from the ECU to the RS232 connector on my test bench. I have simply shorted the 5v to ground for a second or two to force a reset on the Bluetooth dongle. This will create a quicker loss of power then just severing the power connection.
Currently the simplest workaround I see for you is to disconnect the RX pin on the ECU to prevent the junk data from the resetting Bluetooth adapter from reaching the ECU. This will however limit you to the AIM protocol. As an alternative you could try to power the bluetooth adapter from pin 28 on the ECU. I hope that the Bluetooth adapter will not start to send junk data until the ECU has shut down.
I have sent a new error report 2 days ago where you can see the corrupt ignition table.
Really would not like to cut the wires...
Quote from: billman on March 07, 2013, 10:22:14 AM
Really would not like to cut the wires...
You can just de-pin the ec18 connector. No need to cut the wire.
I use plug'n'play Motronic box. Don't want to open it again for this.
I think that solving the issue is to find what is causing it (probably the FW).
What Bluetooth adapter are you using? That may help in re-creating the problem so the developers can investigate. I looked back a few pages and just saw a comment about using the same Arduino adapter as someone else. I'm not sure exactly which one though. The adapter could be too talkative and spewing garbage, but I'd like to check first.
Yes I use the same as the other member.
Should be the same as this one:
http://www.ebay.de/itm/DB9-RS232-Wireless-Bluetooth-Module-Slave-Serial-4Pin-DB9-Male-Female-Arduino-/120934465115?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1c28417e5b (http://www.ebay.de/itm/DB9-RS232-Wireless-Bluetooth-Module-Slave-Serial-4Pin-DB9-Male-Female-Arduino-/120934465115?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1c28417e5b)
Quote from: LHK_audi_S2_Nor on October 03, 2011, 10:38:10 PM
With something like this?
What baudrate is supported in the VEMS app? Looks like standard setting in these cheap BT/serial devices is 9600. The Android app looks nice! Would be nice if theres a possibility to edit maps also in the future!
Finally got round to fiddling a bit with this, after installing Hyperterminal on the laptop and Arduino Bluetooth terminal software on the phone I was able to send messages back and forth (after temporarily enabling LF at the end of lines.
Changing the baudrate from 19200 to 9600 was tricky, had to write the "AT+BAUD5" command in notepad, copy it and paste it in Hyperterm as the time window for sending the command is short, 1 sec or so?.
Connecting the Android app to the phone was easy, but got the "no AIM data" message. Swapped pin 2 and 3 on my male - male 9 pin cable between the VEMS and the RS232/bluetooth thing and the Vemsdisplay app started receiving data! :-) Thanks for the info from the forum, would have taken forever to find out without it!
Will I be able to run a bluetooth adapter and a vems round from a ECU?
I guess with AIM protocol it should be doable right?
I thought the same, and read up on sharing the serial port with two devices.
So long as there are two listening devices, it won't matter. With AIM, the round is just a listening device, and the Vems round null modem prevents any TX from the round onto the RX of the V3 (so I am led to believe). So, if you use the Android app in AIM mode with the null modem and the round, it should not cause any problmes as both devices are just listening to the V3.
what I would like to know though is when will the Round firmware be updated to listen to triggerframe data instead of AIM (not sure if it is possibe ???), Much more possablities then for the simple 52mm guage :)
Even though we would stick to the AIM protocol there are loads of things in there we aren´t using that could be used, 8bits could for instance incorporate 8 different flags being on or off. So there are all kinds of options.
Am I crazy or wasn´t there some talk about second RS232 on the Vems?
Its there. Really only used for gps. Have a search about on the forum for gps reciever.
Would be nice if it could transmit aim on the second port and leave triggerframe on the primary port
Here you go. Some info in here on second com port,1715.0.html
Could second serial port be used same as first to connect laptop with vemstune or bluetooth adapter?
Is standard (first) serial port with bluetooth adapter fast enough and stable to use it for vemstune logging instead of usb to rs232 cable adapter?
I get random disconnections with usb to serial adapter (profilic) and would like use bluetooth if its fast enough, someone sayed something about onley 9600bps ...
Without firmware and hardware changes it is not possible to do what you want.
It's also a matter of capability, I'm not sure that there is processing power to handle both at high baud rate on both ports.
If you get USB adapter disconnection you should fix your ignition system, and not blame the adapter. Resistor plugs, and healthy wires.
Hi there,
I am trying to use VemsDisplay on Lenovo P770 (Android 4.1.1), but without success. My BT converter works fine, on desktop PC with BT dongle I am able to use Vemstune via BT without any problems (on 19200). Even when I run RealTerm, I can see AIM data packets in the air (see catched AIM code section bellow (2 frames), AIM data frame should start with 0x69 0xA3 ...)
The blue LED on BT adapter is still flashing when VemsDisplay is trying to establish connection (it means there is no connection between phone and BT adapter)
69 A3 11 03 20 E1 A3 00 00 84 E0 A3 00 00 83 E5 A3 00 00 88 E4 A3
00 00 87 E3 A3 00 00 86 E2 A3 00 00 85 2D A3 01 FD CE 01 A3 00 00 A4 E1
A3 00 00 84 E0 A3 00 00 83 71 A3 00 02 16 45 A3 03 A4 8F 05 A3 00 00 A8
11 A3 02 58 0E 21 A3 04 71 39 69 A3 11 03 20 E1 A3 00 00 84 E0 A3 00 00
83 E5 A3 00 00 88 E4 A3 00 00 87 E3 A3 00 00 86 E2 A3 00 00 85 2D A3 01
FD CE 01 A3 00 00 A4 E1 A3 00 00 84 E0 A3 00 00 83 15 A3 00 00 B8 45 A3
03 A2 8D 05 A3 00 00 A8 85 A3 00 00 28 7D A3 63 FF 82
When I try msDroid for MSII ECU, all is working on my Lenovo P770 fine......
Thanks for any ideas. P.
Edit: I am using FW 1.1.96
I've found a solution to the problem when AIM mode is working on VEMSDisplay but triggerframe not connecting:
In my case, hardware flow control (CTS/RTS) of BT dongle had to be disabled (ATC0 command on this one).
AIM stream output in Vemstune/"display settings" also had to be disabled, and power off/on.
Now it works fine on this expensive BT dongle at 19200baud, 8,N,1
-Still need to sort out for the cheap one too :)
Quote from: FESB Racing Team on January 24, 2013, 05:58:43 PM
Hello all
I have same problem as AudiS2, im using same bluetooth module as Zotya.
I changed baud rate and name of module and i can find it using mobile phone with bluetooth. Android apllication cant connect (it says connecting all the time) and the led on bluetooth module keps flashing
I have similar problem.
Temporary solution was to swap BT dongle to a serial cable running VemsTune (on PC) on the other side.
A few seconds later VemsTune connects. Then it can be disconnected and BT adapter connected.
After that VemsDisplay finally connects and running fine until the ECU powered-off. Then all the above procedure must be repeated.
Versions involved:
Lenovo Ideapad A1 (4.0), ZTE Blade (2.3)
VEMS Firmware 2.1.1
VemsTune 2013.02.15
VemsDisplay 3.0 (2013-02-15)
Problems connecting using Vems adapter :-[
Error report here http://www.vems.hu/vemstune/bugreports/reports.php?cmd=view&key=A8J4MY
Lost all will to live trying to get this to work :-[ Please help :-[
Quote from: Sprocket on July 09, 2013, 08:29:39 PM
Problems connecting using Vems adapter :-[
Error report here http://www.vems.hu/vemstune/bugreports/reports.php?cmd=view&key=A8J4MY
Lost all will to live trying to get this to work :-[ Please help :-[
New report here http://vems.hu/vemstune/bugreports/reports.php?cmd=view&key=kH3GIJ
Still cannot communicate over bluetooth and I am completely out of my depth :-[
Why Vemsdisplay 3.0 doesn't read EGT in triggerframe mode? Only in AIM mode I'm able to get egt values.
Quote from: VemsedE36 on July 26, 2013, 05:02:33 PM
Why Vemsdisplay 3.0 doesn't read EGT in triggerframe mode? Only in AIM mode I'm able to get egt values.
I'm also have this problem. Anyone made it work?
Upgraded to fw 1.2.11 and runs triggerframe protocol, works very nice! Also logged data on the phone, exported log file to pc, converted and did VE tune by statistics in VEMS! I like it.. 8)
Hello, for me still nothing. I am using Android 4.1.2 (Lenovo P770), VemsDisplay is not able to connect with the BT module. When BT module (HC-06) is connected to Vems, on the PC side I can conect it together and see incoming AIM protocol data (tested in RealTerm). But in the phone, no chance to connect :/ (As I have wrote already MSDroid for Megasquirt MSII-extra ECU is working fine; I think there is something wrong in VemsDisplay apk)
Quote from: LHK_audi_S2_Nor on September 17, 2013, 06:55:41 PM
Upgraded to fw 1.2.11 and runs triggerframe protocol, works very nice! Also logged data on the phone, exported log file to pc, converted and did VE tune by statistics in VEMS! I like it.. 8)
Does it EGT values in triggerframe mode?
My firmware is 1.2.11 but unable to get EGT value in triggerframe mode.
Quote from: VemsedE36 on September 22, 2013, 06:32:54 PM
Quote from: LHK_audi_S2_Nor on September 17, 2013, 06:55:41 PM
Upgraded to fw 1.2.11 and runs triggerframe protocol, works very nice! Also logged data on the phone, exported log file to pc, converted and did VE tune by statistics in VEMS! I like it.. 8)
Does it EGT values in triggerframe mode?
My firmware is 1.2.11 but unable to get EGT value in triggerframe mode.
Quote from: jrussell on October 01, 2012, 03:43:07 AM
Quote from: jeanno on September 11, 2012, 10:31:54 AM
Quote from: billman on September 09, 2012, 09:31:37 PM
Drove the car for 2 days with the Android Display and noticed that it changes several values in many tables from Injector outputs, to VE and Ignition Values, MAT/TPS correction ect.
I had the same issue when connecting a round gauge to the ECU (firmware 1.1.95) using AIM.
There was random changing in my config. I stopped using AIM...
Maybe it comes from the disconnection of the power source of the gauge in my case too.
This can ONLY happen if you don't use the VEMS adapter for round to serial port (supplied with the serial display gauge). We only connect gnd and tx (out of the ECU) in that adapter. Since there's no rx, there's no way values can change. If you use your own adapter, such as a purchased null modem adapter, we've seen issues.
If i only leave the TX and Gnd cables on the RS232 it doesnt connect.
Did u contact the developer regarding EGT values? Also Launch control indicator.
Quote from: VemsedE36 on October 02, 2013, 11:01:07 AM
Did u contact the developer regarding EGT values? Also Launch control indicator.
Do you have problems with the launch control indicator? Mine works fine.
Quote from: AudiS2 on October 02, 2013, 05:47:46 PM
Do you have problems with the launch control indicator? Mine works fine.
Yes I do, mine not works. Works in vemstune only.
What about the EGT?
Quote from: billman on October 03, 2013, 11:44:22 PM
What about the EGT?
Still not works..very bad not getting egt values.
Quote from: billman on October 02, 2013, 10:53:03 AM
Quote from: jrussell on October 01, 2012, 03:43:07 AM
Quote from: jeanno on September 11, 2012, 10:31:54 AM
Quote from: billman on September 09, 2012, 09:31:37 PM
Drove the car for 2 days with the Android Display and noticed that it changes several values in many tables from Injector outputs, to VE and Ignition Values, MAT/TPS correction ect.
I had the same issue when connecting a round gauge to the ECU (firmware 1.1.95) using AIM.
There was random changing in my config. I stopped using AIM...
Maybe it comes from the disconnection of the power source of the gauge in my case too.
This can ONLY happen if you don't use the VEMS adapter for round to serial port (supplied with the serial display gauge). We only connect gnd and tx (out of the ECU) in that adapter. Since there's no rx, there's no way values can change. If you use your own adapter, such as a purchased null modem adapter, we've seen issues.
If i only leave the TX and Gnd cables on the RS232 it doesnt connect.
Quote from: billman on October 04, 2013, 02:25:16 PM
Quote from: billman on October 02, 2013, 10:53:03 AM
Quote from: jrussell on October 01, 2012, 03:43:07 AM
Quote from: jeanno on September 11, 2012, 10:31:54 AM
Quote from: billman on September 09, 2012, 09:31:37 PM
Drove the car for 2 days with the Android Display and noticed that it changes several values in many tables from Injector outputs, to VE and Ignition Values, MAT/TPS correction ect.
I had the same issue when connecting a round gauge to the ECU (firmware 1.1.95) using AIM.
There was random changing in my config. I stopped using AIM...
Maybe it comes from the disconnection of the power source of the gauge in my case too.
This can ONLY happen if you don't use the VEMS adapter for round to serial port (supplied with the serial display gauge). We only connect gnd and tx (out of the ECU) in that adapter. Since there's no rx, there's no way values can change. If you use your own adapter, such as a purchased null modem adapter, we've seen issues.
If i only leave the TX and Gnd cables on the RS232 it doesnt connect.
Better to contact the developer.
Hi, please is here some Andorid version compatibility list ? I can't help myself, my 4.1.2 phone isn't able to connect with Vemstune APK. But my normal PC (with BT) can normaly communicate via my BT dongle connected to Vems ECU (and Vemstune). And it's true, a few tables were changed after connection. Thanks.
Quote from: Pet on October 05, 2013, 07:33:15 PM
Hi, please is here some Andorid version compatibility list ? I can't help myself, my 4.1.2 phone isn't able to connect with Vemstune APK. But my normal PC (with BT) can normaly communicate via my BT dongle connected to Vems ECU (and Vemstune). And it's true, a few tables were changed after connection. Thanks.
Download the latest version, it is compatible with 4.1.2
What bluetooth adapter do u use? I recomend vems adapter to prevent that issue.
Thanks. I have the latest APK (VemsDisplay-2013-08-22.apk) installed. My BT module is HC-06 type.
For me is strange, there is no problem in BT comm. between PC with Vemstune and Vems with HC-06 BT module, as well as there is no problem in using this BT module with my friend's MSII ECU and MSdroid APK (HC-06 is of course configured to 115200 in this case). So I am not sure to pay over 50 euros for Vems BT module to find out, it isn't working too. :/ Maybe only my Lenovo P770 isn't compatibile with VemsDisplay, who knows....
Quote from: Pet on October 05, 2013, 07:33:15 PM
And it's true, a few tables were changed after connection. Thanks.
With vems BT this issue is not exist.
Did u configured your vemsdisplay in your Android?
Quote from: billman on October 02, 2013, 08:54:50 AM
Quote from: VemsedE36 on September 22, 2013, 06:32:54 PM
Quote from: LHK_audi_S2_Nor on September 17, 2013, 06:55:41 PM
Upgraded to fw 1.2.11 and runs triggerframe protocol, works very nice! Also logged data on the phone, exported log file to pc, converted and did VE tune by statistics in VEMS! I like it.. 8)
Does it EGT values in triggerframe mode?
My firmware is 1.2.11 but unable to get EGT value in triggerframe mode.
What vemsdisplay version r u using?
Did u configured your vemsdisplay in your Android?
Yes, I think all is configured well (selected Triggerframe protocol and selected my BT adapter).
Anyway, does need triggerframe protocol both Rx and Tx in ECU side ? Is there any chance to see if Vems is sending some triggerframe data ? Thanks.
Quote from: Pet on October 07, 2013, 04:50:49 PM
Did u configured your vemsdisplay in your Android?
Yes, I think all is configured well (selected Triggerframe protocol and selected my BT adapter).
Anyway, does need triggerframe protocol both Rx and Tx in ECU side ? Is there any chance to see if Vems is sending some triggerframe data ? Thanks.
Did you pair vems BT with your android? What status you see on top when you run vemsdisplay? Offline or disconected?
Yes, I've paired BT module with my phone (for ex. MSDroid for MSII ECU is working fine). Vemsdisplay is saying Connecting... and that's all.
Quote from: Pet on October 05, 2013, 07:33:15 PM
Hi, please is here some Andorid version compatibility list ? I can't help myself, my 4.1.2 phone isn't able to connect with Vemstune APK. But my normal PC (with BT) can normaly communicate via my BT dongle connected to Vems ECU (and Vemstune). And it's true, a few tables were changed after connection. Thanks.
I have the exact same issue. Latest version Vems display will not connect to V3 on either Samsung phone, or Acer 7" tablet, yet Vemstune bluetooth connection works great from PC to V3.
I was basically told that the developers cannot be sure that the Vems display will work with all hardware, which is a bit shit really because I see nothing that says whay hardware it does work with.
I've also had a dead Vems bluetooth adapter, but because of events at home, I never got the chance to send it back, so this whole episode has cost me an arm and a leg and it still doesnt work!
Quote from: Pet on October 07, 2013, 07:31:51 PM
Yes, I've paired BT module with my phone (for ex. MSDroid for MSII ECU is working fine). Vemsdisplay is saying Connecting... and that's all.
Forgot to say, that is what mine does too, just says connecting, then does nothing else.
Quote from: Sprocket on October 07, 2013, 07:37:09 PM
Quote from: Pet on October 07, 2013, 07:31:51 PM
Yes, I've paired BT module with my phone (for ex. MSDroid for MSII ECU is working fine). Vemsdisplay is saying Connecting... and that's all.
Forgot to say, that is what mine does too, just says connecting, then does nothing else.
Sounds to me you have firmware issue..Try fw 1.2.11
Quote from: VemsedE36 on October 07, 2013, 07:50:40 PM
Quote from: Sprocket on October 07, 2013, 07:37:09 PM
Quote from: Pet on October 07, 2013, 07:31:51 PM
Yes, I've paired BT module with my phone (for ex. MSDroid for MSII ECU is working fine). Vemsdisplay is saying Connecting... and that's all.
Forgot to say, that is what mine does too, just says connecting, then does nothing else.
Sounds to me you have firmware issue..Try fw 1.2.11
I have been dealing direct with the developers. I have the current version of everything. I've tried triggerframe and aim, with all the correct settings needed and it still doesnt work.
There is clearly a bug somewhere. It works in some applications but not others. I have basically been told that it depends on the hardware used, IE the smart phone or the tablet.
If you have any other advice that I have not tried other than using the latest versions of firmware/software, I am all ears........................
Sprocket, have you tried another android device? I tried Samsung galaxy s2 and samsung note 2 and both of them were working well, I did not have any experience with other devices, could be samsung's hardware more compatible than others
Yes i bought an Acer Aspire tablet specifically for Vems display. Other than the two Samsung phones I do not own any othe android device and i cannot justify buying anything else for it not to work.
You need to borrow at least to know your exact problem. :'(
In VemsTune, check the bluetooth communication option/speed. I can't remember specifically now what to set/look for.
I've tried it on a cheap tablet (Android 4.1), ZTE Blade with (2.3) and my Samsung S3 (4.1). No problems so far, you seem to have a very rare issue.
Hi, thanks to Sprocket to confirm the same behaviour.
VemsedE36: I've already wrote it, I have FW 1.2.11 and BT connection is working with different ECU and APK (MSII + MSDroid) , it means, THERE IS NO PROBLEM WITH HW. And if I found out, that for ex. SG II is working well and Lenovo P770 not (still remember that with MSDroid can do), what does it mean ? :) The only one thing: Incompatibility between VemsDisplay and some phone(tablet) HW.
Edit: My mate has Samsung Galaxy Note II, I''ll try it tomorrow and let you know.
Quote from: mattias on October 08, 2013, 06:50:35 AM
In VemsTune, check the bluetooth communication option/speed. I can't remember specifically now what to set/look for.
I've tried it on a cheap tablet (Android 4.1), ZTE Blade with (2.3) and my Samsung S3 (4.1). No problems so far, you seem to have a very rare issue.
Does your Samsung s2 read EGT value in triggerframe mode? It does not with me.
So I've made some tests with different phones: (with HC-06 BT module of course)
1] Samsung Galaxy Note II (4.1.2) - OK (connected in a few seconds without problems)
2] Lenovo P770 (4.1.2) - KO
3] Lenovo A660 (4.1.1) - KO
4] ZTE V970S (4.0.4) - KO
5] Lenovo A820 (4.0.4 - MTK6589 - quadcore) - KO
6] ZTE 967S (4.2.1 - MTK6589 - quadcore) - KO
7] Galaxy Tab II (10.1") - OK
8] Alcatel OT-997D (4.0.4 - MTK-6575) - KO
So as I've said, there is probably some VemsDisplay apk HW incompatibility, now I can say it for sure.
All Lenovo's and ZTE have MTK6577 CPU. Maybe this is the problem.
If developers want, I can make some extra tests....
14.10.13 - Edit: two more phones tested (both quadcores MTK6589) - not running on both
18.10.13 - Edit: Tested on Galaxy Tab II tablet - works without problems + Alactel OT-997D - not works
Pet..did you get egt reading with note 2?
Quote from: VemsedE36 on October 09, 2013, 07:23:01 AM
Pet..did you get egt reading with note 2?
Sorry ecu was on the table and was no time to check it, maybe later.
Very appreciated 8)
Quote from: Pet on October 09, 2013, 07:51:36 AM
Quote from: VemsedE36 on October 09, 2013, 07:23:01 AM
Pet..did you get egt reading with note 2?
Sorry ecu was on the table and was no time to check it, maybe later.
So here is short Utube video from EGT1 test. AD Ch4 RAW is changing well (it means EGT1 is changing too in Vemstune), in Vemsdisplay not.
Ummm... I will try Samsung gs3 today...
VemsDisplay on Samsung galaxy s4 and s3(china) works fine except EGT reading, so similar to Note 2..
Quote from: VemsedE36 on October 06, 2013, 11:07:06 PM
Quote from: billman on October 02, 2013, 08:54:50 AM
Quote from: VemsedE36 on September 22, 2013, 06:32:54 PM
Quote from: LHK_audi_S2_Nor on September 17, 2013, 06:55:41 PM
Upgraded to fw 1.2.11 and runs triggerframe protocol, works very nice! Also logged data on the phone, exported log file to pc, converted and did VE tune by statistics in VEMS! I like it.. 8)
Does it EGT values in triggerframe mode?
My firmware is 1.2.11 but unable to get EGT value in triggerframe mode.
What vemsdisplay version r u using?
A bit late but:
No egt data (N/A is wat comes up in VemsDisplay)
VemsDisplay ver 3.0
Phone is Sony Erixsson Xperia LT15i Android version 2.3.4 (yes it's old :-))
LHK_audi_S2_Nor Did you inform the developer? ???
No, I dont have an egt probe installed/connected so not important for my car. I THINK it should have presented "0 or whatever defaultvalue °C" instead of "N/A" if it worked.
Excuse the late reply..
Same here, no EGT value, shows N/A, others are fine... fw 1.2.11, Vems display 3.0, Andro 4.2.2
It seems this should really be adressed to developers.
Resurrecting this thread.
I have bought a BT adapter from webshop and it works well, though with cheap HC-06 modules from ebay (with voltage regulator board and pins already in place) I cannot establish a connection. Pairs nicely with tablet, but no data from VEMS. Also cannot connect via terminal to change baud rates (default is 9600). Tried swapping Rx and Tx, still nothing.
I am aware of the short timeframe for sending commands but pasting also does not work. Any hints?
Module is typical arduino unit:
that adapter need ttl with 3.3V, so you need to add max232 for 3.3v
Also that adapter has debug msg that corrupt config, so don't use that.
Quote from: MWfire on July 10, 2014, 12:00:12 PM
that adapter need ttl with 3.3V, so you need to add max232 for 3.3v
Also that adapter has debug msg that corrupt config, so don't use that.
Are you sure that vems dont have max232 ?
Quote from: MWfire on July 10, 2014, 12:00:12 PM
that adapter need ttl with 3.3V, so you need to add max232 for 3.3v
Also that adapter has debug msg that corrupt config, so don't use that.
I have TTL to RS232 converter but it did not work with that also. Regarding corrupting config, I thought that leaving Rx pin on VEMS side open would make it a moot point?
BTW Do you know if there is a chance to interface VT on Android through the usb port of a (cheap) TabletPC,
Vems BT adapters are specially tailored to use a low latency BT connection, we do not recommend using any other than the adapter available in the webshop ( https://shop.vems.hu/catalog/bluetooth-rs232-adapter-p-179.html (https://shop.vems.hu/catalog/bluetooth-rs232-adapter-p-179.html)).
Using VemsDisplay over USB is not supported.
QuoteUsing VemsDisplay over USB is not supported.
Too bad the price of some 7" TabletPC+android is now 49Euro which is the price of a Bluetooth-RS232 adapter and which is cheaper than a blue LCD...
Price and techno has changed a lot these last 5 years
Hello Phil,
If this option is feasible, adding support for it should not be to hard at all (at the VemsDisplay application side). I suspect the challenge lies on the Android side, finding an usb2serial (FTDI based), that connects to (and has device drivers for) Android. If you have some examples, we could investigate.
Best regards, Dave
Can some of this be used to connect android to r
Ftdi usb to seriel ???
I followed the links given by mads b (dk).
If I am not wrong, a new FT312D chip has been developed by FTDI which allows the automatic call of the Open Accessory Mode of the Android device, hence no drivers are needed. This chip has been integrated into some Android to USB cable (eg. DIGITUS DA-70160 :: DIGITUS® Android <> RS232 cable 18 Euros).
FTDI site also explains how to modify or complete the android kernel in order to support their other chips.
PS just got my WETAB704B (49E) from the hyperstore, ready for DIGITUS +VT USB Android ;)
New VemsDisplay version available for download, more info: http://vems.hu/android/
Quote from: PeepPaadam on July 10, 2014, 08:43:34 AM
Resurrecting this thread.
I have bought a BT adapter from webshop and it works well, though with cheap HC-06 modules from ebay (with voltage regulator board and pins already in place) I cannot establish a connection. Pairs nicely with tablet, but no data from VEMS. Also cannot connect via terminal to change baud rates (default is 9600). Tried swapping Rx and Tx, still nothing.
I am aware of the short timeframe for sending commands but pasting also does not work. Any hints?
Module is typical arduino unit:
You must use capital letters to get the commands to work..... use ispi connector to connect hc-06 to vems at ttl level
Edit: The default pairing code is 1234:
Yes, that is how I did, with capital letters.
But do you have any schematics how to connect it to ISP?
This i how mine is connected on ISPI
ben 1 = TX
ben 2 = 5volt vcc
ben 4 = RX
ben 6 = GND
Is there still a problem with the EGT temp or is there a update available?
Hi, one good new. I've tried VemsDisplay on cheap 10" tablet with MTK MT8127 (quad core) tablet, 4.4.2 KiteKat and Bluetooth 4.0 + HC06 module and it works.... But devices with older MTK chipset doesn't work still (see my older post) - tested on VemsDisplay 2014-07-15.
Did you change the baud rate to 19200 also on the HC-06? Does it work when HC-06 has default baud rate 9600?
Baud Changed to 19200 on HC-06
Of course, you have to change baudrate on HC-06 :
19200 - "AT+BAUD5"
115200 - "AT+BAUD8"
Got it working, though the ISP pins are in reversed order. I made a drawing with the connections necessary to connect cheap HC-06, worked very well and VEMSTune also easily connected, tuned the car without wire.
But, the COM port on VEMS did not respond when I had connected HC-06, should it be like that?
Remove Tx on HC-06 to use computer.....
You mean using computer through VEMS RS232 port right?
Yes to use your computer through rs232 you have to remove Tx on hc-06
Quote from: mads b (dk) on September 18, 2014, 12:22:52 PM
Yes to use your computer through rs232 you have to remove Tx on hc-06
and where is the point of using it then? :)
Then you can use the HC-06 with VEMSDisplay for Android, not for tuning with laptop.
Quote from: PeepPaadam on September 19, 2014, 05:02:17 AM
Then you can use the HC-06 with VEMSDisplay for Android, not for tuning with laptop.
it works really good for mapping when you are like having some noise or something which leads usb-rs232 randomly disconect :)
What I meant that when you disconnect Tx, then you can use HC-06 for Android and RS232 for tuning, when Tx is connected, you can do both.
Quote from: PeepPaadam on September 21, 2014, 07:42:53 AM
What I meant that when you disconnect Tx, then you can use HC-06 for Android and RS232 for tuning, when Tx is connected, you can do both.
Can you clarify please?
Is using HC-06 connected to ISPI only for connection to Android tablet? Not for tuning via laptop over BT?
What about BT connection to tablet + tuning via COM port at same time?
Quote from: NOTORIOUS VR on October 30, 2015, 03:19:37 AM
Quote from: PeepPaadam on September 21, 2014, 07:42:53 AM
What I meant that when you disconnect Tx, then you can use HC-06 for Android and RS232 for tuning, when Tx is connected, you can do both.
Can you clarify please?
Is using HC-06 connected to ISPI only for connection to Android tablet? Not for tuning via laptop over BT?
What about BT connection to tablet + tuning via COM port at same time?
Bump for clarification... Anyone?
You can tune with laptop also when using HC-06 in ISP port, but not simultaneously. Also when HC-06 is connected to ISP, RS232 port does not work, at least the one for connecting laptop. Haven't tested 2nd RS232 port.
Quote from: PeepPaadam on March 16, 2016, 07:35:32 AM
You can tune with laptop also when using HC-06 in ISP port, but not simultaneously. Also when HC-06 is connected to ISP, RS232 port does not work, at least the one for connecting laptop. Haven't tested 2nd RS232 port.
So for clarification... if HC-06 is connected to ISP port, it can be used for AIM & Triggerframe to BT/Android tablet and also tuning in vemstune... you just cannot do both, even if using normal serial port connection on ECU. So realistically the only advantage here is that the BT module is inside the ECU case?
Yes, exactly.
I have used this way for two years or so, never had any problems and really would not go back to RS232 again.
Quote from: PeepPaadam on March 16, 2016, 04:46:31 PM
Yes, exactly.
I have used this way for two years or so, never had any problems and really would not go back to RS232 again.
Thanks for the clarification! :)