VEMS Community Forum

VEMS => Software => Topic started by: quattroant on May 22, 2011, 11:04:41 AM

Title: uploading new firmware 2011
Post by: quattroant on May 22, 2011, 11:04:41 AM
Need some help here.

Trying to re install firmware with v3.6 board and 1.1.81.

Vemstune menu tools web tool/upload firmware etc. doesnt work, comes up with a message saying
"entering boot loader mode is failed"
1. Engine is running
2. Communication error

Trying to downgrade and then planned on upgrading back to 1.1.81 using 1.0.78 .bat files and megaloader by editing upload-firmware.bat from -wtE to -wE and changing the com port to my own.
I Bridge pins 2+3 power up, remove bridge, then plug in.

With an unedited file i get:
Then "no hello from avr"

With the edited file:
"Avr, out of sync"

Tried both in car and on bench powered up from a car battery.

Using a terminal program(terminal.exe) the ecu responds to the command "S" with something like v3.3 and a string of numbers with 3619 in which is it serial number.

If i connect to ecu with vemstune
1.1.81 is still there and appears untouched.

Im unable to use bootloader mode it seems. Been told today you cant change fw by the old .bat file method anymore?
Where do I go from here?

Thanks in advance
Title: Re: uploading new firmware 2011
Post by: mattias on May 22, 2011, 03:54:07 PM
You shouldn't have a problem like this with 1.1.81 and a recent VemsTune version (past 4-5 months).

Always try first to use the latest release of VemsTune, go to and download it.
Next verify that the drivers for your USB serial port adapter (if any) are the latest downloaded from the manufacturers web site.
Title: Re: uploading new firmware 2011
Post by: boostd audi on May 22, 2011, 03:58:53 PM

prolific drivers work well
Title: Re: uploading new firmware 2011
Post by: quattroant on May 23, 2011, 12:08:59 AM
using an easysync FTDI-r cable had no probs with it using the drivers on the disc when tuning its been great and stable.

When i was testing it on the bench i used an old toshiba with win xp and a serial port to be sure so shouldn't be an issue.

I've tried current version of vemstune and the old one I used to use which was current at the time of 1.1.81.
