does sdcard logging only work when the engine starts or is it supposed to work when just the ignition is turned on?????
I know you can do a vemslog and this works from when the ignition is turned on......trying to verify if my ecu memory card is working but i dont want to start the engine yet.
really struggling with this sdcard logging...
tried starting the engine...still no logs on sdcard.
tried erase then start then end logging.....even while engine running....
just always get "does not contain any valid vems data" message.
tried vemstune back to nov 2010....still nothing.....
begining to think my sdcard kit from the vemshop must not be working......
tried putting files on the card and reading from vemstune....nothing....
what can i do i am lost.....
Tried to lower the SD card data transfer speed ? (Preferences -> ECU communication)
115kbps kan be too fast.
An ECU with firmware 1.1.91 and latest VemsTune speak to each other more efficiently, it's a worthwile upgrade.
i am having issues with this as well on 1.1.88.. where is the link for manual download of fw.. my fw webtool doesnt list 1.1.90.. only .91
I don't get it. Don't use 1.1.90, use 1.1.91.
i did use .91, i was just curious why the webtool didnt have .90 but has all the others
i've uploaded firmware V1.1.91...via vemstune and sorted my config out.
I can erase the vemstune must be seeing it......but when i click start logging...and run the engine.....
Afterwards....vemstune says sdcard is no logs????
SDcard cannot be read in a pc after the erase function is i dont know if there's anything on it or not.....
I've tested the vcc-gnd input and its showing 5v going into the sdcard board.
When i click detect sdcard in vemtune....nothing at all shows this normal?
When connecting the SD card to a reader on a PC it can only be read through VemsTune.
Like I said, try lowering the ECU communication speed for SD card transfers.
sure i think i saw this setting under ecu communication settings.
Will try that tomorrow and see what happens....
so gone to v1.1.91 firmware and using the latest vemstune (20-05-11) and my sdcard logging is finally working.
Done some logs with the engine running and the downloaded them using the search sd card menu.
It even does a triggerlog and vemslog.....
So thanks all, one more item of my list....