Any pointers on tuning EGC, or will the default settings be fine.
If the defaults are fine, what are they, i had a play last time the engine was running and cant locate the original settings i noted ::)
At the moment I'm not near my PC so I can't do a screen shot of the settings I use, but in general the only ones you need to worry about are the first group as they define the correction amount and correction speed (number of cycles before change).
I use something like max enrichment - 5%, max lean out 25%, speed 10 (cycles, I think)
This seems to work OK. You don't want to allow much enrichment by the lambda sensor because it can lead to a run-away rich misfire situation.
What is meant by 'step size' what does it relate to, its a precentage of what, the size of the step in correction of VE?
Its currently set to 20% which i feel is a little high?? No??
Yes its % steps, I think I use steps of 3 as a rule. This unfortunately its another thing you have to calibrate for your car and will need to tune.