VEMS Community Forum

VEMS => Software => Topic started by: rossi46numberone on February 28, 2011, 02:09:48 AM

Title: Vems tune instability.... (ignore, please use latest version)
Post by: rossi46numberone on February 28, 2011, 02:09:48 AM
Hi everybody,
Want to know if someone have already had an error message like :Vemstune has encouterred a problem....
Then I need to close and restart the program.
Firmware 1.1.88....

Title: Re: Vems tune instability....
Post by: mattias on February 28, 2011, 10:16:18 PM
Sure, it is under development and there are always things changing and getting fixed.

Knowing the firmware version used in the ECU is sometimes useful, even more useful would be if you told us what exact version of VemsTune you're using and what you did or tried to do when it crashed, and if it's reproducible.
Title: Re: Vems tune instability....
Post by: rossi46numberone on March 01, 2011, 02:27:20 AM
It is the 0.10.84(2010.11.15)version.
For example,sometime when I try to modify one of the acceleration curve and press the "burn" button he swap to a "crazy" curve and I need press the "refresh" button to recover the curve programmed.
And for the crash case,from what I remenber nothing special: if I leave my computer for a few minutes without touching anything he crash...
And another strange case is that I can't put on the inj angle curve table "720" everywhere,when I try burn it that way he come back to strange value RPM and curve,it's a problem for me because reading the software advice I need to put 720 evrywhere when  secondary trigger disabled....
I'll try next time  to give more precise details...

Title: Re: Vems tune instability....
Post by: mattias on March 01, 2011, 07:47:18 AM
I'm not sure how you missed that it's important to use the latest version, always. Especially if complaining about crashes, etc.

Begin by removing the installation directory.

Install the latest dated version from here :

Latest of today is :
Title: Re: Vems tune instability.... (ignore, please use latest version)
Post by: rossi46numberone on March 02, 2011, 09:18:31 AM
Hi Mattias,
I have installed the latest version and it seems to work very well.
In the future  I'll keep in mind  to check regulary for latest version ::)
