VEMS Community Forum

VEMS => Configuration => Topic started by: rossi46numberone on February 13, 2011, 06:45:17 PM

Title: where to put the 2nd knock sensor enable on the Vems soft...????
Post by: rossi46numberone on February 13, 2011, 06:45:17 PM
I trying to find where do i can enable the 2nd knock sensor channel on the Vems tune soft?
Title: Re: where to put the 2nd knock sensor enable on the Vems soft...????
Post by: GintsK on February 13, 2011, 07:41:47 PM
Knock channel.
0 means sensor 1 for all cylinders
255 means sensor  2 for all cylinders.

If you need to combine the sensors-events it is more tricky:
0 comes from 00000000 binary
255 comes from 11111111 binary

So if you want to use sensors accordantly to cylinders (spark events) , then for example
10101010 (170) will switch sensor for every spark event.

1 at the  beginning belong to bottom cylinder in ignition output table (non used one if it is not 8cyl engine).
0 at  the end belong to top cylinder in same table (used always).

any desired combination except 11110000 (240) and 11110001 (241) can be used. These two disables knock.

Converting binary<-> decimal can be done by windows native calculator.

You can read it in different "language" in 1.1.26 description here:

Of course you have to be sure about hardware present inside ECU for second sensor.


Title: Re: where to put the 2nd knock sensor enable on the Vems soft...????
Post by: rossi46numberone on February 13, 2011, 10:28:46 PM
Hi Gints,
Whaouww what a fast reply and thanks you very much !!!
but what about the Vems knock software setting,I'm in trouble because it seems that most people are using "megatune" soft.
They are different in her way to make the setup and information that I found do not always correspond  :-\....
thank you again for this precious help!!
Title: Re: where to put the 2nd knock sensor enable on the Vems soft...????
Post by: GintsK on February 13, 2011, 10:38:56 PM
Sadly, but most people do not use knock feature at all. No good description. But until 1.1.88 MT and VT settings was similar. No?
But, yes, with MT it was possible configure to log noise and knock value. Since VT - no description how to configure such channels for logging. I used it for tuning purposes.

I am very interested to use knock control. And I hope new alternative method will be superior.
Title: Re: where to put the 2nd knock sensor enable on the Vems soft...????
Post by: mattias on February 13, 2011, 10:43:51 PM
Hopefully Andrey will write more documentation, with more examples.
This is what we have now for the new knock code in the most recent firmware 1.1.88+ :

Andrey first made it to work with older firmwares, and had his own firmware+MT package for that. He mentions 1.1.51 in the Wiki, don't mind that, it's now in the main development branch.
Title: Re: where to put the 2nd knock sensor enable on the Vems soft...????
Post by: Denmark on February 14, 2011, 06:33:31 PM
Looks great,

I'm looking forward to some test results, of the working knock control

And a better explaning of the different settings

Title: Re: where to put the 2nd knock sensor enable on the Vems soft...????
Post by: GintsK on February 14, 2011, 09:51:29 PM
For me 1.1.88 knock do not work on bench test. I got noise signal just above 6500rpm on 6cil wasted and above 11000rpm for 4cil. But that was with "INVALID" SDlogger<->knock setting. When setting is valid, nothing happens at all...
Title: Re: where to put the 2nd knock sensor enable on the Vems soft...????
Post by: Denmark on February 15, 2011, 11:56:40 AM
hmm. hope there will be some develoment work on this then.

I do really look forward to see the noise from the different cylinders, if this would be possible with this , so the retard pr cylinder can come to use.

Title: Re: where to put the 2nd knock sensor enable on the Vems soft...????
Post by: z0tya on March 04, 2011, 07:55:55 AM
Not work knock_alt on 1.1.88 me too :( (
Title: Re: where to put the 2nd knock sensor enable on the Vems soft...????
Post by: GintsK on March 04, 2011, 08:12:35 AM
It seems just "feature" of 1.1.88.
On 1.1.89 it works on my bench tests. As well as on 1.1.88 at high rpms.
Problem: 1.1.89 seems will not be released. We have to wait to next firmwares.

Title: Re: where to put the 2nd knock sensor enable on the Vems soft...????
Post by: z0tya on March 04, 2011, 12:05:54 PM
Quote from: GintsK on March 04, 2011, 08:12:35 AM
It seems just "feature" of 1.1.88.
On 1.1.89 it works on my bench tests. As well as on 1.1.88 at high rpms.
Problem: 1.1.89 seems will not be released. We have to wait to next firmwares.

I hope :D