I have a good idea about these figures and help topics have been helpfull.
However the slight changes in the way the info is generated on 1.1.81 makes it a bit tricky.
1.1.27 firmware:
cranking PW -40C :12.4ms
cranking PW 77C : 3.1ms
afterstart enrichment: -40C : 66%
77C : 12.2%
engine cycles: 186
Since on vemstune everything again is derived by % of the req_fuel, should these figures be:
cranking pw -40C : 400%
77C: 100%
afterstart enrichment: should the % stay the same here as in 1.1.27 megatune version since they are derived as % ?
Also in 1.1.81, there are multiple cold and warm engine cycles and usually are given much less than 186 (for example in my base map i have something like 66 and 16 values. What are the usual values on the engine cycles there?
Finally a bit about prime pulse:
after reading about the bigger injectors and what the cranking cold PW should be to enable an easy start, im finding that the 630cc are starting the car ok on cold, but perhaps could be better.
currently on megatune i use: 0 prime pulse and 20% on hot engine pulse. Should i be using some small value on prime pulse as well?
You don´t need to use prime pulse,
If those ms´s worked for you for cranking then yes 100% and 400% would be right.
Afterstart %´s will be the same
The amount of cycles you need is based on your engine, so just try many to begin with and shorten them until it´s harder to keep running afterstarting.
Brilliant Gunnar!
many thanks once again!