I'm using 1.0.73 FW and I'm wondering what to put in the tooth width field. I'm using 2 bolts on the dampener (so 2 teeth), a gt101, and the stock coil/distributor. The two fields in question are tooth width and missing tooth width. Can I leave the missing tooth at 0 since I don't have a missing tooth or should it be some other default value?
I've checked with a timing light during cranking, and it doesn't seem to matter whether the tooth width field is set at 1 or 180, I still get a spark at the same time. Since I'm using a hall sensor, I have trigger edge set to falling. Any advantage or issues to setting the tooth width as 1 or 180? The actual tooth/bolt-head width is probably around 4 degrees.
Tooth width has no relevance with the old 1.0.x firmware and coil-type trigger, so set it to 0.