So today I decided to upgrade my friends E30 from 1.1.63 to 1.1.74 since it's been released, I had downloaded two versions of VemsTune the newest testing version and I guess the newest release.
Using windows 7 with a FTDI USB-serial cable (the same one I've used for the past couple years with VEMS).
testing: VemsTune-Install-2010-04-28-testing.exe
release: VemsTune-Install-2010-01-08.exe
I started with the testing version, saved the config and downloaded the firmware. Started the upgrade process and then about 30 seconds into it the upload screen stopped counting (time and the bar stopped), then I would get a few flashes on the screen and it would say firmware doesn't match and would just stop there and bring me back to the VEMS screen. At that point I would get a dialog box pop up multiple times as VemsTune is trying to connect to the ECU saying the ECU is in bootloader mode (I'm guessing because it didn't complete the FW upgrade).
Anyway, I thought maybe there was an issue with that version of VemsTune so I downloaded VemsTune-Install-2009-12-18-testing.exe and tried again, same thing though.
After that I uninstalled VemsTune again and installed VemsTune-Install-2010-01-08.exe and did the FW upgrade and what do you know it went through just fine, and the FW upload was successful. Only problem I had after that, it wouldn't connect properly but I'm guessing the FW was too new, so I uninstalled VemsTune again, reinstalled VemsTune-Install-2010-04-28-testing.exe and used it for the remainder of the day to tune the car. It crashed once on me as the car was turned off and screwed up my pressure axis after that, so I had to reload a saved config to get everything back where it was supposed to be.
Hope this gives someone some useful info.
testing: VemsTune-Install-2010-04-28-testing.exe
release: VemsTune-Install-2010-01-08.exe
Don't fool yourself, they're both "testing".
Try 2010-03-08 if you want a more solid serial port. Or don't try anything and wait for the next release where the old CTB serial lib has been replaced and lots of bugs removed.
Quote from: mattias on May 10, 2010, 03:04:45 PM
testing: VemsTune-Install-2010-04-28-testing.exe
release: VemsTune-Install-2010-01-08.exe
Don't fool yourself, they're both "testing".
Try 2010-03-08 if you want a more solid serial port. Or don't try anything and wait for the next release where the old CTB serial lib has been replaced and lots of bugs removed.
I had the same problem last week uploading 1.1.74. It would only work with 2010-03-08 so this advice is 100% spot on.
good to know :)