I've changed the firmware a few times with Vemstune and haven't had a problem. Today I tried changing from 1.0.73 to 1.1.70 using Vemstune 4-28. The upload didn't go smoothly and now it says the ECU is in bootloader mode.
I've tried uploading new firmware many times to no avail and also tried the manual method using a paper clip and the (tools\megaloader.exe firmware\upload.hex -wE 38400 -c com1) command many times. When the megaloader window opens and I type, there are only odd characters displayed, not actual letters.
I can see the values of all the gauges and they are fine. When trying to upload new firmware and looking at the log, it is able to erase fine, but then says sync error when trying to upload. Search doesn't bring up anything else useful...
I'm using an IBM Thinkpad with built in serial port and running Windows XP. Help please!
speed is 19200
Speed is set to 19200 in the ecu communication tab. Do you mean that the 38400 should be 19200 in this command (firmware\upload.hex -wE 38400 -c com1)?
The issue with that command in megaloader is that I just get random characters, not the actual letters. Does that matter?
Quote from: AMGmercedes on May 04, 2010, 09:49:03 PM
Speed is set to 19200 in the ecu communication tab. Do you mean that the 38400 should be 19200 in this command (firmware\upload.hex -wE 38400 -c com1)?
The issue with that command in megaloader is that I just get random characters, not the actual letters. Does that matter?
yes, change 3840 to 19200.
Or use vemstune.
I tried 19200, but still nothing. I looked around the net and found that PSI Tuner can be used in this situation. I gave it a try and was able to upload 1.0.73 firmware to the ecu. The issue then is that when I open Vemstune it can see the ecu and displays firmware 1.0.73 is present, but when I try to upload either 1.0.73 or 1.1.70 in Vemstune (or verify 1.0.73), the same bootloader error comes back and then it's stuck in bootloader.
Vemstune by itself is unable to upload any firmware. I don't feel safe trying to run the firmware as uploaded by PSI Tuner, as vemstune can't verify it (same bootloader error), and besides I want to run 1.1.70... any ideas?
When the reboot instruction say
"go to your installation directory and type" tools\megaloader.exe firmware\upload.hex -wE 19200 -c com1
What is exactly meant by this? Where should I type this? In the run box? Do I open a C: prompt, get to that directory and type it there? Or in the "address" bar at the top of the windows explorer window? Or? ??? I've just been opening megaloader in the tools folder of the 1.0.73 megatune/firmware bundle and trying to type the command (firmware\upload.hex -wE 19200 -c com1) in the dialog box... but all I get there are odd symbols, not letters.
go to command promt and then in megatune directory.
Ok, so that all makes sense, and the command works. Still doesn't resolve the issue though. It converts the .hex file and then it says "abort: read char time-out flash word program completion" Tried both 1.0.73 and 1.0.78. Megatune doesn't recognize an ecu is hooked up, and vemstune says ecu is in bootloader mode. I am able to use PSI Tuner to upload firmware, and then Vemstune can read the various sensor outputs, but goes back to the bootloader message if I try to verify the firmware or upload new firmware, like 1.1.70. Megatune can't read it. What's causing it to stick in the bootloader mode? Is there an ecu problem?
I cannot comment on Vems Atmel processor, but some of the processors we use at work, when they fail, tend to show symptoms like these. They sometimes also refuse to leave bootloader no matter what you do. We replace the boards in this situation. It may be possible to reflash the bootloader.
I have experienced issues with upgrading from 1.0.x firmwares to the earlier 1.1.xx firmwares 1.1.4X I think, most of that was down to the baud rates, and it made it difficult to revert back too. Aslo, if while uploading firmware it goes bad in the middle, the Vems.hex file can sometimes end up blank, and any subsequent upload tries to upload a blank hex file.
I would download a fresh 1.0.73 firmware package http://media.vems.se/code/VemsMT1.0.73Final.zip and use the batch files in the route directory to upload the firmware. You must edit the batch file to ensure you are uploading the correct air and coolant factor patchs, and also ensure the correct com port. I have never used the comand prompt to upload firmware, the batch file does that. Force bootloader with the paperclip. Make sure you are doing this right as its not quite clear how this should be done. With the power off, bridge serial port Dsub pins 2 and 3, power up, then remove the bridge with power still on, connect com cable and upload firmware.
Once you have done that, open Megatune within the 1.0.73 firmware package. If you are still having problems then, without the input from the developers, I would have to say that the processor, or at least the bootloader is corrupt.
If I have been telling you something you already know, I appologise ;)
All is well now! I was able to successfully load the 1.0.73 firmware using the file Sprocket linked to above, THANKS! I was using the 1.0.73 file found in the wiki here: http://www.vems.hu/wiki/index.php?page=MegaTune , which I would say doesn't work. It would be good if that one were replaced with the one above to prevent someone else from having issues.
At this point I'm going to stick with 1.0.73 until release versions of newer firmware AND vemstune become available. Now setup questions... off to a new post in a different section of the forum. Thanks again Sprocket and MWfire!
Try using vemstune 2010-03-08, Mattias posted this up in another thread and I had the same issue going from 1.1.70 to 1.1.74 with 2010-4-28
Used 2010-03-08 and didn't have an issue.