As Sambas posted in another thread:
New build Now it should be very similar to official release. Please report any problems and also improvements compared to official release. In vista and win7 you should not install it into Program files folder or you have to run it as Admin.
e: rebuild
e2: rebuild, more info in,1231.msg13346.html#msg13346
so is this a different release than the standard VT will be? does it include all of the changes that the standard developers are working on?
the change i suggested related to MSQ export is not included
without really knowing - my guess is this is just the 4-16 release, with added support for the various USB serial problems?
ok i take that back - the change was included
however this version installs in a different directly, so my desktop link was still pointing to the older version.
guess i have two vemstunes now! >:(
- tune by stats doesn't work. It crashed VT right away, but at least doesn't lock up my computer
- MSQ export works, I can run VE analysis in MegaLogViewer
- VE Tables can be imported from MSQ files, which completes the loop
Tried my best to fix VE tune. Also higher portnumber than com9 should work now. New build
It should add own icon (Vemstune-VS) to the desktop and program menu. My version doesn't add any shell extensions. I recommend keeping my builds and official builds separate and compare performance.
Nice Sambas I managed to get VEtune to execute for the 1st time in any VEMStune version ;D
tune by stats runs, but give wildly different numbers than MLV. Some places MLV would pull fuel, VT would add. And where both added, VT would add tons more.
I could have sworn the 4-26 version allowed me to import MSQ tables to VE tables.
the new version does not.
i'm not able to re-install the older version - installer stops me because a newer version is already installed
VemsTune-Install-2010-04-28-testing.exe has just been released, are Sambas changes in it?
Vemstune 2010-04-28
Having trouble trying to set up two individual gauges for ADC2 and ADC5. Both will be using the same scale, but different descriptor, oil pressure and fuel pressure, however, setting up a guage for each ADC channel is not a problem, but If I change the descriptor and scale in one, it changes the other as well. What am I missing? :-\
In general I am struggling on setting up gauges like this as I am unaware of any documentation for it :-\
Did new VS testing release
GPS routegauge and VE tuner still crashes atleast with live ecu, beyond my ability to fix.
Includes totally reworked serial library that should solve most serial related stuff, also should improve RT rate by 2-3Hz.
Test and report.
Is it possible to drop the buggy modules and bring out a stable version with the new RT stuff?