VEMS Community Forum

VEMS => Software => Topic started by: [email protected] on April 26, 2010, 10:03:17 PM

Title: V1.1.74 Firmware
Post by: [email protected] on April 26, 2010, 10:03:17 PM
[1.1.74] - release candidate, but not yet released
* more precise tach output frequency even at very high RPM
* up to 36000 output pulses per minute, that is 18000 RPM for "4 cyl" tachometer (which can be used even for 5-6-8-12 or other cyl count, just adjust the tach divider)
* LCD updates are synchronized to LCD refresh (when lambda changes from 1.00 to 0.99, 1.99 should not be intermittently displayed)
* cranking pulsewidth shown after powerup (even before trigger)

* improved ignition when trigger signal is extremely noisy during cranking at least for missing tooth trigger - not much can be done for "coiltype" trigger of course.

* InputTrigger/SubaruTrigger implemented. Unlike with 1.0.x, configured as coiltype (not missing tooth type).
   Primary_trigger=A3 (or AB, as the missing tooth advanced filter can be enabled and configured for this, even though derived from the coiltype family.
   Then we trig from the short "normal tooth", max 100% and neglect the long "missing tooth" eg. min 125% )
   The weird subaru multipulse camsync requires another_trigger_tooth=03 and secondary_trigger=59 (bit6=1)
   For the simpler fiatstilo campulse, another_trigger_tooth=01 applies and either secondary_trigger=59 or 19 should work.
* InputTrigger/LanciaCosworth (which was "coiltype" before, theoretically not changed, must also be retested.)
* Some small other changes, eg. warninglight sent instead of warmup (warmup light on when warmup_enrichment > 100% is calculated in vemstune)
* for launch, flamebit (a config bit) enables launch_enrich fadeout (partial sparkcut is good, but partial launch_enrichment will be normally disabled by most tuners to avoid exhaust bang and flame effects)

*als_iacpos;// iac position when ALS active (0 disables)
* communication protection against unauthorized (write / read) access (perhaps only in 1.1.71 : not certain if this will be available in the default compile after 1.1.71 ) only applied if config_ext.pwcommlock0 == DE ( decimal 222 )
than serialnum dependent password is needed for communication. Request password for the given serialnr when ordering.
Use GenBoard/Firmware/BootLoaderLoopback to upload an old firmware if you accidentally locked yourself out (that's why this is for experts only).  No need to reenter password if reconnecting; Only needed after reboot (might be asked for only once on a certain notebook: if VemsTune saves it on the notebook harddrive and sends it automatically after that)

* important scheduler priority changes (effecting ign and lambda_target lookup)
Title: Re: V1.1.74 Firmware
Post by: NOTORIOUS VR on April 28, 2010, 07:38:17 AM
how about getting rid of the LCD lag  ;D
Title: Re: V1.1.74 Firmware
Post by: lugnuts on April 28, 2010, 08:11:03 AM
LCD? How do you even read that jumbled mess? :)
Title: Re: V1.1.74 Firmware
Post by: GintsK on April 28, 2010, 02:14:18 PM
Quote* improved ignition when trigger signal is extremely noisy during cranking at least for missing tooth trigger - not much can be done for "coiltype" trigger of course.
What it means? I had repeatable case with 1.1.70 on stimulator where dwell goes sky-high at specific cranking speed about 100-120rpm. But trigger log was clean (not noisy trigger!). Is it solved?

Title: Re: V1.1.74 Firmware
Post by: mattias on April 28, 2010, 05:24:49 PM
Quote from: GintsK on April 28, 2010, 02:14:18 PM
Quote* improved ignition when trigger signal is extremely noisy during cranking at least for missing tooth trigger - not much can be done for "coiltype" trigger of course.
What it means? I had repeatable case with 1.1.70 on stimulator where dwell goes sky-high at specific cranking speed about 100-120rpm. But trigger log was clean (not noisy trigger!). Is it solved?
Title: Re: V1.1.74 Firmware
Post by: z0tya on April 29, 2010, 04:35:35 PM
Quote from: mattias on April 28, 2010, 05:24:49 PM
Quote from: GintsK on April 28, 2010, 02:14:18 PM
Quote* improved ignition when trigger signal is extremely noisy during cranking at least for missing tooth trigger - not much can be done for "coiltype" trigger of course.
What it means? I had repeatable case with 1.1.70 on stimulator where dwell goes sky-high at specific cranking speed about 100-120rpm. But trigger log was clean (not noisy trigger!). Is it solved?

We had similar problem with bmw m50 engine and coilpack, the ignition fuse blown out sometimes at crankink with weak battery. Trying 1.1.74 now, it seems an I hope cure the problem...
Title: Re: V1.1.74 Firmware
Post by: lugnuts on April 29, 2010, 10:39:55 PM
1.1.75 and 1.1.76 available for download as well
Title: Re: V1.1.74 Firmware
Post by: multiplex on April 30, 2010, 12:14:02 AM
are there changelogs available?

Title: Re: V1.1.74 Firmware
Post by: lugnuts on April 30, 2010, 01:25:56 AM
The change log in the firmware stops at 1.1.62 unfortunately
Title: Re: V1.1.74 Firmware
Post by: mattias on April 30, 2010, 01:35:51 AM
Quote from: lugnuts on April 30, 2010, 01:25:56 AM
The change log in the firmware stops at 1.1.62 unfortunately
No, it doesn't. It's always updated, may lag until there is something worthwile to write there, 1.1.74 is the last with an update:
Title: Re: V1.1.74 Firmware
Post by: lugnuts on April 30, 2010, 02:05:35 AM
I'm referring to the change log in(inside) the actual firmware folder.

Heres the top part:

*  VEMS - 2008                                            *
*  (C) 2008 VEMS-GROUP.ORG                        *

since 1.1.62:
   * tachout inactivated (so gauge should not flicker) when RPM=0
   * for coiltype trigger if trigtooth=0 and ign_tdcdelay <= 42 degrees, and ignadv > ign_tdcdelay, we allow timing from prev tooth.
   ** For precise cranking you place coiltype trigger 15..10 BTDC, best 5-6 degrees BEFORE cranking_ignadv.
   ** during cranking, if (eg.) ign_tdcdelay=10 degrees and crank_advance=7..10 degrees dwell will start immediate from the trigger pulse, and spark might be slightly late (better than timing dwell from prev tooth)
   ** ign_tdcdelay in the 20-50 degrees range not recommended, but it should work

since 1.1.61:
   * decrease dwell at high RPM for a target of DWELL_MIN_INACTIVE time (defined as 400 usec). Automatically detects if same ign output channel is configured in neighbor events (distributer), 288 deg apart (2/5 of wasted spark 5 cyl), 360 deg (normal wasted spark) or other reftooth distance

since 1.1.60:
   * low toothcount wheels like 4-1 (m031) and c004, c008 supported, without camsync too
Title: Re: V1.1.74 Firmware
Post by: mattias on April 30, 2010, 04:52:05 AM
Oh well, we all have our sources. I trust mine.
Title: Re: V1.1.74 Firmware
Post by: lugnuts on April 30, 2010, 11:55:14 AM
I was just answering the poster's question. I have used the 1.1.74 today on my own car and will start  using it on another race car tomorrow.
Title: Re: V1.1.74 Firmware
Post by: [email protected] on April 30, 2010, 04:00:52 PM
Quote from: mattias on April 30, 2010, 04:52:05 AM
Oh well, we all have our sources. I trust mine.

True, but its an indication that the releases need a QA check before going out. 
Either we have a change log in the firmware folder that is up to date, or we drop it and put a link in the file to the place that the updates actually take place.
Its a matter of confidence, if that file isn't updated can we honesty believe that everyother file is upto date or checked?
Title: Re: V1.1.74 Firmware
Post by: mattias on April 30, 2010, 09:49:30 PM
Rob: Can't say more than that I fully agree with your statement.
It's hard to push the right buttons. Emil working full time in Budapest would be nice.
Title: Re: V1.1.74 Firmware
Post by: lugnuts on May 01, 2010, 12:09:58 PM
Ran the race car today on 1.1.74FW. The car ran and drove well during slow driving.
But it ran very pooorly under high load.

No time to diagnose so I switched back to the 1.0.78 ecu for the night, and it ran great.

When I was able to look into the details, I found that the Target Lambda is going very very rich and taking the Lambda with it.

Below is a log, you must change the ".rtf" to ".vemslog" (I changed it to get it to upload to vems filearea)

Look at 2:14.00 timestamp, the Target Lambda is .66, in the configuration it is set to .78 to .80.

I'm not sure if that is all that is wrong, hopefully so. The car sounded awlful coming out of the burnout, bogged bad in first gear, and would only rev to 6400 rpm in second gear.

One note is - the Launch Control input is set to "6 inverted". The regular Launch Control worked fine (7,200 rpm)  I was planning on using the Rev/Speed Table but I set the rpm values to 8500 to try to see if it fixed the problem.

Any insight would be appreciated.

Title: Re: V1.1.74 Firmware
Post by: gunni on May 01, 2010, 04:05:19 PM
I see alot of what seem to be missifires when the lambda goes to 0 around that area.

I can also see that your EGT goes to 1199 and in your config you have

10.1% added fuel for every 100C° above 1000C° so at 1199 you have 20% added.
which at that point turns 0.79 lambda into 0.658 lambda

Title: Re: V1.1.74 Firmware
Post by: lugnuts on May 01, 2010, 10:13:57 PM
You're right. In my haste I glanced over the safety settings, I knew the boost reductions were set to "disabled" but the fuel addition is not disabled. The EGT sensor is bad so that egt was incorrect anyway.
That's what you get for doing things in a big hurry .

The engine did misfire badly. I'm not sure if it was only the fuel that is causing it.

The Lambda going to "0" is something I haven't seen before. It definitely appears to go to "0" instead of a high number, because you can see it at 2:15.400 when the decel fuel cut is active.

Title: Re: V1.1.74 Firmware
Post by: Sprocket on May 02, 2010, 01:50:10 AM
Quote from: [email protected] on April 26, 2010, 10:03:17 PM

*als_iacpos;// iac position when ALS active (0 disables)

Cool (
Title: Re: V1.1.74 Firmware
Post by: messer on May 02, 2010, 05:38:06 PM
Quote from: lugnuts on May 01, 2010, 10:13:57 PM

The Lambda going to "0" is something I haven't seen before. It definitely appears to go to "0" instead of a high number, because you can see it at 2:15.400 when the decel fuel cut is active.

From Wiki:
Note: 1.1.53 uses a different lambda (runtime vars, offset=10) value above 1,0, (eg. not compliant with 20.9 reading at 20.9% O2). Higher resolution around 1.0 though. Likely we're forking 1.1.53 and 1.1.54 vemstune.ini and vemsv3.ini to make it work with both.

That mumbojumbo = high and low values shows up as zero, but you have better resolution 0.7 -1.2, I dont need or like that, but someone do.
Title: Re: V1.1.74 Firmware
Post by: mattias on May 02, 2010, 06:13:06 PM
Quote from: messer on May 02, 2010, 05:38:06 PMThat mumbojumbo = high and low values shows up as zero, but you have better resolution 0.7 -1.2, I dont need or like that, but someone do.
I fully agree with you here, the resolution is ok but there should be more to it. I used to tune intuitively faster based on where the "needle on the gauge" went, if it was locked to lean or rich. Now it just falls to zero and makes  it harder to guess what has happened. You can't spot a rich mis-fire as easily, or tune acceleration enrichment the same way.
Title: Re: V1.1.74 Firmware
Post by: lugnuts on May 02, 2010, 07:54:19 PM
Back on the 1.1.74 as of last night. Did a few pulls on the street, the car is running well again with the added fueling disabled. Forgot to say "thanks" to you gunni.
Title: Re: V1.1.74 Firmware
Post by: [email protected] on May 02, 2010, 10:23:44 PM
One gripe that tuners have mentioned to me is that disabled features are not always disabled.  It would be nice if idle, boost and other features could be switched off to allow tuning to take place without some other seemingly random feature interfering with the tuning process.
Title: Re: V1.1.74 Firmware
Post by: mattias on May 02, 2010, 10:45:22 PM
Rob: I think your "feature fear" comes from the old firmware with ALS interfering easily.  Really, the only thing you might want to disable while VE mapping by hand is the EGO correction, unless you can't cope with it on and watching the % correction gauge.

It's also a question of the order of tuning the features, never complicate a situation by enabling things that are not fully tuned/tested. Make a working VE map without the majority of the creature comfort features turned on. Then enable one by one as you go.
Title: Re: V1.1.74 Firmware
Post by: lugnuts on May 03, 2010, 10:40:50 PM
I am happy with the firmware, I just screwed up and missed the value in the egt fuel setting.

There is a bug in the wheel speed/rev limit set-up, with the "disable" box. I have documented this and sent it to the webshop.

Ran the car again yesterday, the fueling is correct and the car ran very well to a certain point. But a mechanical problem prevented us from making full passes.

Title: Re: V1.1.74 Firmware
Post by: GintsK on May 04, 2010, 04:11:18 AM
I had some problems with stepper when migrating from 1.1.53 and 1.1.63 to 1.1.70. It simply did not works for some reason.
Any ideas wat could be the problem. Both subaru 6wire steppers.

Title: Re: V1.1.74 Firmware
Post by: lezsi on May 05, 2010, 12:06:12 AM

I've tried to upgrade my 1.1.56 to 1.1.70, have reviewed all the forms in vemstune after upgrading, still somehow the engine is apparently very-very lean (stuttering, stalling and so) -with same injection/VE values.

I had nice idle with lambda ~0.95 using 1.1.56, but cannot get it to stay running (idle) above lambda ~0.80 with 1.1.70

I've got configs and logs here :

More details at

Any ideas appreciated!  ???
Title: Re: V1.1.74 Firmware
Post by: gunni on May 05, 2010, 01:43:32 AM
Look at the Gair compensation in .56
it´s not there in .70

It´s 10% during load.
That however doesn´t really explain fuel mixture at any other point.
Title: Re: V1.1.74 Firmware
Post by: NOTORIOUS VR on May 05, 2010, 10:38:13 AM
Quote from: lugnuts on April 28, 2010, 08:11:03 AM
LCD? How do you even read that jumbled mess? :)

hehe... I honestly don't even use it, but the "gearheads" that I've installed VEMS into love the LCD since it give a lot of info at a quick glance... at least it did with 1.0.x FW when there was no lag.

That said, I don't push the LCD anymore, mainly because it's finicky connection wise and due to the lag now.

It's nice to see the round only gauge coming down in price, I will probably get them to upgrade to that if they really want to keep an eye on things.
Title: Re: V1.1.74 Firmware
Post by: mattias on May 05, 2010, 04:38:28 PM
Quote from: NOTORIOUS VR on May 05, 2010, 10:38:13 AMThat said, I don't push the LCD anymore, mainly because it's finicky connection wise and due to the lag now.

This has had no effect for you? (from release notes 1.1.74 )

Title: Re: V1.1.74 Firmware
Post by: jeanno on May 06, 2010, 02:56:00 AM
Quote from: GintsK on May 04, 2010, 04:11:18 AM
I had some problems with stepper when migrating from 1.1.53 and 1.1.63 to 1.1.70. It simply did not works for some reason.
Any ideas wat could be the problem. Both subaru 6wire steppers.


I too had problem with the stepper after upgrade from firmware 1.1.27 to 1.1.70 : it was the "IAC stepper Speed (steps/second)" that was set to high in the default config. I raised it from 976 to 195 and all is OK now (at least with stepper :D).
Title: Re: V1.1.74 Firmware
Post by: NOTORIOUS VR on May 06, 2010, 05:15:37 AM
Quote from: mattias on May 05, 2010, 04:38:28 PM
Quote from: NOTORIOUS VR on May 05, 2010, 10:38:13 AMThat said, I don't push the LCD anymore, mainly because it's finicky connection wise and due to the lag now.

This has had no effect for you? (from release notes 1.1.74 )

  • LCD updates are synchronized to LCD refresh (when lambda changes from 1.00 to 0.99, 1.99 should not be intermittently displayed).
    Disable "forced goto" in LCD menu for higher refresh rate

I haven't tried this FW yet.. but if I can get these guys off my back buy upgrading and unchecking an option box I will be one happy man :P

Thanks mattias
Title: Re: V1.1.74 Firmware
Post by: krzak on May 07, 2010, 02:26:49 AM
Can you make gauge which show a raw values from the knock signal.

Title: Re: V1.1.74 Firmware
Post by: NOTORIOUS VR on May 10, 2010, 09:55:48 AM
Upgraded one car today, runs great! no issues at all, car was running 1.1.63 before, the LCD lag being gone is great as well!

We installed meth injection the day before and it needed to be tuned for it... running 100% meth, 22psi on a ~62mm Garrett, and quite a bit of timing... stock motor M20B25... goes like a rapped ape :)
Title: Re: V1.1.74 Firmware
Post by: gunni on May 10, 2010, 10:16:20 AM
Get some dyno or times on the M20 running meth. That´s be well good to see.
Title: Re: V1.1.74 Firmware
Post by: NOTORIOUS VR on May 10, 2010, 08:16:41 PM
not sure if we will waste any time on a dyno with this motor as it is already hurt (has some pitting in the head).  I'm pretty close to MBT anyway as I was street tuning with det cans...

It made 400whp on 21psi last year... so I"m sure we're around if not slightly above that right now.

We have a new build coming though and want to hit ~500whp with a stock M20 but this time a 2.7L :)

/thread jack
Title: Re: V1.1.74 Firmware
Post by: gunni on May 10, 2010, 10:47:16 PM
What is the advance you need to use for meth on that engine and mbt?
Title: Re: V1.1.74 Firmware
Post by: NOTORIOUS VR on May 11, 2010, 01:52:59 AM
since the motor is completely stock (only raceware head studs), with a CR of 8.8:1... I am running about 12-13deg advance with the meth injection for approx 22psi @ TQ peak.
Title: Re: V1.1.74 Firmware
Post by: gunni on May 11, 2010, 02:28:26 AM
I saw on e30tech.
just had not seen it before I asked the question
Title: Re: V1.1.74 Firmware
Post by: [email protected] on May 11, 2010, 03:31:55 PM
Why's there not a project thread on here then?
Title: Re: V1.1.74 Firmware
Post by: NOTORIOUS VR on May 13, 2010, 10:54:54 AM
I'll create one for the new setup soon :)
Title: Re: V1.1.74 Firmware
Post by: AVP on May 29, 2010, 08:56:25 PM
i have a few questions about the 1.1.74 firmware which im about to upgrade to...

1)Speed sensor:

How does it work, and is this related to the gear depended boost control?

2)Acceleration enrichments:

a) cold added amount: how does this translates to the old (ms) value that we used to use of 2.0ms? As it is related to the reqfuel value its a bit of a mystery as to how to get a meaningfull number there.

b) same idea on the accel enrichment bins, how are the % values related to the old ms values that megatune used? eg i have 0.4/0.5/0.8/1.2ms on my current version. How does that translates into %?

3) IAC settings

a) What value is replacing the : iac speed/pwm that megatune had? In that value there was the ability to use 0 which actually made the iac on the audi quite stable. Where is that on 1.1.74?

b)Max steps to extend: which feature has replaced this one on vemstune? Again very important on the setup i have.

4) Boost control settings

Where is the boost controller offset value that megatune offered? I have found that in order to match different wastegate springs or setups i had to play around with that value fairly often. I cannot seem to find anything that has replaced that now.

What is the value for TPS weight for refDC? what does it do? Its set on 398% at the moment,but i dont understand whats its meaning.

I tune boost using the rpm vs MAP table. I have specific PID settings to get the ideal boost reaction and i used the OFFSET feature to actually move up or down the whole curve depending on my wastegate setup. Now this cannot be done.

ALso, when the alternate settings are disabled, i presume that those tables have no value meaning, correct?

thanks in advance! i will be trying to upgrade tomorrow or so, but i would like to understand better these changes on the new firmware so that i will know what their values signify

Title: Re: V1.1.74 Firmware
Post by: mattias on June 01, 2010, 03:50:10 PM
1)  The speed sensor is connected to the output shaft of the gearbox, rear differential or a wheel. No mystery here.
It sends pulses, calibrate the speed gauge to match GPS or vehicle speed in some way.
And yes, it can then be used to control boost based on gear.

2) Use the values in my config as a starting point, just download my config file and drag'n'drop it over the acceleration enrichments dialog(s).
Don't bother "translating" the values, do some trial by testing.

3) a. Frequency b. It's still there.

4) I leave to someone else to dig into that. Documentation is zero at the moment.
Title: Re: V1.1.74 Firmware
Post by: AVP on June 01, 2010, 06:01:25 PM

i cannot find the max step to extend? where is it located? Or is it the PWM duty cycle allowed?

also, if i used 0 on the megatune, which PWM frequency is likely to resemble the effects of the new setting? (as 0 is no longer available)
Title: Re: V1.1.74 Firmware
Post by: z0tya on June 10, 2010, 07:21:44 AM
What about knock sensing in this fw version? I made a log and there is Knock 0 - Knock 8 gauges but shows nothing relevant, and knock diff gauge stay fix too.
Title: Re: V1.1.74 Firmware
Post by: Tony C on June 11, 2010, 06:54:08 PM
had a few probs upgrading to this firmware :-(

tried to dload the config off ecu in VT and it said can not dload etc not a valid config or firmware :-(
strange it came from vems forum (1.1.44)
so had to boot up MT dload the config etc with that, then reboot VT to upload firmware, but how do i get the config from MT to VT?????
Title: Re: V1.1.74 Firmware
Post by: Sprocket on June 11, 2010, 10:43:11 PM
The 'save config' should work rather than the 'download config'. If Vemstune is communicating with the ECU and doesnt throw up any warnings, it should be fine. I upgraded from 1.1.47 without any issues. Vemstune should still see the ECU and allow you to save the config

You need to save config in Vemstune first, before uploading new firmware. The old Megatune config files are not compatable.

If you are trying to upload a Megatune config file with Vemstune after uploading the new firmaware, the only way I can see to fix this is to upload 1.1.44 firmware the old way, upload the config the old way, and then use Vemstune to save config, then upload the new firmware and then the config.

You shouldn't have too many problems with the config if its done this way, but you will have to double check everything and i mean everything, as there are so many differences, some of them still need manual configuring afterwards