The most common type of sensor is the 2252 sensor - we call it this name because it has a resistance of 2252ohms at 25degC, if you've bought the VEMS webshop sensors, if you have a Toyota, Nissan, or GM then you'll have a sensor of this type.
Back-up your configuration
Use download-config.bat to save your config.txt and tables.txt, these are put in the config folder.
Patch and upload the firmware image
Then using the command line, in the VEMS root directory type: tempsensor_upload 2252 2252 256 (or tempsensor_upload12x12 or 16x14 if you're using a release newer than 1.0.72 or 1.1.18) and hit return.
This will patch the temperature sensor tables onto the firmware and upload the new image.
Test the changes
After this has run, check your Temps with MegaTune.
If you're not using these sensors then we'll have to work through measuring the resistance of the sensor as various temperatures.
You may find that trying some of the other values may work, if you look in Tools\ntc_airX_cltfactor you'll see files in the format:
airXfactor_2252_256.hex this is an air sensor that reads 2252Ohms at 25degrees, the final 256 value is the Analog reference value which you needn't worry about as you're only interested in 256 with the units bought from the webshop.
Effectively you have a range of air and coolant sensors: 2252 2400 2700 3000 3300 4300 5600
So if you wanted to try a 2700 air and 4300 coolant you'd got to VEMS root directory type: tempsensor_upload 2700 4300 256 (or tempsensor_upload12x12 if you're running firmware v1.0.73 and above)
My webshop air temp sensor shows 2000ohm at 25degCÃ,° but is showing 35CÃ,° in the Megatune software.
ItÃ,´s using the 2252_256 file and shows then 3-4CÃ,° higher then actual measured values.
Easytherm exported files show no resemmblance to vems .hex files.
How do I make a hex file that fits this sensor?
I read properthem is only for developers?
The odd thing is... The first paragraph says to use these:
And use 2063_256
I did this on the webshop sensor I have and it brings the values in line with reality.
Unbelievable, canÃ,´t believe I let that slide past me. :P :P
This should allow me to get things right on, am about 2c for coolant and 3c for air temp at the moment
I would just love to know howto upload that 2063_256 with my setup,as it reads high, i also use the mercedes sensor from the webshop,
I just cant figure out how to get that uploaded, to the vems box.
I dont know were to put the file image from the ntc hexptch, sowhen trying to upload it says "file notfound",
But that is also just me that will just press the "temp sensor upload 16x14".
Offcourse it will not find the file, becourse itÃ,´s not in the 1.0.73 packede, but how do i pick one of the 50, there are tochoose from??,
That is the question...
put the hexpatch in Tools\ntc_airX_cltfactor
I dont get it, so i must work around the high temps :(
Which bit do you not get?
Copy that hex file into Tools\ntc_airX_cltfactor
then open a command window and type either:
tempsensor_upload16x14 2063 2252 256
tempsensor_upload12x12 2063 2252 256
Depending on what map size you're using.
I finally found out, thanks :)
the mat is now 10 degrees lower :)
I have problems..
I have an Audi and the Vems motronic55 ecu but my tempsensors showing little wrong so i want to upload new tempsensor calibration files.
I have 1.1.27beta2
Downloaded from here:
When i type:
tempsensor_upload12x12 2063 2252 256
I looks like this:
NOTE: hexfile line neglected: # automatically generated by propertherm, type=air
NOTE: hexfile line neglected: # matfactor is also included# modelparam = 2063 Oh
m 256 aref
NOTE: hexfile line neglected: # 2252 Ohm in modelparam means that the actually u
sed thermistor exactly matches the reference CURVE, 2297 means that the real NOT
E: hexfile line neglected: thing is +2% higher resistance (at given temp) than t
he reference CURVE
NOTE: hexfile line neglected: # automatically generated by propertherm, type=clt
NOTE: hexfile line neglected: # modelparam = 2252 Ohm 256 aref
NOTE: hexfile line neglected: # 2252 Ohm in modelparam means that the actually u
sed thermistor exactly matches the reference CURVE, 2297 means that the real NOT
E: hexfile line neglected: thing is +2% higher resistance (at given temp) than t
he reference CURVE
But here it crashes and it says that the HEXPATCH.EXE has a problem and has to end, and it asks if i want to send a report to microsoft.. then after that i get this:
Can't access the file because it
used by another process.
Down loading flash file:firmware\upload.hex
LoAddr = 0 HiAddr = 0
Translation complete!
Flash erased
Flash Download finished
Verify Flash.
Start terminal emulation - ESC to exit
Normal Exit
But after this my ecu dosen't work, i can't comunicate with it and have to restart my computer and hard reset the ecu and upload firmware and config again, i also tried type "tempsensor_upload16x14 2400 2700 263" with same result and another guy tried on his computer but had same problem..
Is there something wrong with 1.1.27beta2 ?
1.1.27 is OK. But bat files coming with this package did not work for me too. IRC i use bat files from 1.0.73final package.
Now you must do as described here:
my tempsensor_upload12x12.bat file looks like
@echo off
echo Will upload 1.0.53 firmware + your chosen temp factor files
echo usage: tempsensor_upload.bat air-ohm clt-ohm aref
echo WARNING: Overwrites your current firmware in your ECU
echo ctrl-c to abort
echo -----------------------------------------------------------------------
if exist Tools\ntc_airX_cltfactor\airXfactor_%1_%3.hex (
if exist Tools\ntc_airX_cltfactor\cltfactor_%2_%3.hex (
if exist firmware\upload.hex del firmware\upload.hex
type Tools\ntc_airX_cltfactor\airXfactor_%1_%3.hex > temppatch.hex
type Tools\ntc_airX_cltfactor\cltfactor_%2_%3.hex >> temppatch.hex
Tools\ntc_airX_cltfactor\hexpatch.exe firmware\vems12x12.hex < temppatch.hex > firmware\upload.hex
del temppatch.hex
)) else ( echo Missing files)
if exist firmware\upload.hex (
tools\megaloader.exe firmware\upload.hex -wtE 38400 -c com5
) else (
echo Patch Failed )
You can run it without upgrading firmware. This file do same but with thermo patch.
In bootloader mode remove t from -wtE.
I don't understand ???
Should i take the tempsensor_upload12x12.bat from 1.0.73final and copy it in to my 1.1.27beta2 ?
And what of the things is it that i should do then thats described in here: ???
And i can't se any difference in my bat file from 1.1.27beta2 against yours ?
my tempsensor_upload12x12.bat file:
@echo off
echo Will upload 1.0.53 firmware + your chosen temp factor files
echo usage: tempsensor_upload.bat air-ohm clt-ohm aref
echo WARNING: Overwrites your current firmware in your ECU
echo ctrl-c to abort
echo -----------------------------------------------------------------------
if exist Tools\ntc_airX_cltfactor\airXfactor_%1_%3.hex (
if exist Tools\ntc_airX_cltfactor\cltfactor_%2_%3.hex (
if exist firmware\upload.hex del firmware\upload.hex
type Tools\ntc_airX_cltfactor\airXfactor_%1_%3.hex > temppatch.hex
type Tools\ntc_airX_cltfactor\cltfactor_%2_%3.hex >> temppatch.hex
Tools\ntc_airX_cltfactor\hexpatch.exe firmware\vems12x12.hex < temppatch.hex > firmware\upload.hex
del temppatch.hex
)) else ( echo Missing files)
if exist firmware\upload.hex (
tools\megaloader.exe firmware\upload.hex -wtE 38400 -c com1
) else (
echo Patch Failed )
What shuold I do, if the ect, act sensor resistance is:
0 Celsius 88-100 kohm
20 C 35-40k
40 C 15-17k
60 C 7-8k
80 C 3-4.5K
This sensor is usable or have to change?
What engine is that from? Is it a two pin temp sensor?
This is a Ford 2.0 liter Doch with EEC4 in a Sierra 92'. Engine code n9c.
The sensors are not bosch minitimer stlye plug, but 2 pin.
I saw the in the coolantfactor directory that the max resistance file is 5600 ohm.
I can make calibration file for your sensor. But you will need to change one resistor(pull up).
Can i do the pullup outside the vems box? Or just internal.
I don't want to dissasemble the box.
Quote from: z0tya on February 23, 2009, 07:09:23 PM
Can i do the pullup outside the vems box? Or just internal.
I don't want to dissasemble the box.
internal. I can make calibration file for serial vems resistor, but accuracy would be bad.
Or you can buy this sensor (1E)
okay, thanks
i will use some better sensor than the o.e.
Those early Ford ones seemed to be similar to the sensors that are used for the dashboard temp gauge.
The later Fords seemed to use thermocouples!
Get a nice Bosch style one.