The Megasquirt guys have seen some 10-20% fuel economy increase around town with acceleration enleanment. I don't see this to be an option on 1.1.44alpha, that otherwise works pretty well.
Are there any other firmware versions that support acceleration enleanment? I think I could really use it, my AFR goes really rich when lifting off the throttle at a medium to quick pace.
Sorry if this has been covered before, I've asked this before in another thread with no response.
That would be nice feature ;)
1.1.6x has that option.
Would I be giving up anything important switching to that feature? Excuse my ignorance, but would that require switching to VT or do I use MT for that firmware? This car is my daily driver and I have to do updates quickly.
Wait for a month or two for the official release. The current (1.1.6x) releases are for development and testing, not meant for widespread use.