VEMS Community Forum

VEMS => Software => Topic started by: NOTORIOUS VR on December 23, 2009, 06:08:59 AM

Title: Best way to 'migrate' from 1.0.x FWto 1.1.x FW?
Post by: NOTORIOUS VR on December 23, 2009, 06:08:59 AM
I'm just wondering what the best way would be to get an existing car that's running and tuned on a 1.0.73 firmware to a newer released 1.1.x FW?

Why?  Well because of the many small improvements that have been done which would help driveability and such....

I'm wondering if there would be a fairly easy way to do this with minimal need to re-tune afterwards?  I'm sure I'll have to tweak fuel here and there I'm guessing a few others (cold start, cruise, acceleration enrich, etc).

Title: Re: Best way to 'migrate' from 1.0.x FWto 1.1.x FW?
Post by: GintsK on December 23, 2009, 01:51:33 PM
It's manual rewriting. Config is too diferent and gives too much errors (you can try it using Vemstune).  Tables is possible to transfer using megatunes export/import. Megatune can interpolate any size table to other size.

Title: Re: Best way to 'migrate' from 1.0.x FWto 1.1.x FW?
Post by: [email protected] on December 23, 2009, 03:20:38 PM
Yes, definitely take a back-up of the config and settings from the existing 1.0.73 setup, save the MSQ so that you have something to refer to, and start off afresh with a new version upgraded via VEMSTune.  Then build things up from the start, getting the triggering and sparks straight first.
Title: Re: Best way to 'migrate' from 1.0.x FWto 1.1.x FW?
Post by: [email protected] on December 24, 2009, 01:36:27 AM
I don't really agree here,
I have upgraded most cars using vemstune and very little manual rewriting,
You will have to do some modification to your settings,
for most new settings, defaults are applied when upgrading using vemstune

changes i remember doing manually:
Setting some values for trigger
Trigger tooth reference table
Acceleration Enrichment (usable defaults are included in vemstune, but not perfect)
cranking and afterstart tables
IAC integral minkpa
EGT based enrichment

Where trigger settings is the hardest part here, just post at this forum and we'll be able to help you out

Method of upgrade is:
Unplug injectors + ignition coils
Connect to ECU with vemstune
save a config file still with 1.0.73 fw
tools / firmware webtool -> Download 1.1.63
tools / firmware upgrade
choose 1.1.63
select your temp curves
upload firmware
upload your old config files, and agree on the question about loading defaults
Check the settings i described,
Also check through settings, especially output channels that you dont have any collissions with the new settings loaded. Should not be the case
reconnect injectors and ignition
hopefully start your engine

Title: Re: Best way to 'migrate' from 1.0.x FWto 1.1.x FW?
Post by: NOTORIOUS VR on December 24, 2009, 03:17:17 AM
Thanks for all the replies!

I really would like to hope that emil's explanation would work as it seems quite easy (and the way it really should be IMO).  Let's hope it works in the real world... And if not I can always go back to the tried and tested FW and config  ;D

Title: Re: Best way to 'migrate' from 1.0.x FWto 1.1.x FW?
Post by: Sprocket on December 25, 2009, 12:21:01 AM
DOUBLE CHECK your 'trigger before TDC value' with a timing light, as I found there is roughly 10 degrees difference between 1.0.xx !!....
Title: Re: Best way to 'migrate' from 1.0.x FWto 1.1.x FW?
Post by: dnb on December 25, 2009, 02:25:30 AM
Emil's instructions do work.  I followed the same procedure (although more manually because it was pre working VemsTune for me) to upgrade to 1.1.43 a year or so ago.
Title: Re: Best way to 'migrate' from 1.0.x FWto 1.1.x FW?
Post by: [email protected] on December 25, 2009, 07:52:31 PM
Of course, forgot that I always recommend double checking with timing light, when doing any changes to trigger settings.
Title: Re: Best way to 'migrate' from 1.0.x FWto 1.1.x FW?
Post by: GintsK on January 07, 2010, 12:14:06 AM
Did I missed something? Just tried Emil method again. But last hour i just rewriting smashed details when migrating 1.1.44 to 1.1.63. (not so fundamentally different)
About 70% is OK. Vemstune recommended check some (but not all) new constsants - so far OK. But then i have to rewrite trigger settings, acceleration, MAT, retard table, everything for idle and other things.... VT doesn't gave these warnings.

My method is safer. I use proven config from new firmware (this time i hadn't any), import tables and do manual rewriting. If I miss something to rewrite - it is from working engine - checked before. It takes about 20minutes. Now so much things was little and not so little smashed - I was forced to compare everything manually to be sure. :(