Is there a problem with this table?
instead of a rpm vs map i have map vs map on this table and im not allowed to use rpm values!!!
has anyone else noticed that? its on vemstune 21/10/2009
Screenshot please?
here you go
I see it also on that version of vemstune.
Must be a bug.
Go to Boost Controller Settings make sure there is a PID entry in the Boost P setting I've entered 250
Set the Boost Config to 32, PWM Period to 16ms and changed the target to boost-target
Closed the config went back into boost vs rpm curve and it showed RPM and allowed me to enter rpm values such as 4000
The table name changes when I do this I've noticed
IF you choose boost config of 32. then the PWM goes to 64. If you change the 64 back to 16ms then the config value goes back to 128!!!
so i cannot do what you described
To confirm this is a bug, been talking about it on my native audi forum. The last firmware to show this correctly is 1.1.53 on testing
If you open the 1.1.53 ini you'll see at line 1709 the curve editor to define the x and y axis for the table.
There is no such table for 1.1.61 or 1.1.62 i'm wondering if they harcoded it but I can't see why.
As ini files are hand coded theres quite a large chance that it just got left out - try patching the newer file with the relevent part from the old ini and see how you get on.
Worked it out.
Uninstall all versions of vemstune
Installed the 2009-10-02 version, downloaded and installed all available firmware in the webtune then installed the 2009-10-21 version ( no uninstall ) next and the bug doesn't happen when checking the table ;D
I have changed the inis in two place.
1st (in vemsTune-v3-1.1.61.ini):
; Calculation for Boost target Simulation
boost_curve_rpm = { 2*floor(interpolate2d("rpmBinsB","boostTable",rpm)/2) }
; boost_curve_rpm = { 2*floor(interpolate2d("mapBinsSpark","boostTable",rpm)/2) }
2nd (in curve-editor.ini):
curve = BoostCurve, "Boost target vs RPM curve"
topicHelp = ""
columnLabel = "RPM", "Boost Target"
xAxis = 0, 10000, 11, "%.0f"
yAxis = 0, 500,11, "%.0f"
xBins = rpmBinsB, rpm
; xBins = mapBinsSpark, rpm
yBins = boostTable
gauge = mapGauge
but the dialog is empty and efter close vemstune crash
Quote from: z0tya on November 11, 2009, 07:57:20 PM
I have changed the inis in two place.
1st (in vemsTune-v3-1.1.61.ini):
; Calculation for Boost target Simulation
boost_curve_rpm = { 2*floor(interpolate2d("rpmBinsB","boostTable",rpm)/2) }
; boost_curve_rpm = { 2*floor(interpolate2d("mapBinsSpark","boostTable",rpm)/2) }
2nd (in curve-editor.ini):
curve = BoostCurve, "Boost target vs RPM curve"
topicHelp = ""
columnLabel = "RPM", "Boost Target"
xAxis = 0, 10000, 11, "%.0f"
yAxis = 0, 500,11, "%.0f"
xBins = rpmBinsB, rpm
; xBins = mapBinsSpark, rpm
yBins = boostTable
gauge = mapGauge
but the dialog is empty and efter close vemstune crash
I have just seen Robs comments, the new firmware dont reference those entries by the looks of it.
This is the method I used to correct the actions:
delete the vemstune directory ( backup your work ) install 2/10/09
Go into tools / firmware / firmware webtool
Download the firmwares to the hard drive that you want ( I installed them all ) then in the right hand pane right click on the firmware number to install it ( this isn't done by default )
Once you've done that install the later version and it will work correctly.
it is now said that there is going to be a correction of it in the 1.1.63 version soon to be released.
new vemstune version now available and rpm vs boost feature is corrected!!!!