I need a little help in setting up the boost control settings in 1.1.47.
What I intend to do is use the Boost Duty cycle map to control the Nirtous solenoids, the 12v posative of which will be switched by a relay controlled by the N2O settings.
As it stands, I have no idea of any of the settings, there are so many combinations, I don't know which is which, lol
can anyone help?
Thanks :)
I use the duty cycle map,
And begin with 0´s everywhere.
Then raise the 0´s below boost to help the boost develop
Then you just add to above 100kpa mark to raise boost until you find what you want.
Then you can add a 0-5v input that scales the boost from spring-max by the duty cycle table.
I have alot of customers with that setup. This way you can change the boost inside the cabin
Yes, but what are the settings I need to set tu be able to use this. Also, do note that im not using this for 'boost' therefore the MAP of the inlet will not rise above 100kpa ;)
To make it a little clearer, I run ITBs on a normaly aspirated engine running Alpha N with Nitrous injection. I intend to use the duty cycle map to feed in nitrous from 30% to 100% over RPM at full throttle only.
I see , should be real nice enhancement without a N2O kick.
Now I´m not entirely sure how it works with the main boost channel and the alternate channel now.
But I´d say do this.
Set the alternate channel to the output you want to use
Simple closed loop
PWM period 48ms or whatever the n2o solenoids should be configured for
actuator below 0kpa
Now your duty cycle table can be filled in with DC% values .
Now sure how your going to do the fuel with this. But you might want to just tune the VE output.
use boost control, set pwm period to 24ms or 18ms(50Hz is solenoid)?
TPS, P I D integral set to 0
Set output chanel.
Than you have boost pwm table. If you don't have speed sensor, than you need to fill up only first row(the lowest).
And also use relay for nitro enable(+12V).
This all sounds good :)
just a few things now
Boost table Kpa values are identical to the VE values for Alpha N. First line is 0 kpa, will this still work in the above configuration? I do not have the speed sensor sorted yet, but intend to in the near future.
Choose target ..... Boost-target or MAP-target.... Which would be better in this instance, infact, what is the difference?
Boost control refference position...... I have no idea what this means :D
Boost control target offset...... again I have no idea what this means ;D
The rest has been explained, thanks :)
Target set map-tarter, boost-target use aditional MAP sensor
boost control refference position=irrelevant, becouse you have whole table(pwm)
boost control target offset=0, long story :)
See pwm table
(http://img194.imageshack.us/img194/2301/pwme.th.jpg) (http://img194.imageshack.us/i/pwme.jpg/)
rpms are rpms, a first 6. rows are gear.
What firmware you have(12x12 or 14x16)?
And you can use tps scaling for enabling N20 only at full throtle, but i will recoumand to use NO2 option.
BTW you can try that option, in log it's boostDC.
I have knocked this on the head, as the information I got from Wizards Of Nos, is that the solenoids have somewhere in the region of 1kv transients. Even with the IGTBs in place, that is far to much for them to handle. I also don't like the idea of mixing such high voltages with the normal operation of the ECU. I had thought about using a Solid State Relay to isolate these high voltages, and suppress seperately, but I now have bought a progressive controller, making this whole idea obsolete ;D
Thanks for your time
Quote from: Sprocket on November 09, 2009, 01:08:32 AM
I have knocked this on the head, as the information I got from Wizards Of Nos, is that the solenoids have somewhere in the region of 1kv transients. Even with the IGTBs in place, that is far to much for them to handle. I also don't like the idea of mixing such high voltages with the normal operation of the ECU. I had thought about using a Solid State Relay to isolate these high voltages, and suppress seperately, but I now have bought a progressive controller, making this whole idea obsolete ;D
Thanks for your time
you can use mosfet(irfp350 ...) and flyback diode.
Quote from: MWfire on October 26, 2009, 03:20:37 PM
Target set map-tarter, boost-target use aditional MAP sensor
boost control refference position=irrelevant, becouse you have whole table(pwm)
boost control target offset=0, long story :)
See pwm table
(http://img194.imageshack.us/img194/2301/pwme.th.jpg) (http://img194.imageshack.us/i/pwme.jpg/)
rpms are rpms, a first 6. rows are gear.
Does this actually work?
I had no idea that there was ever a Boost vs. RPM vs Gear table!
I could easily re-name that table to say "Gear" instead of "kpa" to make it less confusing.
MWFire, have you used this method to control boost? Could you tell me which firmware (if not 1.1.47) is the most stable to try this with?
I am interested in a simple way to get open loop boost dc control, this is very good until I get my "Boost DC vs. Wheel Speed" working.
Yes, this metod work veary well.
Firmware 1.1.47v2 is stable firmware.
So far i uses that metod on 6cars(most power car has 755HP per tone, rwd)
Does anyone have an ini file to get the "coolant bins" enabled for the 1.1.47?
If I could get the 10 point cranking curve as well, this would be a good "Until VEMSTune is done" software for me to use on a few projects.
Is this a new package?
This is the one I have downloaded.
In the Cranking and Warm-up Tables, there are temp values (-40 to 71 degrees)
In the Graphs, these are labeled as decimals 0-9
and no "Coolant Bins" setting.
Quote from: lugnuts on December 10, 2009, 03:31:43 AM
Is this a new package?
This is the one I have downloaded.
In the Cranking and Warm-up Tables, there are temp values (-40 to 71 degrees)
In the Graphs, these are labeled as decimals 0-9
and no "Coolant Bins" setting.
What coolant bins did you mean. Like on 1.1.50+ (you can change value for clt/mat sensor via vemstune)?
<<<In the Cranking and Warm-up Tables, there are temp values (-40 to 71 degrees)
In the Graphs, these are labeled as decimals 0-9
and no "Coolant Bins" setting.>>>
What coolant bins did you mean. Like on 1.1.50+ (you can change value for clt/mat sensor via vemstune)?
1.0.78 "Coolant Bins" allow you set your own numbers for the Coolant temp setpoints in the Warm-up Enrichment Tables.
See below - Why would I want a coolant temp correction at these un-even numbers? 4.4 degrees? -6.6 degrees? etc.
"Coolant Bins" Screen:(http://www.vems.hu/files/KevinBlack/1.0.78CoolantBins.JPG)
1.0.78 "Warm-up Enrichment Table" has a bug and does not display your custom Coolant setpoints.
My hack-fix (not pictured) is to put my preferred setpoints in the ini file.
1.0.78 "Warm-up Enrichment Graph" does work and it will display your custom Coolant setpoints:
1.1.47v2 has no such feature, so these are the Coolant Temp setpoints you are stuck with.
Which is somewhat useable when you are using the Warmup or Cranking Table:
But, how can you remember these ridiculous numbers when you go to the Graphs?:
Also, here is my hacked Boost Per Gear DC Table:
Note that it only has 6 rows, and that i use 10-20-30-40-50-60 for the Gear axis to represent Gears 1-2-3-4-5-6.