this may be a stupid question, but how do i setup gauges in vemstune?
I see how i can add guages, but once i click something else they hide and I can't find where to 'view' them again without adding another gauge. How can i dock them like in megatune?
ok it looks like some gauge functionality is lost in the 10-2 release. Group editor opens up to a blank screen, and there are no groups listed under the view menu.
when is the next version going to be released?
MSQ export is still broken too :(
they fixed the one issue i mentioned, but then created another as the matrix does not hold the right data
ok done venting ::) :'(
It´s a continous loop of something goes good, while something else goes bad instead.
Quote from: multiplex on October 17, 2009, 12:26:44 AM
ok it looks like some gauge functionality is lost in the 10-2 release. Group editor opens up to a blank screen, and there are no groups listed under the view menu.
when is the next version going to be released?
MSQ export is still broken too :(
they fixed the one issue i mentioned, but then created another as the matrix does not hold the right data
ok done venting ::) :'(
16x9 display resolution? By default it only supports 4x3 and 16x10, but you can add your own define in v3gui.cfg [devices/v3/defaultgaugesfiles]
Hi Sambas
I have problem with version 2009-10-02 no gauges will come up. If I changes resolution to 1280x800 then there is no problem.
22:37:46 File not found! C:\Program Files (x86)\VemsTune\_2\config\
Can you make a v3gui fore resolution 1920x1080?
Also the numbers in the gauge is still black and then invisible only if I switch themes to zafir they is visible.
AMD x4 64 bit
Thanks Peter
wow, so its tied into screen resolution?
my resolution is 1280x768
thats 16x9.5!
will it accept that?
i did change resolution and the guages work :'(
Quote from: peter_jensen on October 20, 2009, 04:05:39 AM
Hi Sambas
I have problem with version 2009-10-02 no gauges will come up. If I changes resolution to 1280x800 then there is no problem.
22:37:46 File not found! C:\Program Files (x86)\VemsTune\_2\config\
Can you make a v3gui fore resolution 1920x1080?
Also the numbers in the gauge is still black and then invisible only if I switch themes to zafir they is visible.
AMD x4 64 bit
Thanks Peter
make a copy of gauges-1280x800.db and rename it gauges-1920x1080.db
then add line r_16_9=gauges-1920x1080.db to v3gui.cfg
roundgauge problem is fixed in next release (64 bit problem).
Quote from: multiplex on October 20, 2009, 08:22:12 AM
wow, so its tied into screen resolution?
my resolution is 1280x768
thats 16x9.5!
will it accept that?
i did change resolution and the guages work :'(
You could try r_5_3, it might also work. and just make a copy of gauges file
The trick is working! (I dont really understand why they release new version with a heap of bug...)
My saved 1.1.27 vemscfg - which works fine with the 6/25 dated vemstune - show as 1.1.18, and none of previously saved cfg has not ignition bins!!!
thanks sambas!
5x3 worked
Thanks Sambas
Now Vista 1920x1080 is working by following your advice great support. :D :D