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problem geting Boost alternate settings to work

Started by d00ze, August 13, 2009, 09:28:37 PM

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Ca18det running fw 1.1.44 alpha.
Boost solenoid is from

Problem with alternate settings not working.
The Basic boost settings is enabeld and the solenoid is clicking when setting "acuator off to 0", but when I change to Boost alternate settings the solenoid dosn't click.
I have tried change output to other injector and the "acuator OFF below this pressuer (kPa)" is set to 0 to here the solenoid clicking.

Heres my msq file:

Thanks for the help

//Max Larsson
Stockholm Sweden

Max Larsson
Nissan 200sx s13 ca18det
wiki page:



The solenoid is connected to "EC36 pin 18" value 32. "injector output" is set to Inj 5 = 32.
Max Larsson
Nissan 200sx s13 ca18det
wiki page:


It seems to me that your boost table is mirrored. Normally you need values close to 100 at lower rows and 0 above desired boost.


The solenoide would buzz even if the tables are inverted when setting the Off below pressure to 0. This dosn't hapen.
Is there something wrong in my settings?
I get the solenoide to buzz under Boost Alternate settings buy selecting Open loop. If i disable MPC3208 the solenoid get silent.

Max Larsson
Nissan 200sx s13 ca18det
wiki page:


Check output channel. Is not used from other function.
Boost alternate should be configured like closed loop.
MC3208 should be disabled. At least in beginning.
MAP target. 0Kpa offset.
Check boost limiting factors: Boost vs rpm and TPS, and EGT and IAT in newer firmwares.
Off pressure below atmospheric at test and normally some kPa above.



Tried to move the solenoid output to i259 ch4. The solenoid is only buzzing under Boost Controll Settings and not under Boost alternate. What components are controling the solenoide? I belive this is a hardware error and not some settings in the fw.
Max Larsson
Nissan 200sx s13 ca18det
wiki page:


It should be more like fast clicking than buzzing. ?

Why hardware. Your hardware works if solenoid works. You have some other mismatch IMHO.



The solenoid is clicking under Boost Alternate setting when set to open loop and MPC3208 it any chanel in the list. if i Set it to disable the solenoid stops clicking. Tried to get the solenoide to work with open loop and seting up PWM boost. The solenoid dosn't bleed the air out so I get WG closed at all time. Im having an external wastegate Tial 38mm.

I had this woring under closed loop before I destroyed the box and got it repaired. Realy anoying.

Pressure connected from turbo to bottom of wg. Then one pressure line goes to the top of WG passing throug the solenoid.
Max Larsson
Nissan 200sx s13 ca18det
wiki page: