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rev counter input?

Started by Seight-v8, September 02, 2009, 12:24:02 AM

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hiya all,

Just building the loom for my vems ecu to run a rover v8 4.6 engine.

As its all electronic with coil packs, and that i no longer have a coil to take the engine rpm from.

Where can i now get a rpm input for my vdo rev counter.

Can i configure the ecu to supply the rpm reading somehow?


Engine:Rover V8 4600cc
Vems Firmware:V1.2.38, GPS, SDcard, LCD & Dual lambdas, Wasted spark, 36-1 trigger, Cam Sync & Bluetooth serial.

[email protected]

There are a few options - using the Stepper to send a +12v signal to the gauge, or to use a pull-up resistor (about 500ohms) between 12v and the tacho line (tacho to a spare driver).

Then use the Extras->Tachometer Output Settings to control the line



wow you got me there, please allow for the fact i am a very newbie in this area.

Where do i take the wire (output) from the ecu from???

I know there are some spare channels, but i dont know what i can do with these or how to use them...yet

I could looking at the vdo info, use the W pulse from the alternator, but i dont know how accurate this could be.

As i dont really know how my ecu is configured, as dnb supplied it, but i havent powered anything yet.

thanks again


Engine:Rover V8 4600cc
Vems Firmware:V1.2.38, GPS, SDcard, LCD & Dual lambdas, Wasted spark, 36-1 trigger, Cam Sync & Bluetooth serial.


You can select one of the relay channels. Which is a P259 channel.

When you have done that the ecu is giving out a square wave that is the tacho signal. This is a grounding signal.
So you´ll need a pullup for it to register with the tacho.

You do that by connecting from a 12V wire to the tacho signal through a resistor, something like 2000ohm´s works fine.
Similar to this.


The tacho should be configured as P259 output 4 (EC36 pin 3)

You can change this to any output you have spare, but you're a bit limited on spare output because it's a v8 with a stepper motor... ;)

If your tacho is expecting a signal from a coil, it is unlikely VEMS (or any aftermarket ECU) can drive it without a tacho converter box unless the tacho itself can be configured to accept low voltage inputs.  The converter box is a simple thing containing an inductor, resistor and diode, so it's possible to make one.

And as you say, there's always the W pin on the alternator.  But like you I am unsure how good this is.  It does work for diesel Land Rovers I suppose...

Tony C

i have an autometer tacho in my v8
will i have to do the same above too?

Vems Ecu, Twin Plenum efi and N2o
13.314 @ 104.39 mph (10/06/07 3.9 v8)
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Vems Firmware: V1.1.74


Just read up on VDO tachos.  It looks like they accept a signal from the ECU without extra bits :)

Not sure on the Autometer yet Tony, but I expect it'll work.

Tony C

cheers mate,
i have the divider set to 8 thats right isnt it?
i know its an eight cylinder but any thing is possible with the ecu settings lol.

Vems Ecu, Twin Plenum efi and N2o
13.314 @ 104.39 mph (10/06/07 3.9 v8)
Sponsored by: &
Web site:

Vems Firmware: V1.1.74

Tony C

the autometer tach dont work,
the tach is set to 8cyl
and the vems set to divider 8
tried every thing from 4 to 32 in the divider with not even a twitch,
looks like im going to need the above box etc to get it working,

Vems Ecu, Twin Plenum efi and N2o
13.314 @ 104.39 mph (10/06/07 3.9 v8)
Sponsored by: &
Web site:

Vems Firmware: V1.1.74

Tony C

Vems Ecu, Twin Plenum efi and N2o
13.314 @ 104.39 mph (10/06/07 3.9 v8)
Sponsored by: &
Web site:

Vems Firmware: V1.1.74

Tony C

fitted the resistor as above today and no tach,
am i missing something?

Vems Ecu, Twin Plenum efi and N2o
13.314 @ 104.39 mph (10/06/07 3.9 v8)
Sponsored by: &
Web site:

Vems Firmware: V1.1.74


Now you need an oscilloscope on the wire or a light bulb to see if there is anything on the wire

Tony C

so instead of going to the tach, if i run the tach wire to a bulb, and the other side of bulb to 12v yeah?
it should flicker on and off at idle yeah?
or have i got that wrong?

Vems Ecu, Twin Plenum efi and N2o
13.314 @ 104.39 mph (10/06/07 3.9 v8)
Sponsored by: &
Web site:

Vems Firmware: V1.1.74


Tach is the 12v, other side to ground.

It should flicker in relation to the rpm´s , the more rpm´s the faster it will blink and brigther

Tony C

cheers mate, will give that a go this week,

Vems Ecu, Twin Plenum efi and N2o
13.314 @ 104.39 mph (10/06/07 3.9 v8)
Sponsored by: &
Web site:

Vems Firmware: V1.1.74