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BMW M30 config

Started by matyas, September 15, 2009, 01:10:17 PM

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Can you help me please with configuration of MegaTune?  Everything is conect alright but engine will not start. Now it is detonations to axhaust. Isn´t any mistake in config file?
this is my wiring:
primary trigger: VR sensor BMW E34 535i (black to pin 27, yelow to pin 26)

                          wheel 60-2 bmw e34 535i
secondary trigger: NONE

coil pack 3x2: pin1 to pin35, pin2 to 34, pin3 to 11

injectors 1-6 to A-F

Thank you

[email protected]

Is the ignition timing correct?

Are you getting the right sort of cranking fuelling?


1-5-3-6-2-4 engine, sparks 1&6, 5&2 and 3&4 fire at same time. so ignition outputs is correct a think...
0 35
1 34
2 11
3 35
4 34
5 11

[email protected]

I mean have you taken a timing light and ensured that the timing is correct?


not that. but trigger wheel is serial for this engine... primary trigger settings is same as other BMW M30


trigger is above 15th tooth in TDC (84deg after trigger  see )

firmare 1.1.27beta6

I don´t now how to config megatune (prim.trigger settings and reference tooth table)...

Matyas, Czech rep.


Hi all, sorry for czech language, but it's almost the same, like here in english (my last post),886.0.html
        Zdar, nevim jestli ti to pomuze: obecne kdyz je motor v HU (1valec), tak spocitej kolik je to zubu od sensoru. U mne je to napr. 20zub, tzn. 20*6=120° , takze od doby kdy sensor detekuje dva chybejici zuby do HU je to 120°. Kdyz nastavis Trigger tooth dejme tomu na 8 zub (pocitano od 2chybejicich), tzn. 8*6=48°, takze pak ti zbejva od tohodle trigru do HU 120-48=72° coz je TDC after triger hodnota. A pro predstih mas tim padem az 72°. Jinak viz ten odkaz vyse, tam je to i s fotkou jak to myslim. Reference tooth table ti ted neporadim, ja pouzivm FW 1.0.78rc2 a tam to neni...Zdravim.


Ahoj. Moc dekuju, konecne to chapu ;)