Technical > Wiring & Sensors

Rev counter & shift light outputs

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The tacho should be set to ECU (open collector) IIRC.  The divider can be set when you get some kind of reading on the tacho...
VEMS doesnt put out any voltages (apart from the stepper pins), as it switches to zero.

What hall voltage is it expecting?

What I did the Nissans was to connect a 330ohm resistor between EC36pin28 5V out, and EC36pin3 (P259 ch.4), and EC36pin3 to the tacho.  When the VEMS switches pin3 to ground, the voltage drops to zero, at other times you get +5v.

This could just as easily be a +12v supply if thats what the tacho is wanting.

Thanks guys, I'll give the ECU ope collector a go first, if it doesn't work I'll try the resistor option.

re: hall sensor, it can use the positive signal from the hall sensor, I can do this easily but after all the comments about avoiding noise in the system it seems a daft thing to do, I could be wrong though.

<<<What I did the Nissans was to connect a 330ohm resistor between EC36pin28 5V out, and EC36pin3 (P259 ch.4), and EC36pin3 to the tacho.  When the VEMS switches pin3 to ground, the voltage drops to zero, at other times you get +5v.
This could just as easily be a +12v supply if thats what the tacho is wanting.>>>

- Could you show me how to do this? Is the resistor value the same 330 ohm? And does this make the 5v supply un-usable to power other functions(launch control switch, fuel pressure sensor)?

Here is my OEM tach info:

Tach +10.8v, 66% DC "on", 3 tach signals per rev.

Theres plenty of current available with the 5v supply maybe I'd need to up the resistor value if I wanted to use the ALS,Shiftcut and what have you.
Just wire 12v via say a 1K resistor to the channel rather than the 5v.


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