Author Topic: Problems with setup  (Read 6860 times)

Offline 3.7 V8

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Problems with setup
« on: June 18, 2009, 11:09:25 pm »

 Hi,  Am having a few issues with the current set up on my car at the moment,  History of the car is ran on version 53 firmware and ran fine,  then one of the coil drivers fried, sent the ecu of to have it replaced and at the same time the idle control modifaction was done and the chap installed the new 78 firmware,

  The ECU arrived back and firmware and megatune was updated on my computer, a problem happened and the ecu locked out also the computer would not let me calibrate the tps either.

 Ecu sent back again to sort the problems, ECU now has more problems, could not use 13x13 on the megasquirt, now have to use 13x 13 afr to get it to work, cannot callibrate tps as it comes up with a high value, I was told to cheat the tps calibration and set it up, it now reads fine,

 However the new problem since getting the ECU back is that the AFR gauge on the megasquirt screen always reads 8.14 and is red, if the car is revved, the dial sometime goes white and reads 12 or 13, however the exhaust sprays black soot! and burns my eyes as its overfueling!

   Any ideas!  Please be aware my vems knowedge is very limited!

   Cheers Danny