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Analog inputs

Started by carbon1993, January 04, 2020, 10:43:48 PM

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I am new to Vems and want to install a few new sensors. But can´t really say which inputs to use. The sensors are oil temp and pressure in one sensor. And a secondary water temperature. I can use pin 28 for the 5V. But what pins should i use for the oil and water sensor.

I rather want to seek help with the professionals than blow my ecu up.

this is the spec sheet



connect to the ECU go to View - Groups - Analog inputs all

There on the left hand side you can see all the analogs, wire the temp sensor to a signal that is already sitting at 5v, meaning its been pulled up already.
Only wire the pressure into a analog that is floating about / not near 5v already.

Do you have a resistance curve or voltage curve for the temp sensor against a reference voltage and pullup ?
Do you know the voltage output info of the pressure sensor?


Hi thanks for the reply! Ok when i got the perfect pin. Then channel (for example) CH4 would be a ec36-pin3 P259 channel?

The oil pressure and temperature is in one sensor.

I have the specefic sheets for the oil sensor temp/pressure somewhere but can't seem to find it.... The water temperature should be the same one as already used inengine outlet.

So if i undersstand correct just attach the + to a 5volt to one of the p259 channels that have 5V. Then ground to pin 36?

Probably will need help again setting it up in Vems.


Definitely not pin 36 but 26.

The combined sensor will have two analogs coming out, one pressure and one temp so each wire there needs wiring to the appropriate place.