Technical > Wiring & Sensors

Intermittant operation of P259 output

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I'm a little confused about this...

I noticed that one of my fans was not working correctly, the cause was the drive relay (fed from P259 output no 6) chattering.  Swapping the relay made no difference to operation, and swapping the fan and water pump (fan 1 and fan 2 on my car) outputs over in software didn't change the problem either.

I therefore assume it's a hardware problem with my P259 chip.  Has anyone had one fail in this way?  The other P259 outputs - I use most of them - all seem to work properly. 

Needless to say I would prefer to avoid needless rework of the circuit board.

Thats a new one on me, are you sure that there's no other control function set for that pin?  They might be fighting each other turning the channel on and off.

That's exactly what I thought Rob.  Unfortunately I couldn't find anything...

It could be a firmware bug - I am using one of the new alpha builds after all.
It doesn't seem like the sort of fault you get with semiconductors, they tend to work or not work...
Its almost worth reverting and seeing if the problem persists.

I will revert to 1.0.73 when I get a chance.  That's the last time I remember it being OK.


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