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BMW M3 Installation - no trigger signal

Started by KaliE36, May 29, 2009, 12:25:37 PM

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i was just installed a V3.3 using a V3 harness on a BMW S50B30 engine, 6 inline, COP, waste spark configuration
all sensors are working ok but crank ...
the crank sensor is a VR one and i'm using the stock 60-2 trigger wheel
the problem is that no rpm signal is achieved
the sensor was tested and is working fine, the sensor position is the stock one using the stock gap to trigger wheel
the strange issue is the fact that if the sensor in unplugged, on the VR signal wire going to VEMS (pin 27) i'm reading 2.6v (when ECU in powered)
when i'm plugging the sensor, there are still 1.4v on that wire and even at fast cranking no rpm signal is displayed by VEMS
more strange is the fact that when ECU is powered, the fuel pump goes on, and no errors are displayed ...
in terms of software i'm using 1.0.78 firmware, with the following configuration:
Edge - rising
Type - multitooth
Filtering - enabled
Advance Filtering - Disable
Missing Tooth - N-2
Special Trigger Type - Normal
TDC after Trigger - 67
No of teth on wheel - 58
Trigger tooth - 3
Next trigger tooth - 20
Crank min period - 1280
Angular width of tooth - 2
Angular width of missing tooth - 6
Engine phase when to reset - 64

Any help on this in very much appreciated,
Thank you,

[email protected]

First off, turn off filtering.
You haven't got the secondary trigger enabled have you?


Filtering disabled and cam sensor also (it was always disable during the first runs) ... unfortunately there was no improvement
still, it is normal that the VR signal wire to show voltage ?


You should try and revert the polarity of the VR sensor wires as on BMW's there's usually no rpm reading when polarity is wrong.

Also, does your fuel pump output works (e.g. is P259  chip in tact)? If it's toasted for whatever reason (see the sticky), it messes up the +5V supply to LM1815 and you won't get rpm reading.


Problem solved last night - the problem was the firmware ...
I used the C20LET base map posted by Rob and a very clear rpm signal occur.
unfortunately I wasn't able to start the engine because the battery was depleted (9v on DVM) and i lost the contact with the VEMS unit
today i will recharge the battery and go for the next step: starting the engine in semi-sequential configuration (injectors sequential / ignition waste-spark)
the firing order for this engine is : 1 5 3 6 2 4
injectors are wired normal (V3 harness) and the setup in megatune is : 1, 16, 4, 32, 2, 8 (alternate banks 05.00)
ignition coils are wired:
0 - coil 1
1 - coil 6
2 - coil 3
3 - coil 4
4 - coil 5
5 - coil 2
and the setup in megatune is : 2+3, 4+5, 0+1 (dual output, 02.00 in [h2])
This sounds ok for you ?
Thank you,



Quote from: gunni on June 06, 2009, 04:29:32 PM
What are you doing about the vanos?
the Vanos unit is removed ...
Anyway, today - after recharging the battery, and with all sensors in place and working - i've made the very first attempt to start the engine ... very unsuccessful, unfortunately ...
even if i get a pretty good rpm signal (and the engine is reving at cranking at about 150-200rpm) - no spark occur at all ...
I did checked again all connections, ECU pins, reinstall the firmware, etc, etc ... no spark !
I even tried to simulate a 4 cil engine, and 1 spark occur just when the ignition key was tuned off !!!
anyway, the TDC after trigger is not set up (i was inserted there the value for a M3 US engine), but, as long i don't get a good spark - the timing light is not working ...
I'm running out of ideas ... any input on this will be much appreciated ...
Thank you,


Post screenshots of your trigger setting windows.


Quote from: gunni on June 07, 2009, 02:44:00 AM
Post screenshots of your trigger setting windows.
It seems that i cannot insert any kind of files ...
anyway, the Ignition setup is:
Primary Trigger:
Edge ................................... Rising
Type .................................. Multitooth
Filtering ............................... Disabled
Advance Filtering ................... Disabled
Special N-1 ........................... Disabled
Fiat Silo ............................... Disabled
Nissan special trigger .............. Disabled
Bit 7 not in use ...................... Disabled
TDC after trigger .................... 67
No of teeth on wheel .............. 58
Trigger tooth ......................... 3
Next trigger tooth .................. 20
Crank min period .................... 2496
Tooth normal relative min% ...... 25
Tooth normal relative max% ..... 150
Tooth missing relative min% ..... 200
Tooth missing relative max% .... 413
Angular width of tooth ............. 2
Angular width of missing tooth ... 6

The secondary trigger is Disabled

Ignition settings:
Ignition outputs in [H2] .............02.00
Ignition driver type ...................DUMMY
Invert driver output ..................Disable
Dual output mode .....................Enabled
Coil chargetime ........................3.01
Coil chargetime added @6v .........0.81

[H2] table - Ignition outputs
0 -> 2+3
1 -> 4+5
2 -> 0+1

The ignition outputs are liked to coils as described above (in post #4), everything being checked 3-rd time (signal, +12v and ground wires ...)
Thank you


You want dual output mode disabled.
As far as I know you only use that if you have Coil On Plug and want to fire them in pairs to simulate a wasted spark coilpack setup.
For example you have fitted COPs but don't have a cam sensor.
Gavin :)
VEMs Authorised Installer / Re-seller. K head kits for A series now available!

WB/EGT gauges. Click here for customers write-up 



Quote from: Bat on June 07, 2009, 04:36:01 PM
You want dual output mode disabled.
As far as I know you only use that if you have Coil On Plug and want to fire them in pairs to simulate a wasted spark coilpack setup.
For example you have fitted COPs but don't have a cam sensor.
Gavin :)
Hi Gavin,
I do have COP , all 6 coils being wired directly each to one IGTB in VEMS as described in post #4 ... i also have a cam sensor, but i really think that will be too ambitious to start my first VEMS setup sequentially ...
Thank you, Bogdan


Yesterday it was a very good day - the engine starts !
The problem was solved as Rob suggested - disabling ALS % launch control. The engine starts at first key, working in 6 cil !
Next step - tuning
First interesting issue it is that the engine starts very lean at 20AFR (despite +30% warm up enrichment), but in 10-15 sec the mixture is suddenly enriched to 10AFR (this is about the no of cycles for afterstart - that is set up to 256) - my question is that the mixture shouldn't be leaner after the the engine is warming ? anyway, i can avoid this issue setting the no of afterstart cycles to 0 ...
I will let you know about the progress on this
Thank you, All the best,

[email protected]

It all depends on your after start enrichment.  Also are you sure that the sensor is warmed-up and correctly reading the AFR?


Quote from: [email protected] on June 09, 2009, 02:23:43 PM
It all depends on your after start enrichment.  Also are you sure that the sensor is warmed-up and correctly reading the AFR?
I don't know what it was about, but this problem was solved too .. it seems that my CLT calibration was off - i used some values used by US M3 engine CLT sensor and the temp shown by CLT and IAT before starting were about the same and very close by ambiental temp. In just 1 minute after starting the engine the fan goes on and CLT readings were 81C (definitely wrong)
On the other hand, the AFR readings were made with a external WBO2 probe, and, with all my best efforts - the VEMS O2 sensor didn't shown any sign of live ... I was setup the "Wideband settings" and "wideband PID" in Megatune, inserted the O2 5v fuse in V3 harness and start the testing procedure : first off was the fact that between 5&6 WBO2 coupler were 4v instead of 0 ...
on the other hand, in "wideband settings" should be 2 cells blocked for editing (pump 0 pw and WBO2 calibration constant) - that were in editing mode ... it seems that i didn't get it how to activate the WBO2 sensor from software ...
another issues is that the engine starts pretty difficult, after 4-5 seconds of cranking and giving some backfire in intake (i adjusted the prime-pulse to just 2ms, i set up the injectors to fire alternately at cranking - and some improvements occurs, but the problem is still far from resolved ...)
mention that the engine just refused to start when throttle is opened more than 1-2 %, even if after starting - is accelerate very well (and the acc enrichment is working well)
# maybe is a good idea to move this thread to "Project" section - we discussed already much more than triggering here#
Thank you very much for your support

[email protected]

Thread moved to project as requested :)