Technical > Wiring & Sensors

sensor near plug leads


Hello all,

Would it be OK to mount my air temperature sensor close to wear my plug leads are?

Should be worried about any EMF's or noise that might me generated in the signal from the sensor to the ECU?

Don't want to move it, then find out its location is no good.

I've removed the pipe the sensor was located in and want to move it to the throttle body, but the sensor will be only about 25mm from the plug wires from the coils.


Wires should be with some noise suppression (as almost all wires nowadays). Then - no issues.

decided not to mount it in the throttle housing, and instead mounted it in the silicone inlet pipe, wires were just long enough, and its well away from any problems.

Will see how it performs there next time I run the engine.



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