Technical > Wiring & Sensors

Analog Multiplexing issue

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--- Quote from: Matus on June 26, 2019, 02:43:00 pm ---Hmm, wasn't even aware about it :D. 

However, unchecked, config burned, nothing has changed.
I checked ini files before try, it download 4 new files but nothing has changed for me.
Also I tried to rollback to 1.38, still the same.

Any other idea what to check ?
I am considering if it takes maybe noise of the sparks or something, but it is not periodical, doing it even in idle and randomly ..

--- End quote ---

its not noise :) never used it in way you use it :) check how these channels look  in log :)

Might it be related to SDcard logging ?  I was trying to do log, to check and share but you know.. short file that I makes seems to be weird for me.


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