i have a question,
I use the megalogviewer, to adjust accel enrichments. I notice that when the throttle opens and fuel is added, lamda goes lean first, then to the specified value depending on the bin.However when i take the foot off the pedal, the mixture goes righ before it goes to the fuel cut.
I did some test pressing and releasing the pedal while logging it and it does that all the time.
Also on cold engine the car is actually going very lean i think because of this.
why is it doing that? I have increased all accel enrichments quite a lot but still does it.
is it because the TB opens too fast for any enrichment to be enough?
i have 0.2/0.4/0.7/0.9 ms injec on the 4 bins
1.2sec of time
i had 28multiplication factor
and 3.6 ms for cold added amount.
I use 630cc dekas and from other engines i have seen, they use much less accel enrichments.Only difference i have is a 15% bigger throttle valve. Could that make all this mess?