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Alfa 2.0 V6 turbo

Started by lost, April 27, 2009, 04:48:36 PM

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flashed it to 1.1.88, made the changes you suggested, and here is trigger log


and here is latest config in 1.1.88 with some injector 720degree errors :(
dont know how to correct it...


Triggerlog looks ok, no "shadow tooth" after the gap that would indicate wrong polarity.

The injector angle curve error, it says pretty clearly in the config validation that because you're not using secondary trigger (cam sync) you need to set all angles at all rpms to 720 degrees. So do that.

The other error in the 'ECU calibrations' dialog, set "table kPa unit" to 2. It's the future. Check all your tables, the pressure scale will now have doubled.



with injector ramup at 0 i car idles for 3 seconds and dies at 500us it idles at 450rpm at 1000us rumpup it idles at 750rpm... with 900cc siemens blue tip at 3 bar.. any suggestions?

This is last error its greyed out so i cant turn it of...
So i used andreNL's config and now i dont have any verify errors, and then changed tigger settings , outputs etc...


My setup:
-vems v3.5 1.1.88 fw - no verify errors
-stock alfa v6 turbo 2.0
-primary trigger vr 60-2 stock alfa
-TDC after trigger strobed to 55degrees
-alfa v6 fire order: 1,4,2,5,3,6
-Using fixed stock distributor and single bosch coil, (identical to 6cyl E30 bmw)
-injector ch1 is conected to injecotor1 .. inj ch2 to injector2........
-siemens deka ev1 900cc injectors just installed, fuel pressure 3bar

Here is my log in new config file. using 1.1.88

With lambda 1 it still smells on unburned gas. I have fuel pressure gauge and its steady at 3bar
Is any of these injector fireing order correct? Or its just impossible to work as ist should without camsync.

Injector order 1:

Injector order 2:

Primary trigger:

Refrence tooth:

Igniton settings:


Quote from: lost on May 27, 2011, 04:09:48 PMwith injector ramup at 0 i car idles for 3 seconds and dies at 500us it idles at 450rpm at 1000us rumpup it idles at 750rpm... with 900cc siemens blue tip at 3 bar.. any suggestions?
You must tune VE table at idle and low load, lowering the rampup value lowers the calculated pulsewidth so you must increase VE values.
Check the "calc model" gauge group in the view menu to get a better grip in what affects the calculated injector pulsewidth.

Quote from: lost on May 27, 2011, 04:09:48 PMThis is last error its greyed out so i cant turn it of...
Ignore the stepper error, it will be fixed in future VemsTune versions.

Quote from: lost on May 27, 2011, 07:56:58 PMI have fuel pressure gauge and its steady at 3bar.
Steady - as in always 3 bar? What is the pressure when the fuel pump primes ? Also 3 bar?
Manifold pressure signal should greatly affect what you read on the gauge.

Quote from: lost on May 27, 2011, 07:56:58 PMIs any of these injector fireing order correct? Or its just impossible to work as ist should without camsync.
Doesn't matter much until you add cam sync. You must have some other issue.

Your VE table is not smooth enough to make any kind of judgement. There are several things to manually fix in the table.
I would not rely on EGO correction to alleviate your VE table being less than perfect. It must be smooth.
In the datalog, is that just free revving on the garage floor? or actual driving?
What is the condition of your spark plugs and ignition system?

Fix the injector additive trim, you have 200 us added to one cylinder. Not a real serious problem, there is more to discover.


when pump turs on for 3 seconds its 3.2 bar, when engine is runnig its 2.9-3.3 bar i think.

tried same FPR from spare engine and that one shows 4bar...
Im using prosport gauge... but one holds at 3bar other at 4bar?

In datalog its free revving .
Spark plugs are maybe little black but i was experimentig with settings/tables :D

I pulled front head from v6 today  maybe gasket leaked very small amount of water to cyl 6... MAYBE :)
It sounded like engine was knocking very damped pop-pop noise...



Return line large enough?

fuel pressure should behave in relations to the manifold pressure.
does it do that?


2 gunni, i will check it when i recconect fuel gauge.

I changed effective rampup as Mattias told me, and now engine idles at VE 97..
Look at the picture. Is so high VE to be expected


It might be that your "req fuel" is not correct and too low, check it against the known formula (F1 for help in 'engine setup' dialog).


6x 870ccm
2L engine

It gives me 2.5ms it is allready 2.5 in config...


if you have simens deka IV use:
open time 352
effectiva rampup 408
rampup voltage comp 4080
voltage compensation 800us
that are good settings for simens deka

in idle you should have VE 60-70

btw where are you from?


Yes, they are deka IV, thanks for info.

Im between SK and ZG, Cro.

Sadly yesterday i put new headgasket, and now i see that liner moved and cracked rubber ring, and have traces of water in oil pan... so i have to do it again :-/