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Alfa 2.0 V6 turbo

Started by lost, April 27, 2009, 04:48:36 PM

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Quote from: lost on January 09, 2010, 12:30:41 PM

Another question.
Can i run vag active cops with igbt's or i have to remove them, (i dont have camsync)

I currently have stock dizzy, was planning to use wasted sparr 3x2 coil, but someone suggested to use cops.
(cheaper & easy to find).

For 6 active cop's without camsync 3 ignition channels are used ? same as wasted spark?

Vauxhall v6 coil pack new is going to be the cheapest solution and simplest

This works for 500hp+

you would have to remove the IGBT´s for active coils. And you´d have to use 6 channels to run COP´s..
So I suggest you get that coil and save yourself removing the igbt´s and save 3 channels.


So it's not possible to run 6 active cops with 3 ign channels  wasted spark  :-\

It ain't problem to remove igbt's.

Good price for vauxhall coil, im not sure it will fit on alfa cables, alfa has 4mm inner dimension plug, 7mm outer rubber seal. Is it same as vauxhall?


I don´t know but you could probably get some vauxhall HT leads as well.


Running two coils from one IGBT you are doubling the current and the IGBT may not be big enough. Then there is the transient voltage, the IGBT can cope with up to around 450v transient but with two coils generating 400v the actual voltage may be more than the IGBT can carry, i am not sure. However, I was TOLD by one of the developers that you SHOULD NOT double up the coils on on IGBT.

There is provision for 8 IGTBs, and you would need 6. How many other things you are driving need an IGBT

Also, personaly I would leave the IGBTs onboard and use those to drive the drivers built into the coils thus protecting the driver chips in the ECU. Its getting a bit long winded with the processor driving the driver chip driving the IGBT, driving the driver in the coil :D


Yes, but they are active coils, if i have six IGBT's and connect them to six active cops would igbt fry them :) ?
Just courious.

I have idle valve and boost selenoid on two remainig injector channels.
And planning to run TACHO on IGBT so if i run 6 cops, still one igbt channel is empty. Maybe i could use it for fuel pump relay just to get away from easy burning p259's.
Is this possible, to run tacho from ign channel 07 wire directly to tach without pullup to 12v messing around? And ign06 to fuel pump relay.

I'l try to find vauhall/opel to check if my cables fit to their coil...
Maybe mwfire coul help with this :) 4mm inner dimension?



The igbt´s don´t output the right signals for active coils.



Is it ok tu use igbt for fuel pump relay or tacho directly with no extra pullups? If i understood Rob, it is. .. tacho...

and is it possible tu use second wbo2 fet to drive fuel pump etc ... just to fill that extra space on vems board  while it's out on the desk :) ?

[email protected]

Yes you can use an IGBT to control a relay - the relay is powered by the battery and goes to earth via an IGBT, FET or p259.



Quote from: lost on January 11, 2010, 01:51:59 AM
tacho can go directly to igbt?
Some do, otherwise use a free stepper output (EC18 connector, S259-x outputs).


I bought case from vems webshop recently, until now vems was in open case with small heatsink on igbt (single igbt), after few tests i didn't noticed it gets hot, so i wondered if i could use this one, in my new configuration with 3 igbts? and 3x2 coilpack

there is no way i could clamp it to the case as my components are mounted on top of the board.
I could mount small pc fan on the backside on vems endplate...


Expert needed...

Slyalfa from alfabb forum gave me his .msq , he's also running alfa v6 on vems for at least 3 years.

I made primary trigger settings as suggested in this thread, but never checked with timing light. ( car still waiting for paint job, not driving it)  :D

On the left are mine trigger sett. on the RIGHT are slyalfa (using it for 3 years) 60-2 wheel.

So what to change on my trigger settings, im lost here is my angular width of tooth wrong ? trigger tooth? cranck min period? missing type. Mine (90deg) tdc is not verified...


If he has the exact same engine then I´d start with his and test with a timing light.


Il'l try. But what about edge : falling/rising, does it matter? You said on first page of this thread to use falling.. And he uses rising? Does this reflects to trigger tooth #


What firmware version is the running engine using?

Rising edge is predominantly used for VR sensors and falling edge is predominantly used for Hall sensors

trigger before TDC value depends on the physical location of the sensor in relation to the missing tooth when the engine is at TDC. If the trigger is a non standard set up, it could be anything and is why you need to check it with a timing light.

Trigger tooth is the tooth that Vems uses as its refference. it can be any tooth you wish but it is normaly set to 1

Crank Min Period is calculated as 60/ (red line RPM +1000)/Number of engine events * 2

the values in filtering don't do anything since they have been disabled at the top