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Alfa 2.0 V6 turbo

Started by lost, April 27, 2009, 04:48:36 PM

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I´ve had that happen, re upload the firmware until it´s fixed.



1.1.47v2 , so far best firmware for turbo cars. Must have if car has many torque and FWD.


H table corrupt means you have injector staging enabled and miss cofigured, disable it. Also check conf switch in egt menu that it is zero (not used)
Firmware, Software and Hardware



turned off injector staging and conf switch egt. no data corruption now.

Thanks Sambas.

but car still wont start.

so i flashed vems to  1.1.47v2  and got some 3l v6 tables. edited ignition settings and nothing.

still no go...

does anyone know what this means
WARNING(03): Value from option list "h2d0" = "INVALID" not found.
   WARNING(03): Value from option list "h2d1" = "INVALID" not found.
   WARNING(03): Value from option list "h2d2" = "INVALID" not found.
   WARNING(03): Value from option list "h2d3" = "INVALID" not found.
   WARNING(03): Value from option list "h2d4" = "INVALID" not found.
   WARNING(03): Value from option list "h2d5" = "INVALID" not found.
   WARNING(03): Value from option list "boost_channel_names" = "INVALID" not found.
   WARNING(03): Value from option list "boost_conf_pwm" = "INVALID" not found.

and is this ok?

my  reqfuel is 11.4ms


for high-z injectors
pwm DC 100%
peak time 25.5ms
crank cold pw 18ms
crank hot pw 3ms



engine started  ;D works for few seconds, then dies. it starts on 3-4 cyl.

what's next step?

how to tune it, at least get it to idle properly?



Check the calibration guides.

If you do not have any fundemental understanding of engines and fuel injection tuning in perticular you might want to think about purchasing a book on the subject.

#1. Would be to get the engine to warm temperatures and adjust the idle to be steady, Then you need to devise a warmup curve based on percentages, so next time you want to start it that you are able to do so and let it warm up. Dont try and drive anything before you know you can start it up at anytime as you don´t want to be miles from you house and it dies on you.


car is working when i hold accelerator - tps at 3-4% won't idle without it.


here is datalog...

can anyone with expirience check it out?


is youre map sensor configured? you should see aroud 100kpa when engine is off...log shows need to set map sensor offset,open the throttle screw to 2-3% if you dont have and idle control configured and then set youre ignition and ve until the car idles fine...
when engine is idling you should see around 40kpa at idle depends how agressive youre cam is...
E30 2.7 - VEMS,KKK K27.2,Schrick,1bar


MAP IS around 100kpa. when engine is off.
try today with idle valve. or as you suggested 3% tps.


tried to play with vems yesterdey , with spark timning.  end result car won't start anymore with backup settings or original ecu. spark plugs are dry but all black.

can anyone tell me TDC AFTER TRIGGER how many degrees is it according to this picture of alfa v6 60-2 wheel?

Current primary trigger settings are:


Number of teeth. 58
Trigger tooth 3
Next Trigger tooth 20
Crank min 2224
Angular width of tooth : 6


COUNTED  61 tooth + 2 missing on picture.

hmmm. i'l count it on engine later today, and count wich tooth is at tdc mark.


car started afrer spark plug cleanup  ;D

i noticed induction i think.  when i put wbo and injector fuses. ( all wires go together to engine bay) after turning key to 1st positon. (not trying to start the car). vems powerup. relay connects wbo2 injectors etc...  and after few seconds i get interferance and got 300-500 rpm for few seconds and injectors start to pump fuel. (engine off)

RPM reading shows onley if i put wbo2 and injector fuses.

Anybody had the same problem? How to shield VR sensor wires? both grounds to sensor are properly connected.

Should i use coax or something?