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Alfa 2.0 V6 turbo

Started by lost, April 27, 2009, 04:48:36 PM

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Looks about right.
Do you have cam sync?


yes i have camsync. hall type with one tooth.


Publish a datalog of a cold start running until it's warmed up and describe what you think is wrong or not feels right.


After replacing engine and upgrading vems to new bootloader and latest firmware i cant start the car...
Harness is same as before, using old config from 1.1.96

It seems to be trigger problem, primary is stock vr secondary is improvised hall


Triggerlog looks ok. Publish a vemslog or config (using built-in error report in help menu).


Here is log file.
Ignition was confirmed with timing light before i mounted intake.


Here is an edited config file with a lot of validation errors and other things removed/changed.
Download link is on the bottom right view :

Please use this error report link for future communication as well.


Thanks for help. I didnt noticed config validation error because of bug in vemstune or windows 8.1, little box that pops out to say it has errors or that vems is connected is just  white with no text :)
Its same on laptop and desktop PC. Using latest Vemstune. Maybe developers can take a look at it on new windows.
Engine starts!

What would be best injecton angle for this engine??


Trouble with missfires.

Using 60-2 VR stock  and homemade hall CAM sensor with 1 tooth
V6 engine on VW  06H-998-115r COP from 1.8t
full sequential, everything is 1:1  INJ00 to injector1   ign00 to COP#1...

I have problems with small missfires and unburned fuel smell, problem seems to be on "front head" with cylinders 4- 5- 6
Log file is with cold engine, problem just on cyl #6 when it gets hotter missfire spread to 4-5-6 on that fromt head of engine, rear head 1-2-3 looks good on individual power.
I hear popping sound even on 2500 rpm.
I tried to measure heat from exhaust manifold on that head and it seems to be little hotter.
Harness for cops i checked with DVM. Tried to rotate brand new cops and it did not help. New spar plugs replaced...
Every set of Coil is grounded to its own head, i tried to connect two head ground with wire an i did not help.
Its like something is out of sync. So im not sure if my triggerlog is good or not?

I also get strange individual power readings before i crank engine:

Here is triggerlog

Log file

Triggerlog file:


Hello Lost,

I have reviewed your triggerlog and vemslog, did some quick timing calcs based on that:

* from triggerlog it seems your ignition timing calibration is off, your vemslog shows 8 deg cranking degree configured, your triggerlog show spark around 0-2 deg BTDC; did you verify engine timing with timing light ?

* the strange individual power is because you have wbo2 started before power-up enabled; when engine is not running and wideband control is ON these variables are re-used for wideband statistics and status variables. No need to worry.
* I do not see any alarming individual power difference at idle, take care of the units: average diff is around 70-150 usec, rpm period @950 rpm is around (1/(950/60))/2=31.57msec so its only a 150usec/31.57msec * 100 = 0.475% diff (when taking the worst case 150usec reading) quite even.

Best regards, Dave


This is how my trigger wheel looks, now its at engine TDC mark alinged, aligment mark is between two teeth. VR is set to rising edge. good?
With these settings on picture 2 i have strobed timing with 0 deg. cranking advance and its spot on with TDC after trigger  55 degreee set in vemstune.
Camsync is 1 teeth hall, falling edge.
If trigger tooth is 5 it looks like there is 30 teeth to TDC, thats 180degree and in setting i strobe TDC after trigger at 55degrees???

Triggerlog with 0 degree advance checed with timing light, used settings as on screenshot above:

Config from previous post, everything connected 1:1  ign00 out to cop1  ... inj_out00 to injector1 ...... :


Hello Lost,

Thats a lot of info but timing calibration takes all that out of the equation. If you forced timing to 0-0.25 degree with running engine (after initial rough calibration during cranking) and your timing mark lines up than you should be good to go. I have not reviewed your config in detail but i did see a definite difference between spark position in you last "2nd_log_with 0degree_advance_v3.3_u002183-2015-08-07-18.55.03.triggerlog" and previous "v3.3_u002183-2015-08-06-20.03.15.triggerlog" triggerlog of about 2 crank degrees.

Best regards, Dave


Thak you for help Dave.

Problem is that only diffrence between 1st and 2nd trigger log is that on second, crank timing is set to 0deg.
And i used cop connector from cyl3 for timing light then changed in cofig to become cyl1 ignition. So i can use timing light because it is difficult to get to actual cop on cyl1  :)
I did not touch anything in trigger setting, or adjused TDC.

You wrote: " from triggerlog it seems your ignition timing calibration is off, your vemslog shows 8 deg cranking degree configured, your triggerlog show spark around 0-2 deg BTDC; did you verify engine timing with timing light ?"

I dont know how to read triggerlog, now with 0 degree cranking ignition is triggerlog correct?
And why it would be if i did not changed anything excepet swithched 8deg cracking to 0.

Should primary VR be set to falling edge becouse timing mark is between tooth?


Hello Lost,

Don't worry about reading the triggerlog in both cases your triggerlog is good do not adjust trigger polarity, but when people state there is some problem with misfire i try to estimate if it might be caused by some base timing calibration offset (or not calibrated at all) in your case it seemed a bit off.

But lets not complicate things and take it one step at a time, i still do not have a definitive answer on -> did you calibrate the engine base timing using:
Quote from: VEMS on August 08, 2015, 08:23:26 AM
If you forced timing to 0-0.25 degree with running engine (after initial rough calibration during cranking) and your timing mark lines up with a dumb non adjustable timing light triggering from the (temporary placed) ignition lead between cop coil and spark plug ?

Best regards, Dave


Hello Dave.

Here is triggerlog, now its directly from cop#1 (wire between cop and sparkplug) 0 degree crank timing

And here is log with  engine running on its own power with  0 degree crank and run (ignition) andvance, tested with timing light while running and mark at crankshaft aligns 100%.
Timing light is connected to cop1.....

I also made video with phone  ;D

On  first engine i had two cylinders up in individual power when compared to other four, and Matthias told me in this thread that maybe there is offset between cyls, and  if i make 120 degree markings on crankshaft two would hit timing mark and one wont. Now with this engine i dont have that problem. And its same as old one, same sensors harness... And i get small missfires especialy when engine is hot. on head 4-5-6 that has cam sensor on it.

edit: I have checked timing belt on both heads,and injectors are new and cop harness is tested.
Now il put back cam covers and intake and test it again.