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Alfa 2.0 V6 turbo

Started by lost, April 27, 2009, 04:48:36 PM

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Top two fuses are COP for left and right head, on other fuses it reads steady 13.6v on cop fuses it shows random values.. +12 is from same source/relay...
they are connected to stepper output 1+1, one ground is on cyl head, second is at ECU ground.

Any info how to check COP?
They all got spark


You trigger signal looks good, no obvious problem at the missing teeth so polarity should be fine. But the symptom you have is the same as when the polarity is wrong.. strange.

With the engine running, check the individual power gauge and remove one injector connector at a time to find the cylinder pair with the issues.


Did you see "ghost" wheelspeed signal (not connected) ?

could you tell me if    injector order / cop order / 400deg. angle curve is ok?

Just uploaded new config to vems with boost selenid enabled and it goes fine, no missfires when it reaches boost like before maybe i had bad fuel problem or something fixed itself :)  ???

  "individual power" diefference remains, what it does to injection overfuel?

Does anyone have best settings for boost selenoid from shop and simplified settings  for 870cc siemens injectors?




Yes, I saw the ghost signal. Not sure what it means, it shouldn't matter as it is not used in your setup.

The injection angle of 400 only makes sense when you isolate the cyl 1 in the ignition table. The corresponding injector should open on the same line in the injector table. It doesn't matter much to the running of a pretty much stock engine like this, with more radical cams and valve overlap it starts to matter more.

Plot "current VE" and "EGO corrected VE" on top of each other and you should reach a good tune in no time.  Make sure you use "egoCorrGauge" as descriptor for both, easier to watch them overlaid on top of each other. This should be default, but it is not.

Your difference in "individual power" refers to ignition. I'm afraid if you make accurate marks 120 degrees apart on the damper or wherever you use a timing light, then if you lock the ignition one of the cylinder pairs will be offset - this is normally due to the VR sensor polarity. But in your case, this seems not to be the case but I would investigate anyhow. It's easy enough, 20 teeth apart you can make good marks and then lock the ignition. You can easily calculate how many degrees the ignition is offset, simple math, use the numbers from the individual power gauge at a specific rpm.

I don't have "best" settings for your injectors or boost solenoid, I think a guide should be written..


So what i want to to with injector angle? put it to 720 or someting?

Is this ok?
1-4-2-5-3-6  with camsync, it should be in sync now?
stepper B =1&5
stepper C =4&3
stepper A =2&6



really need info on injection angle :)


Inj angle means how much degrees injector closes (end of injection) before TDC of compression stroke end. Something like 400deg for injecting on closed valve. Less - if you want inject through opened valve.



My log:

Problem is that i need to try to start engine three times and blip throttle, before it stays running when engine is cold.

What do I need to change?


Engines rarely start or idle without air. Consider raising your "IAC duty while cranking" for both cold and hot engine by a lot.
You're using way more cranking enrichment than normal, which should be obvious if you compare with other peoples config files. It could be that your "cranking VE %" is way off, it should be fixed (raised) instead of raising the values in the cranking enrichment table.
More afterstart enrichment is probably needed too, pulsewidth looks short at the end, using more cycles for afterstart (most likely) will help and you probably need overall more afterstart enrichment at that coolant temp (10 C).
Your IAC PWM reference curve looks funny. It's extremely unlikely that you require the same duty cycle from 10 C and up unless you rely on the PID regulation to do the job which is not an optimal solution in and in itself.

If you bring up your datalog with the proper variables this is all quite apparent, but I guess it takes a trained eye  to know what to look for.


If it starts but don't stays running and don't follow throttle, you also need to review your warmup curve and acc. enricment.
Warmup seems low for 15 and 26deg. For acceleration you can put much higher values for cold enrichment. And reshape dTPS curve. At low TPS speed you need less fuel, at fast - much more.
I usually use longer afterstart enrichment values.



Thansk for info.
Made changes as suggested and it starts perfectly.

One mere question , in RPM/MAP MAP corr table all values are 100, does this table needs to be filled with zeros?


That table has no effect unless you run Alpha-N with MAP correction, which you don't.
However  "100" is a good default if you use this feature, as it means = 100% = no change.



Hi, i just opened my old log file in new version of vemstune and now i see "real cyl order" function.
What would happen i i changed "REAL CYLINDER ORDER" to 1-4-2-5-3-6 in both ignition and injector outputs. Would offset / fire order relative to trigger wheel change ( fuel injectet or spark at different time?)


The "real cylinder order" is a display only function for making the user experience easier.

If you made notes about the wiring,  which cylinder injector and coil go to which pin, then it is easier to input that in the tables  if you can actually see the cylinder numbers in the software.  It changes the header display of each column in the injector and ignition output tables, nothing else. It has no idea which cylinder order you have, which is why you must select the one you have to make sense of what you see.


i have edited posts to simplify things....

Now you can see that stepper output B is cyl 1&5....
Injectors are connected as in vems pinout, 1-6 (0-5) nothing special...
Trigger wheel has been verified with timing light. with ignition outputs like that.

And i had two individual cylinder power higher than others. (maybe bad coils?)

should be like this for 1-4-2-5-3-6 with camsyinc and COPS..?

Thank you for info.