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Alfa 2.0 V6 turbo

Started by lost, April 27, 2009, 04:48:36 PM

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Here is my vems log. 1.1.74 using edited config from Matthias.

Engine is runs strange, lots of vibrations. still sittig in garage, timing belt is replaced, timing rechecked with light... Lambda is 1 but it sounds strange.
Spark plugs are black. None of them was wet.


I recived coils today, so i want to try them (all ready made harness for them)
I was told to use stepper outputs A B and C to drive them in wasted spark configuration.

What is recomended dwell for these coils 2ms?

And someone suggested to use resistor between trigger wires from two coils ( connected to one stepper output) and vems.
Is it need or not. My schematic is above...



I'm not sure on the useage of the coils, but I'd use 500 Ohm resistors in series on the wire to each trigger input on the coils.
Start out with 2 ms dwell, they are killed easily with too much dwell. If your engine runs alright with 2 ms, then don't increase it.

Your uploaded log file didn't work out right.  Make sure to compress it to a zip file to make it easier to upload.


When will you have time take a look.

I'l try to measure resistance on input on coil and post it. To see if it would work without resistors or not.


Single coil is around 390ohm between pin 2 and 3. (Vw 4pin active cop 115r)
If they are connected in parallel (2 coils on stepper A output) it would be around 195ohm "load" on stepper A output.
Would it be safe, any info, tips. Whats the best resistance to use on stepper...


The coil pack connections:
Pin 1: Connects to Pin 1 on all other coils and then to +12v ignition feed (or fuel pump relay).
Pin 2: Signal ground (connect to ground at MegaSquirt's ground)
Pin 3: Spark Signal from ECU (ign output without power transistor  or logic level )
Pin 4: Power ground (Engine Earth)


Each stepper output can drive 1A of load, so it's not a problem. These coils are meant to be driven by logic-level signals so they don't require high amperage like a passive coil. We're talking mA draw here, 60 mA for two coils.

I was more thinking of how you were to go about creating a logic-level signal, my bad.


No problem. Thanks for answer.

Mr_G told te that he has 2coils (vag 115r) on A stepper and 2 coil on B. Wasted spark. Directley, without resistors, and it works...


COP's are now connected to VEMS stepper outputs (see picture at the top)

Im using Vemstune and 1.1.74 FW

Im not sure how to change ignition settings.
Stepper B =  1&5 (coil for cyl.)
Stepper C = 4&3
Stepper A = 2&6



Seems like a good start. I would get an extension wire (ignition cable) for the coils so that you can connect a strobe light and check the timing and ignition order.

Do NOT power the injectors until you know for certain that the ignition is firing correctly.



That does not matter. Timing should be what you have in the ignition advance table, or basically what the ignition advance gauge is telling you.

Be aware that there can be a number of features that alter the ignition advance away from what the  table reads at any particular load site.

Use the timing light to roughly (+/- 10 degree) calibrate the "TDC after the trigger" value in the primay trigger settings dialog. Once the engine is running with a healthy VE tune at idle/low load (free revving) do a careful calibration of that value.


Car works with stock dizzy ignition system, and TDC is set with timing light to be 44deg with crank advance.
Would it stay at 44deg with COPs installed if everything is connected  ok, and vems configured?
