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200sx with a Ka24de(t)

Started by Niclas_AB, April 17, 2009, 05:26:29 PM

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I don't think I'll be running so much boost this season, maybe 1bar. As this Is my first "bigger" build I need to take it slowly forward as I know problems will accour on the way.
I also needs to replace the gearbox and some other parts before I can turn the boost up high.
But I've seen that the people in US boost's this engines to 2.5-3bars  ;D with even larger turbos, so there will be boost before redline but do realise the powerband will be somewhat  ::)narrow


Now I've got the thing running with 0,6bars of boost  ;D Pulls about the same as my old ca18det did with 1bar, and the turbo doesn't feel that big at al! Lots of powerband left when you shift to the next gear.
Will try to put up a log next week.


Now I got some loggs for you. Please have a look and comment. Running a bit rich, I think the acc enrichment is a bit to much.
The turbo feels really nice even if it's big. I have 0,6bar at about 4000rpm  and then slowly reach 0,75bar at 6200rpm where i let of, this was done in third gear. Hit 70% duty cycle with lambda 0.82.


Maybe you need the .msq to:


You dont run WOT at any time in the log, then its a bit aghhhhhh, to check for fullboost   ;)
working on the boxer


Yeah ;D I did notice that to after a while, as the TPS is callibrated my foot must have been really lazy ???
Anyway I don't think 91% or 100% will do so much difference?


hey this is nice!

so you got it working with 1.1.44? any hints on whats makes it go nuts sometimes? either sparks are jumping like crazy or pulsewiths go nuts for me when i try something other than 1.1.18 or 23 or was it 27??

no egt? would be very intersted in that... every car i touch seems to fire away over 1000c at light load

more pics and vids please  ;D


The car is for the moment under reconstruction, as usually. Couldn't resist the temptation so I have removed the wastegate and took out the spring and measured it. If I did my math right the new spring should put me at about 1.3bar ;D
Will try to find someone with a videorecorder when i get it back together.
If you want you can download my msq file somewhere above in this thread and have a look at it, 1.1.44 have been working excellent so far for me :)
I have bought a EGT sensor but I haven't installed it yet, it's on my todo list. Will keep you updated as the project moves on.


Some news then :)
Have put everything back together and also hooked up the tachometer. Went for som testdriving but haven't been able to map for the higher boost yet. But al I can say is WOW, big differense!

At about 4000rpm the boost just explodes and i had to let of at 1 bar. According to the logg I have 0,8bar just before 3500rpm in 5th gear, I'm really impressed with this turbo.

Traction is beginning to be a bit of a problem :( I get wheelspin in third gear now, luckely I have found some new wider wheels but I have to convert to 5-bolt first.



Bit of an update again.
Blew my headgasket some weeks ago, think it was just some days after I last wrote here.
But now it's been replaced by a cometic MLS that seems to be working good, put about 250-300km on it now without any problems.
I also did alot of other stuff while I couldn't drive the car.
Installed one watertemp gauge and one oiltemp gauge, and also a VEMS LCD display, but I need the to resistors to finnish that.
Also installed the cars original watertemp meter and oilpressure sensor.
I also ported the wastegate holes in the collector, so now I have a stable 1.2bar boost instead of the 1.5+bar I had before. But a boost controller valve also was installed so I will soon be boosting more again.
First I have to upgrade my fuelsystem tho, seems like my injectors are running at 82% duty cycle and more already at the 1.2bars.
So I have ordered some 1600cc injectors and a second fuelpump will be going in.
I also found a z32 gearbox for a nice price, so I will be uppgrading to that one later, probably not this year tho.


Hmm, i think you need a much bigger air filter!  ;D

Ignition? what is that thing?


Maybe I will need a bigger airfilter at some point, it could be fun to see how far you can go with that one. Can't really fit any bigger airfilter under the hood in any easy way :-[.
I'm running  a MSD Dis4, it's a 4-channel CDI ignition. As I have learned(please correkt me if I'm wrong) The CDI unit stores the spark energy and send It more as an impulse of about 450v to the ignitioncoils, instead of that you put 12v to the igntioncoil and build up the spark enery there. Nice when you want to adjust the ignition with a timing gun as you can clamp around the cables that goes to the ignitioncoil directly  :D


Update time.
Did some pressure testing of my system and as expected I had some leaks. First one i found was on the intake manifold, bad gasket. Next was more of a surprise, my wastegate was leaking alot, turned out it had cracked! so I replaced, but then the boost went down to 1bar  >:( the leak acted as a boostraiser.
Also hade a small leak on one weld on a pressure pipe. Everything fixed now.
Also done a 5-lug conversion in the rear, and put some wider rims on with 235/40 yokohama advan neova's.
Also put some z32 calipers and discs in the rear  :)
After that I got the boost valve working after some minor problems, so now the boost is up to 1.4bar ;D
But the EGT temp is way to high, need to run some more timing!
It's quite fun to drive the car now  ;D
Old brakes/wheels:

New brakes wheels: