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Skyline R33 GTR RB26 + Vems

Started by dundersmurfen, April 10, 2009, 05:16:04 PM

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So, installed vems in my skyline... got tired of the nissan ecu that didnt pass emissions test. Vemsed it up and like it more now than ever. Oh, it passed that emissions test, no problems  :D

All i did was cut the wires out of the nissan loom, and plugged them right into the vems connector. changed trigger disc in cas to Robs one 24+1  ;D
did some new wiring to the cops to get rid of the power transistor, and changed the iat sensor. oh, yea plugged in the bosch wideband sensor.

sorry to say there are a few annoying things... seems like theres 3 deegres ignition missing all the time... cannot get it working at all with firmware other than 1.1.23. too bad as i like the nice features in 1.1.44 or so

[email protected]

Good to see you got it working, I've never had any Nissan working on anything other that 1.1.18 so I'm not sure what the 3degree retard would be about.  Is it showing 3deg less on the MegaTune screen or when you strobe the timing?


Why is it that its not working with newer firmware?

Is it not just the ref tooth table that needs to be filed in?, not that i know what to write in that  :'(

working on the boxer


There seems to be something specific that goes wrong with all my installs, maybe its that firmware, but that was all i had when i first started. Tried with a few new firmware releases, but something messes up the timing real bad, jumps around maybe 30 40 degrees strobed.

In this case its 3 degrees missing from spark table to actual timing (vems gauge). but its stays like that so... another install in ca18 misses 1 degree.

Going for som mechanical upgrades, gt45, big ic, clutch, 1000cc injectors... just for fun  ;D

Later when hardware is in i'll look back on vems and try to get it working properly, it runs just fine as is, better than that nismo chipped ecu anyway. Really want it to be a nice and smoth ride, working aac idle control, and boost.

This thought came to me... maybe im doing it all wrong, theres no point in trying to get this car economical, running slighty lean... That makes it hard to get acc enrich working nicely throughout the range, it needs alot when cruising, running lean... When driving it harder it wont like that huge accenrich since its already running rich... Maybe cruising should be done at .95 lambda instead of 1.05-1.1...



theres my new gt45, its a sweeet thing ;D spools better than i expected, gives boost from 3000, at 4300 full boost. the noise it makes is... well it makes me very happy.

one thing that actually works better than i expected is my own 4" ex system, its totally silent, which is nice since the thing i want to listen to is the turbo.

still missing 4 degrees timing, but now with fw 1.1.18.


RB engines use a belt right?

I know its tensioned tight but could the 3 degrees be belt stretch?
CA18 should be cam chain so no stretch there really. Or maybe 1degrees worth?


No my problem is software based. Spark gauge shows less timing than spark table. It must be that ive missed some setting that affects timing. Now ive disabled launch and als and knock action by setting their retard values to 0.. going to check it out later.


Do let us know, I get concerned with all this talk of spark drift on new firmwares.


Quote from: dundersmurfen on July 23, 2009, 05:14:50 PM
No my problem is software based. Spark gauge shows less timing than spark table. It must be that ive missed some setting that affects timing. Now ive disabled launch and als and knock action by setting their retard values to 0.. going to check it out later.
maybee MAT retard?


hmm, yep mat retard was enabled. strange... never seen that before oh well one step in the right direction. now im only missing 1 degree, is that as good as it gets?


ignition based idle control?


that is disabled also. but now theres just 1 degree missing, i can almost live with that, almost.


Is the 1deg timing drift or just config needing adjustment?


its like this, my spark table has a big flat area with 12 as ign timing in the idle area, so there is only one value that can be calculated since every box next to this one has value 12. but still spark gauge says 11.

with timing gun i cant really see 11 or 12 its not that precise. so this is mostly annoying, probably makes no difference.

so either im still missing some setting, or this is as good as it gets...
